NCIS is one of the longest-running crime drama series on CBS. It first aired in 2003 and is currently in its 22nd season. The show follows a team of special agents as they investigate military-related crimes. It has gained a large following and has been praised for its action-packed plotlines. For those looking to jump in, here are the best episodes of NCIS ranked.
The top NCIS episodes all feature exciting investigations with twists and turns that keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Additionally, many of them showcase the personal relationships between the agents and the criminals they're pursuing. From solving cases involving stolen submarines to terrorism, these episodes will keep you guessing until the very end.
From investigating a Navy officer's suspicious death to tracking down a terrorist organization, these NCIS episodes are sure to keep you hooked. Whether you're a long-time fan or a new viewer, these episodes are the perfect way to get into the show. So, read on and discover the best episodes of NCIS ranked.
Written by Sophie and last updated on dec 18, 2024.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
After a 50-year-old tape recording left by a murder victim is found, the NCIS team tries to exonerate Ray Jennings, the Marine serving a life sentence for the crime.
The episode was rated 7.74 from 1105 votes.
After a Navy lieutenant is found murdered in his hot tub, the team interviews several families in the victim’s peculiar neighborhood. Also, Torres must face the consequences after a volatile night out with Palmer.
The episode was rated 7.75 from 1156 votes.
The team’s holiday plans are put on hold when the murder investigation of a Navy veteran includes the discovery of a newborn baby who has no identification and no apparent ties to a family.
The episode was rated 7.75 from 1058 votes.
The NCIS team investigates the murder of a Marine Sergeant in the States who was hailed as a war hero for his efforts overseas. Also, Gibbs turns to Doctor Grace Confalone for advice after he uncharacteristically unravels and abandons his team at a crime scene investigation.
The episode was rated 7.77 from 1002 votes.
McGee reluctantly visits his high school after the unique computer password he used as a teenager is linked to the murder of a department of defense contractor. The case escalates when an intruder breaks into McGee’s home in an attempt to steal his archaic high school computer.
The episode was rated 7.78 from 1013 votes.
After NCIS arrives at a Halloween crime scene, Torres recognizes the victim as a friend from federal law enforcement training. Also, Jimmy thinks his lab is haunted by ghosts after objects keep mysteriously moving.
The episode was rated 7.78 from 1097 votes.
McGee and Bishop travel to Afghanistan after a murder case in the states is linked to a string of soldiers killed by friendly fire overseas. Also, Kasie leaves the lab and accompanies Torres into the field to process additional forensic evidence.
The episode was rated 7.79 from 1045 votes.
United States Secretary of Defense Wynn Crawford shuts down Gibbs' murder investigation and demands that Special Agents McGee and Torres be arrested for their actions in the case.
The episode was rated 7.80 from 1065 votes.
NCIS investigates the murder of a Marine Major believed to have been killed in the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon after human remains are discovered at a construction site. A personal history with the victim drives Gibbs to solve her crime.
The episode was rated 7.81 from 1038 votes.
One month after Director Vance was kidnapped, Gibbs is assigned the role of acting director in his absence while the team searches worldwide for his whereabouts.
The episode was rated 7.82 from 1206 votes.
Director Vance is notified by the Pentagon that the nuclear submarine Gibbs and Bishop are aboard to conduct a murder investigation has gone radio silent.
The episode was rated 7.85 from 1048 votes.
After NCIS finds a secret government bank account that’s funding a nationwide network of vigilante justice, the team must determine who is acting as judge and jury.
The episode was rated 7.86 from 1020 votes.
Former FBI Agent Tobias Fornell pleads with Gibbs to do whatever is necessary to take down drug dealers and suppliers in the area after his daughter, Emily Fornell, is hospitalized from an opiate overdose. Gibbs is haunted by the personal aspects of the case and his history with vigilante justice.
The episode was rated 7.93 from 1055 votes.
Torres relies on his team's investigative skills after he wakes up on a dilapidated fishing boat and is covered in blood and unable to remember the last 12 hours.
The episode was rated 7.96 from 1038 votes.
After a malnourished and confused 9-year-old is found hiding in a storage unit, NCIS reopens an old missing persons case when the girl is believed to be the daughter of a Navy recruit who disappeared 10 years ago. Also, Bishop discovers notes that Special Agent Ziva David kept on the case long after NCIS officially stopped investigating.
The episode was rated 8.03 from 1074 votes.
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