Criminal Minds is an American crime drama television series that follows an elite team of FBI profilers who analyze the behavior and psychological patterns of the most twisted criminal minds. It first aired in 2005 on CBS and it is now available on Paramount+. This crime-drama series has 17 seasons and it is time to rank the worst episodes of the show.
In this article, we will look at the Criminal Minds episodes that were not so well-received by the fans and critics. We will analyze the episodes that did not meet the expectations of the audience, taking into account the plot, the acting, and the overall atmosphere of the episode.
We will rank the worst episodes of Criminal Minds and explain why they failed to keep the audience engaged and entertained. We will also look at the elements that made these episodes stand out from the rest of the series. So, let's dive in and explore the worst episodes of Criminal Minds!
Written by Sophie and last updated on Okt 04, 2024.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
The BAU welcomes back Emily Prentiss as they are called upon to investigate the disappearance of three women
The episode was rated 7,66 from 1959 votes.
When three children disappear while riding their bikes on the same path as a similar unsolved disappearance 30 years ago, the BAU team comes in to investigate.
The episode was rated 7,66 from 1924 votes.
Three victims are found tied to stakes in the Arizona desert.
The episode was rated 7,66 from 1865 votes.
While Rossi conducts a profiling course on his birthday, he receives a call from his nemesis Tommy Yates, who discloses the location of his latest victim.
The episode was rated 7,67 from 1900 votes.
Agent Luke Alvez (Adam Rodriguez) joins the BAU team, which is tasked with capturing a killer who escaped prison with 13 other convicts at the end of last season.
The episode was rated 7,69 from 2220 votes.
When JJ arrives home shaken after a rough case, she breaks down and tells her husband about the abduction of two children.
The episode was rated 7,69 from 1975 votes.
The BAU investigates when several young men and women are victims of disfiguring acid attacks. Also, Dr. Reid begins to settle into his new surroundings.
The episode was rated 7,70 from 2000 votes.
When two drastically different murder sprees are committed in Burlington, Vermont, the BAU concludes that a serial killer suffering from sleepwalking is responsible for both crimes. Meanwhile, Alvez presents Shaw with a shocking ultimatum after Reid is assaulted in prison.
The episode was rated 7,71 from 1913 votes.
When a BAU member gets in trouble in Mexico, the team enlists the services of the International Response Team for their help.
The episode was rated 7,71 from 1953 votes.
The BAU investigates the cause of several fatal car crashes involving drivers and pedestrians. Also, Reid gets bad news.
The episode was rated 7,73 from 2002 votes.
The BAU investigates an urban vampire who kidnaps his victims at night and holds them underground in the sewer system; Reid makes a difficult decision in prison.
The episode was rated 7,74 from 1921 votes.
The BAU team opens an investigation when a man who fully believes heโs Dr. Tara Lewisโ brother arrives in town, knowing everything about her and her family, and she is unable to make contact with her real sibling.
The episode was rated 7,77 from 1942 votes.
The BAU investigates when several federal government employees, including a close friend of Walker's, succumb to symptoms of a heart attack; Reid anxiously awaits his trial date.
The episode was rated 7,80 from 1947 votes.
This episode of Criminal Minds was a much anticipated one, as the writers have finally started writing beloved characters back into the story. In this episode, the Behavioral Analysis Unit investigate when Reid fears his mother has been abducted while he is stuck in prison. As the episode progresses, it is revealed that Luke is determined to avenge his father and take everything from Shaw. It is a nice twist and the fans are glad to see Reid out of prison.
This episode also serves to emphasize the trauma that Reid has been through over the years. From being an addict and being captured and beaten, to losing people in his life and almost losing his love interest, to his mother's decline in health and now prison, it is a never-ending cycle of torment for Reid. The audience can't help but feel for Reid and hope the writers can finally let him have a break.
The episode was rated 7,91 from 1888 votes.
The suspenseful episode "Red Light" from Criminal Minds is full of unexpected twists and turns. Derek Morgan brings the BAU a lead in the case against a dangerous serial killer and escaped convict, Mr. Scratch. Fans of the show were taken aback by the intensity of the episode and the unexpected surprise of Lindsay coming back and being used as a pawn in the story. Moreover, viewers were glad to see Derek in action and were left on the edge of their seats with an intense cliffhanger that left them excited for the new season.
The conclusion to Reid's storyline was interesting, but it had become a long and dragged out storyline that had become boring by then. The surprise of Lindsay's return was nice, but it was a bit of a letdown to see her used as a pawn. Nonetheless, fans of the show were captivated by the intensity of the episode and the suspenseful cliffhanger that left them wanting more. It was a great episode overall and certainly left viewers wanting to watch more.
The episode was rated 8,03 from 1914 votes.
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