The complex world of our bravest military heroes who make personal sacrifices while executing the most challenging and dangerous missions behind enemy lines.
Written by Sophie and last updated on sep 12, 2022.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
The team heads to Russia when C.I.A. Officer Cassie Archer is attacked by rebels in the area. Patricia and her team work to learn why Archer is so important for the rebels to take out and Noah reveals an unexpected connection to the case.
The episode was rated 7.70 from 1691 votes.
An American traitor who turned to terrorism becomes integral in preventing the next attack on U.S. soil. When the only interrogator who can do the job is brought in to stop the attack, there is an unexpected breach in the prison where Dalton is stationed.
The episode was rated 7.71 from 1385 votes.
As the team heads to Paris on a mission connected to Amir's undercover past, things get more personal than they would like. With stakes as high as ever, the unit learns more about their newest member and what might have brought him to them.
The episode was rated 7.72 from 1049 votes.
When the Ambassador Charles Webb is in danger while stationed in Nigeria, Dalton's team heads to the region to find a situation different than they expected. Jaz makes a connection with a little girl she meets during the mission and Patricia receives some personal news.
The episode was rated 7.73 from 1360 votes.
After receiving intel that a serious player in dealing international arms, Ranier Booth, will be visiting Caborca, Mexico, Patricia makes a controversial decision that could lead to a big break through. With Dalton's team on the ground, they must find a weak link in Boothe's men in order to carry out the mission. Meanwhile, Noah learns about Hannah's complicated past in the field.
The episode was rated 7.73 from 1509 votes.
When an unlikely suspect is involved in hacking a U.S. submarine, Dalton and his team stumble upon a piece of Patricia's past. With national security and lives at stake, Patricia heads to Turkey to confront one of her most epic demons.
The episode was rated 7.75 from 921 votes.
When American doctor Kimberley Wells gets kidnapped by a group with terrorist ties, Captain Adam Dalton and his heroic Special Ops squad of highly trained undercover specialists must take action and stop at nothing to save her. Across the world, D.I.A. Deputy Director Patricia Campbell and her team of analysts guide Dalton along the way through as the group learns that Wells' disappearance might have ties to something that could be catastrophic.
The episode was rated 7.76 from 1942 votes.
With Patricia out of commission, Noah is at the helm of the D.I.A. when FARC revolutionaries take control of a flight in Colombia. When negotiations mean life or death for the passengers on board, Hannah must make her return to the field.
The episode was rated 7.78 from 938 votes.
When an undocumented drone crashes on the border of Mongolia, the team is forced to investigate the old school way. Meanwhile, a stunning realization takes place in the D.I.A.
The episode was rated 7.78 from 1104 votes.
When the team is on the ground in Spain, McG makes a connection that leads the group to discover a potential threat stateside. Meanwhile, Noah and Hannah venture out of the office to get some intel of their own.
The episode was rated 7.80 from 1229 votes.
After embarking on mission after mission to keep the world safe, the team is confronted with a task that hits close to home. When things go sideways, the only option is to risk one of their own for their final shot to settle the personal score.
The episode was rated 7.95 from 1101 votes.
Dalton and what remains of his team try to escape with their lives as they process a devastating loss; Patricia will stop at nothing to make things right, even if it means putting her career at risk.
The episode was rated 7.97 from 978 votes.
With just four short weeks before Dalton and his team finish their deployment, they continue to race the clock on a high-stakes mission. As they learn more about Hoffman, Patricia and the group attempt to use his intel to save innocent lives, but the information comes at a cost.
The episode was rated 8.01 from 877 votes.
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