Duck Dynasty is an American reality television series on A&E. It shows the lives of the Robertson family, who became wealthy from their family-operated business, Duck Commander, operated in West Monroe, Louisiana, which makes products for duck hunters, primarily the duck call named Duck Commander. The Robertson men, brothers Phil and Si, and Phil's sons Jase, Willie, and Jep, are known for their long beards. The business began in a family shed, where Phil Robertson spent 25 years making duck calls from Louisiana cedar trees. His son Willie is now the CEO of the company. The family was previously featured on the series Benelli Presents Duck Commander and its spin-off Buck Commander, which still airs on the Outdoor Channel.The show has broken several ratings records on both A&E and cable television as a whole; the fourth season premiere drew 11.8 million viewers, the most-watched nonfiction cable telecast in history.
Written by Sophie and last updated on Jan 22, 2023.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
Si recruits his nephews to help him transport a storage container to his backyard, but things take a turn when Jep becomes locked inside the box. Meanwhile, Jase helps Mia prepare for her cheerleading competition, but the only problem is he has no idea what he's doing.
The episode was rated 7,41 from 193 votes.
When Missy's parents visit, her father convinces Jase to take him on a quail hunt. But while their “bonding hunt” yields very few quail, it does bring them closer together as friends. Meanwhile, Willie helps John Luke start his own snow cone business, but in order to make a profit, they'll have to overcome some growing pains.
The episode was rated 7,56 from 189 votes.
When Jase and Phil make a bet about whether or not human beings in a duck blind are visible from the air, Jep buys a drone copter to get a “bird's eye” view, but ends up losing it in the process. Meanwhile, Willie brings Si to the chiropractor for an overdue spinal adjustment.
The episode was rated 7,58 from 118 votes.
The Robertson family takes a road trip to Liberty University where they will drop off John Luke and Mary Kate for their first year of college. Along the way, they stop in Nashville to visit Willie's friend Colt Ford. Meanwhile, back in Monroe, River wants to make his own ninja movie and the family all play a part.
The episode was rated 7,60 from 143 votes.
When the Robertsons throw a Renaissance Fair birthday party for Godwin, various family members compete in a tournament to win knighthood. Meanwhile, Jep and Jessica visit a local falconer in hopes of obtaining a bird of prey for Godwin's party.
The episode was rated 7,61 from 159 votes.
When Missy and Jase's son Reed purchases an old van to boost his music career, his parents begin to question some of his choices. Meanwhile, Willie helps Jep prepare River for a competitive wrestling league by introducing him to his friend, wrestling legend Kurt Angle.
The episode was rated 7,65 from 179 votes.
When Willie and his brothers spend too much time frog hunting, their wives challenge them to a “frogging” competition as a way of spending quality time together. Meanwhile, John Luke and Mary Kate pack up for college, only to be interrupted by Si and Ms. Kay.
The episode was rated 7,67 from 168 votes.
Willie and Alan agree to help Ms. Kay open her own bakery, but things take a turn when it Kay is asked to hand over her secret recipes. Meanwhile, the guys in the duck call room take an extended lunch break by driving to Mississippi for fried green tomato sandwiches.
The episode was rated 7,68 from 163 votes.
When Willie's old rival Phillip McMillan challenges him to a game of dodgeball, Willie recruits his family members to settle a score once and for all. Meanwhile, Si thinks his cat is cheating on him with another family, so he recruits Ms. Kay and Mountain Man to help find out.
The episode was rated 7,71 from 164 votes.
Jase and the guys convince Willie to hire his older brother Alan to work at Duck Commander, but when Alan begins micromanaging everyone, they quickly change their mind. Meanwhile, the ladies take a self-defense class and use John Luke as a punching bag.
The episode was rated 7,74 from 174 votes.
In this special episode, the Duck Commander team surprises two wounded veterans with a trip to Monroe so they can meet the Duckmen. To show their support, the Robertson family stages a “color run” to bring awareness to our wounded soldiers.
The episode was rated 7,95 from 148 votes.
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