The Legend of Korra

10 Beste Episodes of The Legend of Korra

Avatar Korra, a headstrong, rebellious, feisty young woman who continually challenges and breaks with tradition, is on her quest to become a fully realized Avatar. In this story, the Avatar struggles to find balance within herself.

Written by Sophie and last updated on Feb 02, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

The Legend of Korra - S2E12

#15 - Harmonic Convergence (Staffel 2 - Folge 12)

With the help of her closest friends, Korra must close both spirit portals before Harmonic Convergence occurs.

The episode was rated 8,32 from 770 votes.

The Legend of Korra - S1E8

#14 - When Extremes Meet (Staffel 1 - Folge 8)


As Asami, Bolin and Mako move into Air Temple Island, the police force inducts Chief Saikhan in to lead them. During the induction, Saikhan announces his direct reporting to Tarrlok when dealing with the Equalist threat. In doing so, it creates mass tension between Korra and Tarrlok, as the young Avatar feels that the councilman will only cause a greater divide between benders and non-benders with the support of the new police chief. The Avatar and her friends decide to band together to create a vigilante team as a means to help stop the Equalists. While they do this, Tarrlok resorts to extreme measures to control non-benders, in which Korra opposes profusely. How will the young Avatar help combat the tyranny of Councilman Tarrlok?

The episode was rated 8,36 from 840 votes.

The Legend of Korra - S1E11

#13 - Skeletons in the Closet (Staffel 1 - Folge 11)

After Amon and The Equalists have overtaken Republic City, the future seems a lot bleaker for Korra and her friends, having to hide in the underground without being able to do anything but wait for the United Forces to come take back the city. As the United Forces roll into Republic City by sea, General Iroh is bewildered by the lack of resistance as they come into the harbor. His bewilderment is replaced by shock as he discovers a new weapon that The Equalists have developed, which decimates his fleet. The General is lucky to have Korra save him, and after recovering, they plot together to hatch a plan to stop Amon in his tracks. As they set out to put this plan into action, the young Avatar learns a unexpected secret about the leader of The Equalists from an old acquaintance.

The episode was rated 8,37 from 821 votes.

The Legend of Korra - S4E2

#12 - Korra Alone (Staffel 4 - Folge 2)


Korra's three-year journey of healing takes her to unexpected places.

The episode was rated 8,39 from 930 votes.

The Legend of Korra - S3E11

#11 - The Ultimatum (Staffel 3 - Folge 11)

Mako and Bolin deliver an ominous message from Zaheer.

The episode was rated 8,44 from 886 votes.

The Legend of Korra - S1E10

#10 - Turning the Tides (Staffel 1 - Folge 10)


After Korra is rescued after being taken hostage by Tarrlok, and escaping from Amon and The Equalists, she takes time to recover and tell her friends about the dire news of Tarrlok's heritage. Stunned by this, Tenzin decides to raise it with the other council members and discuss a plan to rectify the issues that Tarrlok created. But unknown to anyone, The Equalists begin to strike against Republic city in an attempt to take it over, until they begin a full-blown attack on the city, bombarding it with bombs and taking out the strengths of the city, one by one. What will Korra and her friends do to combat the oncoming attack of The Equalists?

The episode was rated 8,45 from 859 votes.

The Legend of Korra - S2E13

#9 - Darkness Falls (Staffel 2 - Folge 13)

Korra learns of a new twist in Unalaq’s evil plans to release the spirit of all darkness and evil, Vaatu, from his longtime imprisonment in the spirit world.

The episode was rated 8,48 from 885 votes.

The Legend of Korra - S3E12

#8 - Enter the Void (Staffel 3 - Folge 12)


When other plans fail, Korra suggests a brave idea to take on the Red Lotus and save the Air Nation.

The episode was rated 8,50 from 877 votes.

The Legend of Korra - S2E14

#7 - Light in the Dark (Staffel 2 - Folge 14)

Unalaq has finally merged with Vaatu and is terrorizing Republic City in the form of a giant spiritual monster. Without Raava or any prior Avatar connections, Korra must meditate and find the cosmic energy of the universe within herself in order to defeat Vaatu.

The episode was rated 8,50 from 868 votes.

The Legend of Korra - S4E13

#6 - The Last Stand (Staffel 4 - Folge 13)


The fate of the Earth Kingdom and the Avatar's life is at stake, when Korra comes face to face with Kuvira.

The episode was rated 8,54 from 771 votes.

The Legend of Korra - S2E7

#5 - Beginnings (1) (Staffel 2 - Folge 7)

In order to cleanse herself from a dark spirit's attack, Korra must reconnect with her Avatar Spirit by finding Raava. To do so, she needs to learn about the origins of the first Avatar, Wan. He tells her how he received the power of fire and learned the ways of the spirits, as well as how he was the one responsible for unleashing Vaatu, the spirit of darkness, into the world.

The episode was rated 8,58 from 1039 votes.

The Legend of Korra - S4E12

#4 - Day of the Colossus (Staffel 4 - Folge 12)


Team Avatar clashes with Kuvira on the streets of Republic City; Pema and Prince Wu help evacuate innocent citizens.

The episode was rated 8,59 from 813 votes.

The Legend of Korra - S1E12

#3 - Endgame (Staffel 1 - Folge 12)

After learning who Amon really is, Korra and Mako set out to expose him to the other members of The Equalists, in hopes of shattering Amon's image and bringing his efforts to a halt. In doing so, they learn that Amon had managed to capture Tenzin and his children, and is going to use them in a demonstration of what the world will be like once Amon's plans are complete. Korra and Mako manage to prevent Amon from taking the Air Bending family's powers away and lure Amon away to try to take him down without his disciples helping him. But the young Avatar soon realizes that Amon's secret power is too great, and he takes her bending away. Without her bending abilities, how will Korra stop this tyrant from enacting his evil plans?

The episode was rated 8,69 from 796 votes.

The Legend of Korra - S3E13

#2 - Venom of the Red Lotus (Staffel 3 - Folge 13)


Korra battles Zaheer, while Bolin and Mako duel Ghazan and Ming-Hua. The captive members of the Air Nation escape and band together to help Korra.

The episode was rated 8,73 from 903 votes.

The Legend of Korra - S2E8

#1 - Beginnings (2) (Staffel 2 - Folge 8)

Wan's spirit shows Korra how he learned the other three elements and the reason why he eventually merged with Raava and became the first Avatar. His story makes Korra realize what she must do to restore balance to the physical and spirit worlds.

The episode was rated 8,81 from 924 votes.

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