Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

10 Best Episodes of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - Season 6

Since its premiere on NBC in 1999, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit has aired 25 seasons of gripping, suspenseful, and often emotionally charged investigations into some of the most heinous felonies. This long-running series has built a reputation as one of the best crime dramas on television, captivating audiences with its intense, realistic storylines. With so many incredible episodes to choose from, it's no wonder that Law & Order: Special Victims Unit has remained a fan favorite for so long. In this article, we'll be ranking the best episodes of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, looking at some of the show's most memorable and memorable moments.

From the heartbreaking cases to the intense and dramatic courtroom scenes, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit has been responsible for some of the most gripping television of all time. From the show's earliest days to its most recent season, there have been some truly incredible episodes that have stood out from the rest. We'll be looking at some of the most memorable and impactful episodes of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, ranked from best to worst.

From the iconic characters to the intense investigations, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit has made its mark on television as one of the best crime dramas ever. With so many great episodes to choose from, it can be difficult to pick out the best of the best. We'll be looking at some of the most acclaimed episodes of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, ranking the best episodes from the show's 25 season run.

Written by Sophie and last updated on jun 26, 2024.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - S6E1

#15 - Birthright (Season 6 - Episode 1)

The investigation into the attempted kidnapping of a six year old girl uncovers a fertility doctor's scheme to steal embryos, and prompts a custody battle between the child's biological and birth mothers.

The episode was rated 7.63 from 245 votes.

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - S6E13

#14 - Quarry (Season 6 - Episode 13)


When the body of a seven-year-old child is found, the squad again begins to investigate convicted serial killer Lucas Biggs, believing that he molested and murdered the boy. While Biggs can detail every child he ever molested, he swears that he has no memory of this one. Further investigations show that there is another suspect, but before he can be picked up, someone picks him off.

The episode was rated 7.63 from 213 votes.

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - S6E9

#13 - Weak (Season 6 - Episode 9)

After arguing with Benson about their personal lives, Stabler enlists the help of a former cop turned psychiatrist in apprehending a serial rapist and murderer who attacks disabled women.

The episode was rated 7.67 from 223 votes.

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - S6E20

#12 - Night (I) (Season 6 - Episode 20)


After a young woman is found raped and murdered near a nightclub with five hundred dollars stuffed into her mouth, Benson and Stabler follow the fingerprint trail on the money to Attorney Jason Whitaker, whose sole responsibility seems to be handling the trust for the Duvall family. Soon detectives are convinced that Gabriel Duvall is their rapist, but don't have quite enough evidence to put him away. ADA Novak is working on both the case and a terrified former victim when she is brutally attacked in her office late at night. The crossover continues on Law & Order: Trial by Jury S01:E11 Day (II).

The episode was rated 7.68 from 215 votes.

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - S6E22

#11 - Parts (Season 6 - Episode 22)

After a woman's head is found in a car junkyard, the detectives track it down to the black market.

The episode was rated 7.68 from 215 votes.

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - S6E19

#10 - Intoxicated (Season 6 - Episode 19)


When Denise Eldridge finds her fifteen-year-old daughter Carrie in bed with twenty-one-year-old Justin, she immediately calls police to have Justin charged with statuatory rape. Benson intercedes on behalf of Carrie, calling a children's rights lawyer to assist her, but when Denise turns up dead, Carrie and Justin both end up on the suspect list. Benson tries to get some help from Simone Bryce, but Bryce is obligated to protect her client.

The episode was rated 7.71 from 218 votes.

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - S6E11

#9 - Contagious (Season 6 - Episode 11)

After a car accident a nine-year-old girl is examined and it's found she's been sexually abused. Out of fear and desperation, the girl blames her soccer coach for molesting her. Soon a slew of other girls claim they also have been raped by the same coach. During the investigation, Benson has to try keeping Stabler from falling apart as his wife has left him.

The episode was rated 7.71 from 220 votes.

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - S6E23

#8 - Goliath (Season 6 - Episode 23)


After the wife of a police officer claims her husband raped her, Benson and Stabler arrest the man and come close to believing his version of events when he attacks his captain. When another officer murders his wife and attempts to kill himself that same night, the whole force gets involved and soon realises that the two men both recently returned home from Afghanistan, where they were given the drug Quinium, an anti-malarial. With the reluctant help of reporter Sherm Hempell and a base doctor with an attack of conscience, Novak takes on the U.S. army. Stabler has trouble with the case because of his history in the marines.

The episode was rated 7.73 from 206 votes.

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - S6E17

#7 - Rage (Season 6 - Episode 17)

Fourteen years ago, Stabler had a chance to nail Gordon Rickett for the abduction, rape and murder of Dana MacNamara, but Rickett managed to get off. With the recent discovery of the body of Kerry Lynn Palmer, Stabler has another chance at cracking the case. They can only hold Rickett for twenty-four hours, but are able to glean enough information during that time period to at least have a place to start. Cragen and Benson both worry that Stabler will let his hatred for the suspected child molester interfere with his ability to do his job.

The episode was rated 7.77 from 211 votes.

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - S6E10

#6 - Haunted (Season 6 - Episode 10)


Fin is reunited with his own son as he risks his life to save two small children, one caught in the middle of a bodega robbery and the other from the junkie who set the child's mother up for murder and then stole him to use as a front in her scheme to boost materials for her meth lab.

The episode was rated 7.79 from 234 votes.

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - S6E7

#5 - Charisma (Season 6 - Episode 7)

A career con artist, forger and thief turns to murder and serial pedophilia to populate the cult he created and to get his hands on a multi-million dollar trust fund. The detectives have trouble getting any leads because no one in the cult is saying anything, not even their names.

The episode was rated 7.84 from 227 votes.

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - S6E12

#4 - Identity (Season 6 - Episode 12)


Complications ensue in the investigation of a Stone Cold Assassins gangbanger who fell off a building after the victim that he tried to rape bit him in self-defense when the vic's twin sister cops to the crime, seemingly impossible due to the evidence until the secrets regarding the sister's true genetic identity are revealed.

The episode was rated 7.85 from 218 votes.

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - S6E4

#3 - Scavenger (Season 6 - Episode 4)

The entire squad races against the clock to solve the puzzles and uncover the clues scattered throughout the city by a serial killer who is taunting them to find him and the next victims on his list.

The episode was rated 7.88 from 259 votes.

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - S6E6

#2 - Conscience (Season 6 - Episode 6)


The detectives and the district attorney get played first by the teenage murderer of a young boy, and then by the victim's father, who uses his professional expertise to escape punishment for avenging his son's death.

The episode was rated 7.90 from 229 votes.

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - S6E16

#1 - Ghost (Season 6 - Episode 16)

The episode "Ghost" of the show Law & Order: Special Victims Unit brings back Alex Cabot to face her enemies. After a wealthy couple is found dead in their home, Benson and Stabler soon realise that their deaths are connected to a drug smuggling ring. The road eventually leads back to the same drug dealers who forced a former assistant district attorney into hiding. The return of Alex Cabot was welcomed by the fans of the show and Casey already gained her space. Although Novak's performance was fine, this episode highlighted for everyone that Cabot was the favorite.

The antagonist of the episode showed to be a pretty bad assassin. He failed to kill Cabot and even failed to kill a child at point-blank range. To make matters worse, he didn't even confirm the kill. Everyone was shocked by his incompetence, as it is impossible to mess up a job like that. All in all, this was a pretty good episode.

The episode was rated 8.10 from 223 votes.

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