The Bear

10 Best Episodes of The Bear

Are you a foodie looking for a TV show that combines heartwarming family dynamics with mouthwatering sandwiches? Look no further than "The Bear"! This hidden gem follows the journey of Carmy, a talented chef who returns to his hometown of Chicago to revamp his family's sandwich shop. Get ready to be swept away by the heartwarming stories, delectable dishes, and unforgettable characters that make this show a must-watch.

"The Bear" is a delightful blend of culinary delights and personal growth. As Carmy works tirelessly to transform the sandwich shop, he finds himself surrounded by a diverse and colorful crew who quickly become his chosen family. From the tough-talking cook to the bubbly server, each character brings their own unique flavor to the table, making for a truly captivating viewing experience.

With two seasons of "The Bear" available on Hulu, you'll have plenty of episodes to binge-watch and savor. Whether you're a fan of heartwarming stories, delectable food, or simply enjoy a good family drama, this show has something for everyone. So grab your favorite sandwich and get ready to indulge in the heartwarming and delicious world of "The Bear"!

Written by Sophie and last updated on jul 26, 2024.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

The Bear - S2E2

#15 - Pasta (Season 2 - Episode 2)

In this episode of The Bear titled "Pasta," the crew takes on new challenges as they work towards their fresh vision. The stakes are high, with one character ominously warning, "Prepare to be out of a million dollars, dude." The show continues to impress with its economical storytelling and expert shots and framing. Even the smallest details, like the hesitancy of Jeff while giving his number to Claire, leave us curious. Did he intentionally change his number or was it a sad tiny mistake?

As the characters evolve, we see deeper layers and complexities. Ebra's struggle in an academic setting after showing talent and proficiency resonates with many of us who have experienced impostor syndrome. We hope he can overcome his doubts and come out stronger on the other side. Syd's attempt to explain her dream to her father, despite his desire for stability, gives us insight into her past and her mother's story. The Bear's signature style of leading conversations and revealing small details allows us to piece together the bigger picture ourselves.

Carm's love interest, who works in a similarly high-pressure profession, adds an interesting twist to the show. Will their connection hinder Carm's potential for greatness, similar to the movie Whiplash? The audience is left wondering. And Richie, simmering just beneath the surface, hints at unresolved issues with his partner/ex-partner. We eagerly anticipate when these conflicts will come to a boil.

"The Bear" continues to captivate audiences with its compelling characters and tight storytelling. With each episode, we're drawn further into the lives of these individuals. Christopher Storer & co have created a show that keeps us engaged and eager for more.

The episode was rated 7.68 from 1781 votes.

The Bear - S2E5

#14 - Pop (Season 2 - Episode 5)


In the latest episode of "The Bear" titled "Pop," the renovation takes a detour, leaving the characters in a state of disarray. As the storyline unfolds, viewers are treated to an incredible soundtrack that continues to elevate the show with each passing episode. Fans can't help but gush over the hilarious antics of the T-Mobile guy and the memorable "goodnight" scene that had everyone laughing. The relief felt when everything seemed to go well for Tina is palpable, but there's a sense of concern for Syd. Will her storyline take a turn for the worse?

Amidst the chaos, there's an undeniable adorableness that shines through. However, viewers are on edge, fearing for the well-being of Ebra. Any mishaps involving this beloved character would surely leave fans absolutely livid! Tina's journey takes a positive turn, allowing her to truly shine and showcasing her incredible character development. While fans root for Carm to find happiness, there's a growing unease about the way he's leaving Sydney feeling abandoned and alone.

As the season progresses, the show takes a more relaxed approach, allowing viewers to witness the characters as fully fleshed-out human beings rather than just chaotic individuals working in a kitchen. Molly Gordon's beauty is undeniable, captivating audiences with her presence. Yet, despite the show's calmer tone, fans can't shake the feeling that something truly dreadful is lurking around the corner. With concerns about Carm's recent behavior towards Sydney, viewers are left wondering what consequences await these characters in the episodes to come.

The episode was rated 7.69 from 1661 votes.

The Bear - S3E10

#13 - Forever (Season 3 - Episode 10)

In the episode "Forever" of the captivating show "The Bear," viewers are taken on an emotional rollercoaster as they attend yet another funeral. This somber event sets the tone for a storyline that delves into the intricate relationships between the characters, all against the backdrop of the culinary world.

Throughout the episode, the theme of restaurants and food takes center stage, paying homage to the significance of these elements in the characters' lives. As the characters navigate their personal struggles and triumphs, viewers are treated to a feast for the senses with tantalizing descriptions of dishes and the artistry of cooking.

Fans of the show will find themselves drawn deeper into the web of complexities that define the characters' lives. From unresolved conflicts to budding romances, the episode leaves us with more questions than answers, setting the stage for what promises to be an intense and fulfilling continuation in the next season. With standout performances and engaging chemistry between characters like Syd and Luca, "Forever" leaves viewers eagerly anticipating the next chapter in the lives of the beloved cast of "The Bear."

The episode was rated 7.73 from 579 votes.

The Bear - S3E2

#12 - Next (Season 3 - Episode 2)


In the latest episode of "The Bear," titled "Next," Carmy sets a new standard that has fans buzzing with excitement. The chaos continues to unfold in the restaurant, with high-strung emotions and intense back-and-forth interactions. As Carmen focuses on his craft, will his refusal to connect emotionally lead to consequences down the line?

The episode dives deep into Carmen's struggle to balance his passion for cooking with his personal relationships. Will his single-minded dedication to perfection ultimately leave him isolated, even if it means achieving culinary success? Viewers are left wondering if Carmen will realize the importance of finding harmony between his professional achievements and his connections with others.

Fans are on the edge of their seats, speculating on the potential tragedies that may befall the characters, especially with hints like the toothbrush left on a mug and reminders to take medication. As the distinct dialogue rhythms of the characters drive the narrative forward, viewers are captivated by the messy yet compelling lives portrayed in "The Bear." With each episode, the show continues to deliver engaging storytelling that keeps audiences invested in the characters' journeys.

The episode was rated 7.73 from 853 votes.

The Bear - S3E3

#11 - Doors (Season 3 - Episode 3)

In this gripping episode of "The Bear" titled "Doors," the staff finds themselves facing a relentless month of service, pushing them to their limits. Viewers are taken on a journey through the challenges and pressures of maintaining a high-end restaurant during a particularly demanding period. The tension is palpable as the team navigates the chaos and intensity of the service industry.

Fans of the show have expressed their own stress levels skyrocketing while watching this episode, with one viewer even humorously comparing the experience to an Orwellian dystopia, prompting a witty exchange among characters. The raw emotions and high-stakes drama in "Doors" serve as a reminder of the intense atmosphere that sets "The Bear" apart from other culinary-themed shows.

Despite the heightened drama, some eagle-eyed viewers couldn't help but question the realism of the restaurant's setup, pondering the existence of a sandwich window in a fine dining establishment. This attention to detail adds an extra layer of intrigue to the episode, inviting fans to dissect and discuss the show's portrayal of the restaurant industry. "Doors" leaves audiences on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating what twists and turns will unfold next in the world of "The Bear."

The episode was rated 7.74 from 792 votes.

The Bear - S3E1

#10 - Tomorrow (Season 3 - Episode 1)


In the mesmerizing episode "Tomorrow" of The Bear, viewers are taken on a visual journey through the next day and the days leading up to it. This installment transcends the typical boundaries of television, resembling a piece of cinematic art with its stunning colors, imagery, and music that speak volumes without relying heavily on dialogue. While some may perceive it as nothing much happening, those who delve deeper will find themselves enriched by the intricate character development, particularly in understanding the complexities of Carmy.

The handling of mental health in this episode is notably commendable, delving into Carmy's psyche with sensitivity and depth. The portrayal of trauma and its lingering impact resonates authentically, offering a nuanced exploration of human struggles. Viewers find themselves immersed in a narrative that doesn't shy away from the raw and challenging aspects of mental health, portraying Carmy as a multifaceted character shaped by her experiences.

"Tomorrow" stands out as a masterpiece that captivates audiences with its artistry and emotional depth. From its haunting beauty to its ability to evoke a range of emotions, this episode has left a lasting impression on viewers, drawing praise for its storytelling prowess and ability to engage on a profound level. As the first episode of a returning show, it sets a high standard, seamlessly weaving together past events, character development, and new revelations to reignite viewers' connection with the world of The Bear.

The episode was rated 7.75 from 1008 votes.

The Bear - S2E4

#9 - Honeydew (Season 2 - Episode 4)

In the latest episode of "The Bear" titled "Honeydew," Marcus takes on a new challenge. This episode has been described as really relaxing, allowing viewers to immerse themselves in the calm and balanced visual depiction. Unlike other shows, "The Bear" takes the time to let its characters grow, giving space to silences and moments in between. It's a refreshing approach that allows viewers to truly experience the journey alongside the characters.

One of the highlights of the episode is the introduction of new characters who play a significant role in the growth of Marcus. Will Poulter's outstanding performance perfectly matches the energy of Marcus, further enhancing the overall viewing experience. It's these little touches and attention to detail that make "The Bear" stand out from other shows.

While there may have been some criticism towards a certain plot point, overall impressions of the episode are positive. "The Bear" continues to captivate audiences with its unique storytelling and cinematic visuals. It's a show that allows viewers to escape into a world where parallel storylines can be imagined, creating a truly immersive experience.

The episode was rated 7.88 from 1737 votes.

The Bear - S3E6

#8 - Napkins (Season 3 - Episode 6)


In the episode "Napkins" of the TV show "The Bear," Tina finds herself in search of a new opportunity, setting the stage for a gripping narrative that delves into the uncertainty and challenges of job hunting. This episode, likened to a standout from season two, unfolds with a raw and relatable exploration of the modern-day job market.

As Tina navigates the turbulent waters of seeking employment, viewers are drawn into a poignant reflection of the harsh realities that come with job loss and the arduous process of finding a new path. The emotional rollercoaster of being let go without warning, facing discouraging recruitment methods, and grappling with the endless cycle of job applications resonates deeply with the audience.

One of the standout moments in "Napkins" is the heartfelt exchange between Tina and Mikey, a touching portrayal of the universal experience of simply striving to make ends meet and find purpose in the midst of uncertainty. The episode beautifully captures the essence of resilience and the poignant longing for stability and fulfillment in a world where the quest for a paycheck and a sense of belonging are ever-present themes. The unexpected unveiling of Tina's origin story adds a layer of depth to the narrative, leaving viewers captivated by the intriguing journey of self-discovery and growth.

The episode was rated 7.96 from 673 votes.

The Bear - S2E8

#7 - Bolognese (Season 2 - Episode 8)

Title: "The Bear: Bolognese Episode - A Feel Good Fire Suppression Test"

In the latest episode of the hit TV show "The Bear," titled "Bolognese," the crew finds themselves on the edge of their seats as they await a crucial fire suppression test. With the stakes high and tensions mounting, this episode promises to keep viewers captivated from start to finish.

Amidst the anticipation, viewers are treated to some delightful moments of comedic relief. In one hilarious scene, a character gestures for a shot off a Pepto bottle, uttering the words, "Hit me!" This unexpected turn of events adds a touch of lightheartedness to the intense atmosphere, leaving audiences laughing and craving more.

Additionally, fans of the show will be thrilled by the introduction of a new and improved Richie. With his quick wit and sharp tongue, Richie's character development in this episode is truly a highlight. One viewer even expressed their admiration, stating, "Yeah, a funeral of all my enemies. I love the new Richie." It's clear that the writers have taken Richie's character to new heights, making this episode a must-watch for fans of his charming persona.

"The Bear: Bolognese" is also being hailed as one of the best "Feel Good Episodes" of the year. With heartwarming moments and a sense of camaraderie among the crew, this installment is sure to leave viewers with a smile on their faces. One fan raved, "This episode is just basically everyone complementing Richie on his suit, I love it!" It's a testament to the show's ability to create uplifting content that resonates with the audience.

And finally, the ending of this episode is guaranteed to leave viewers feeling happy and satisfied. One viewer summed it up perfectly, expressing, "Bruhh, ending made me so happy." Without giving away any spoilers, it's safe to say that this episode concludes on a high note, leaving fans eagerly anticipating what's to come in future episodes of "The Bear."

In "Bolognese," the crew's do-or-die fire suppression test, combined with moments of humor, character development, and an overall feel-good atmosphere, creates an episode that is sure to entertain and delight fans of "The Bear" and newcomers alike. So grab your popcorn and settle in for an unforgettable TV experience.

The episode was rated 8.07 from 1658 votes.

The Bear - S2E9

#6 - Omelette (Season 2 - Episode 9)


In the latest episode of The Bear, titled "Omelette," the anticipation reaches its peak as the final preparations are made for the restaurant's highly anticipated first service. Excitement fills the air as the staff at The Bear gear up for a night that could make or break their culinary dreams. But amidst all the buzz, there seems to be a lingering issue with the fridge. Oh no, what could possibly go wrong?

Despite the fridge hiccup, things are looking up for The Bear. Viewers are buzzing with anticipation, eagerly waiting to see how the team will overcome this obstacle and deliver an unforgettable dining experience. With each passing moment, the anticipation grows, and the stakes are higher than ever. Will The Bear live up to its potential and leave its mark on the culinary world?

This episode of The Bear has received rave reviews from viewers who are captivated by the show's gripping storyline and relatable characters. With its nonstop affirmations and constant feelgoodery, this series has a Ted Lasso-esque charm that keeps viewers hooked. However, some fans have been left puzzled by a mysterious shot in the opening sequence. Despite rewinding, pausing, and staring at it, the true meaning remains elusive. Can anyone shed some light on this enigma?

And let's not forget about that mouthwatering omelette that has everyone's taste buds tingling. The omelette has become a talking point among fans, leaving them craving a delicious breakfast treat. Will the omelette play a crucial role in the episode's climax? Tune in to find out! The Bear promises an exciting and satisfying episode that will leave viewers hungry for more.

The episode was rated 8.16 from 1628 votes.

The Bear - S2E6

#5 - Fishes (Season 2 - Episode 6)

Get ready for an episode of The Bear that is guaranteed to leave you speechless. In "Fishes," the show takes on the theme of Feast of the Seven Fishes, and it promises to be an absolute spectacle. With Jamie Lee Curtis gracing our screens, it's no wonder fans are already buzzing about her potential Emmy win. Get ready to witness an incredible performance that will have you on the edge of your seat.

This episode of The Bear is not only a must-watch, but it has the potential to become a new holiday tradition. Forget about the usual Christmas movies; "Fishes" offers a compelling and captivating storyline that will keep you hooked from start to finish. Brace yourself for an emotional rollercoaster that will tug at your heartstrings and leave you wanting more.

While "Fishes" may be difficult to watch at times, its brilliance cannot be denied. The episode is a masterclass in television storytelling, showcasing the superb acting skills of Jamie Lee Curtis and the entire cast. Prepare yourself for an episode that will evoke every emotion imaginable. From heart-wrenching moments to awe-inspiring performances, "Fishes" is a true testament to the power of great television.

With comments like "OMG! Marvelous Episode that triggered every emotion possible," it's clear that "Fishes" is a standout episode that demands attention. Fans are even rallying for Jamie Lee Curtis to take home an Emmy for her outstanding portrayal. If Bob Odenkirk can't snag an Emmy for Saul, then let's rally together to ensure he gets the recognition he deserves for this incredible performance. So grab some popcorn and get ready to dive into the mesmerizing world of "Fishes," an episode of The Bear that will leave you in awe.

The episode was rated 8.21 from 1966 votes.

The Bear - S1E7

#4 - Review (Season 1 - Episode 7)


In this gripping episode of "The Bear," tensions reach an all-time high as a bad day in the kitchen unfolds. What sets this episode apart is the unique approach taken by the creators - there are no cuts once you're in the restaurant. The entire episode is shot in one continuous take, showcasing the incredible technical ability and planning that went into its creation.

Viewers were left in awe of the dynamic and stressful atmosphere that was brilliantly captured. The storytelling, technical ability, and editing seamlessly combine to create a masterclass on what a good piece of television should be like. It's no wonder that this episode has been hailed as one of the best of the year, with many viewers proclaiming it as their favorite.

As the tension builds, the 20 minutes fly by, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats. The episode received high praise, even earning a rare perfect score from some critics. The stellar performances and the portrayal of Sydney, a character who is both incredibly arrogant and off-putting, add to the intensity of the episode. With its compelling storytelling and flawless execution, this episode of "The Bear" stands out as a standout moment in television.

The episode was rated 8.35 from 2290 votes.

The Bear - S1E8

#3 - Braciole (Season 1 - Episode 8)

In the latest episode of "The Bear" titled "Braciole," things take an unexpected turn and chaos ensues. Our protagonist, Carmy, finds himself faced with a difficult decision that could change everything. This episode is filled with numerous small moments that carry great meaning. From the sitcom-style beginning that captures the suffocating feeling of anxiety to Carmy's powerful speech at AA, this series truly understands the impact of emotions on our lives.

One particularly insightful moment comes when Carmy expresses his longing for validation and approval from his brother. This revelation prompts us to reflect on how the lack of recognition can have a cascading effect on our well-being. "Braciole" is a deeply introspective and bonding episode that will leave you captivated.

What sets "The Bear" apart from other shows is its refusal to rely on cheap romance as a plot device. Instead, it explores different facets of life, showcasing themes of death, love, happiness, and their varying forms. There is a quiet beauty in the scene where Carmy cleans The Beef, a moment that slows down the rhythm and allows us to reflect. And who could forget the heartwarming scene where Carmy finds comfort in talking to a video game? It's a reminder that peace can be found in unexpected places.

With its season finale, "The Bear" delivers a surprising and satisfying conclusion. Viewers are treated to a plot twist that they never saw coming, resulting in a truly epic ending. This show is a wonderful surprise that will keep you hooked from start to finish. Take our advice and give "The Bear" a watch - you won't regret it!

The episode was rated 8.37 from 2120 votes.

The Bear - S2E10

#2 - The Bear (Season 2 - Episode 10)


In the season finale of "The Bear," titled "Friends & Family Night," we witness a rollercoaster of emotions as the characters come together and showcase their growth and capabilities. However, amidst the celebration, we also witness the devastation experienced by Carmy. As the restaurant runs smoothly without him, Carmy finds himself alone, feeling cold and succumbing to his insecurities, inadvertently ruining his relationship with Claire. The complexity lies in the fact that Carmy isn't entirely wrong - his focus on Claire did take him away from the restaurant. Yet, Claire also brought out the best in him. Will Carmy find the right balance and repair the damage caused? Season 3 cannot come soon enough.

The finale of "The Bear" delivered a perfect ending to an incredible season. We were transported back to the stressful kitchen, experiencing the emotions of their opening night. While the fridge issue played a central role, the way it unfolded took us by surprise. Carmy's downfall was inevitable, given his neglect of Syd, the crew, and the restaurant. Being locked inside the fridge allowed him to come to terms with the choices he made and gain self-awareness. Unfortunately, it also resulted in the deterioration of his relationship with Claire. On a positive note, Ritchie stepped into a role that suits him perfectly, and we hope to see more of his character development in the future.

"The Bear" has left its viewers in awe and yearning for more. The final episode's impact on the characters and their relationships has us eagerly anticipating the next season. We are particularly intrigued by Carmy's mom, Deedee, and her mysterious persona. Additionally, we hope to learn more about Ebra, who was noticeably absent this season. The death of Marcus' mom has left us heartbroken and curious about the impact it will have on his character and artistry. The finale of "The Bear" has undeniably left a lasting impression, and we cannot wait to see what the future holds for these beloved characters.

The episode was rated 8.59 from 1779 votes.

The Bear - S2E7

#1 - Forks (Season 2 - Episode 7)

In the latest episode of "The Bear" titled "Forks," Richie takes center stage. This episode has quickly become a fan favorite, with viewers praising it as one of the best of the season. Filled with hope and redemption, it's the perfect antidote for those feeling down.

Richie, a beloved character, steals the show in "Forks." Fans can't get enough of his charm and relatability. And there's an extra treat for all the Swifties out there, as Richie's love for Taylor Swift adds an extra layer of enjoyment to the episode. It's like the cherry on top of an already delicious cake.

Fans are raving about "Forks," calling it a pure masterpiece. It's a timely episode that resonates deeply with those going through tough times. The heartfelt storyline and well-executed production have struck a chord with viewers, leaving a lasting impact. It's no wonder many consider it the best episode of the season.

If you're in need of a pick-me-up or simply want to indulge in a top-notch episode, "Forks" is a must-watch. Join Richie on his journey of hope and redemption, and discover why this episode has captured the hearts of fans. Don't miss out on this unforgettable TV experience.

The episode was rated 8.64 from 1942 votes.

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