Criminal Minds

10 Best Episodes of Criminal Minds - Season 4

Criminal Minds is a crime drama show that follows an elite team of FBI profilers as they attempt to analyze the country's most twisted criminal minds. The show first aired in 2005 and is now available on Paramount+. With 17 seasons, it can be difficult to know which episodes are the best. That's why we have ranked the best episodes of Criminal Minds so you can get the most out of the show.

From the pilot episode to the series finale, Criminal Minds has offered fans many memorable episodes. From thrillers to heart-breaking moments, it’s hard to pick the best ones. Luckily, we have compiled a list of the best episodes ranked from top to bottom.

Whether you are a fan of the show or just getting started, our list of the best episodes of Criminal Minds will help you get the most out of this amazing show. So settle in for a thrilling ride with Criminal Minds as you watch some of the best episodes the show has to offer.

Written by Sophie and last updated on oct 04, 2024.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Criminal Minds - S4E21

#15 - A Shade of Gray (Season 4 - Episode 21)

In the Criminal Minds episode "A Shade of Gray", the team is on the hunt for a serial killer abducting and murdering children. During their investigation, they discover that one of the cases may not be related to the criminal they apprehended. This unexpected revelation leaves the team in shock and they quickly have to adjust their plan of attack.

The episode is filled with suspense, drama, and mystery as the team tries to unravel the truth behind these horrific crimes. With twists and turns around every corner and everyone suspecting each other, it is a thrilling ride until the end. This episode truly showcases the incredible writing and acting of the cast, as they all bring their best to the table. Viewers love this episode for its riveting plot and the surprise twist at the end. Everyone is left in awe and admiration for the show's creators, as it is nothing short of amazing.

The episode was rated 7.89 from 582 votes.

Criminal Minds - S4E3

#14 - Minimal Loss (Season 4 - Episode 3)


Criminal Minds episode "Minimal Loss" follows Reid and Prentiss as they go undercover to investigate possible child abuse at an underground cult. This episode is sure to be a stressful one, as viewers have seen the destructive effects of cults and new religious movements on innocent people. It's particularly infuriating when cults take symbols from other religions such as the Christianity cross and attempt to interpret the Bible in ways that fit their own agendas. It's even more frustrating when these cults make up rules and don't create their own scripture or document their own rules.

This episode of Criminal Minds promises to be an emotional one as viewers experience the trauma that cults and new religious movements can cause. It is sure to be a thought-provoking one as well, as viewers contemplate how such entities should be handled in order to protect the innocent. It's a reminder that we must all be vigilant against the dangers of cults and new religious movements in order to protect the vulnerable.

The episode was rated 7.90 from 626 votes.

Criminal Minds - S4E6

#13 - The Instincts (Season 4 - Episode 6)

This episode of Criminal Minds focuses on the abduction of a young boy in Las Vegas, and how the team uses their expertise to uncover clues to his whereabouts. As part of the investigation, Dr. Reid begins to experience a series of dreams that may have some significance to his own past.

The team's reliance on Reid's dreams for clues to the case leaves some viewers questioning the plausibility of the story. However, the use of dreams in this way serves as a reminder of the power of the unconscious mind, and further emphasizes the importance of the team's instincts as they work to solve the abduction case. Though some find the dream sequences a bit clichΓ©, they are integral to the story and help to uncover deeper truths.

The episode was rated 7.92 from 614 votes.

Criminal Minds - S4E15

#12 - Zoe's Reprise (Season 4 - Episode 15)


In the episode Zoe's Reprise of Criminal Minds, the team is tasked to hunting down a copycat serial killer who is recreating the techniques used by previous famous murderers. The team is led by Hotch and Rossi, two experienced FBI agents, as they investigate the killer's identity and attempt to put a stop to his crimes. After analyzing the evidence, it is revealed that the copycat is in fact a man named Charles the First, someone who was obsessed with the past famous murderers and had developed an infatuation with them.

Charles the First seems to be playing a game with the FBI, as he leaves clues and messages in his wake that hint at his identity and motives. As the team investigates further, they uncover that Charles the First is a highly intelligent and skilled killer who is able to outwit the FBI and stay one step ahead of them. Despite their best efforts, the team is unable to capture him and put an end to his killing spree. The episode ends with a cliffhanger, leaving viewers wondering if the team will ever be able to apprehend Charles the First and put a stop to his murderous rampage.

The episode was rated 7.93 from 598 votes.

Criminal Minds - S4E16

#11 - Pleasure Is My Business (Season 4 - Episode 16)

In the episode Pleasure Is My Business of Criminal Minds, the team is tasked with finding a female suspect who is using her professional skills as a high class call girl to lure and kill powerful and wealthy executives. The BAU team must work quickly to unravel the clues and put an end to the suspect's killing spree. They must also get to the bottom of the motivations behind the murders.

The team will have to use their psychological profiling skills to piece together the clues and track down the suspect before they strike again. As they investigate, they uncover the suspect's dark past that may have been the catalyst for their murderous behavior. With tensions running high, the team must race against the clock to uncover the truth and bring the suspect to justice.

The episode was rated 7.94 from 599 votes.

Criminal Minds - S4E20

#10 - Conflicted (Season 4 - Episode 20)


The team of Criminal Minds travel to Fort Lauderdale during spring break in the episode "Conflicted". On their mission, they are tasked with finding a serial killer who is preying on college students on their vacations. The episode is filled with suspenseful moments and dramatic tension as the team works together to find the killer before anyone else gets hurt.

Throughout the episode, the team discovers clues that lead them closer to the killer while they must deal with the chaotic environment of spring break. With the pressure of time ticking away, they must also find a way to avoid the distractions of the revelers and focus on their mission. The episode culminates with a thrilling conclusion as the team races to find the killer before it's too late.

The episode was rated 7.94 from 589 votes.

Criminal Minds - S4E22

#9 - The Big Wheel (Season 4 - Episode 22)

In the episode of Criminal Minds titled "The Big Wheel," the team is sent a videotape from a serial killer containing a hidden message. The killer is asking for the team's help to stop his murderous ways.

This episode is an emotionally heavy one that tugs at the heartstrings of viewers. The killer's plea for help is a desperate one and it is difficult to watch as the team struggles with how to handle the situation. The episode is full of sadness and despair as everyone attempts to come to terms with the tragedy of a life destroyed by violence.

The episode was rated 7.95 from 576 votes.

Criminal Minds - S4E11

#8 - Normal (Season 4 - Episode 11)


Criminal Minds' episode Normal follows the team as they investigate a serial killer targeting luxury car owners in Southern California. The cast in this episode is praised for being especially stunning, making the episode even more captivating. The episode is certainly an emotional rollercoaster, as its gripping plot leaves viewers feeling wrecked. The killer in this episode is also memorable, as viewers can't help but feel that the victim in the beginning deserved their fate.

The episode Normal from Criminal Minds is an entertaining yet emotionally draining experience. The stunning cast is sure to draw viewers in, and the captivating plot keeps them hooked until the very end. The killer in this episode is also memorable, as viewers can't help but feel that justice was served. This episode is one that viewers won't soon forget.

The episode was rated 7.96 from 610 votes.

Criminal Minds - S4E8

#7 - Masterpiece (Season 4 - Episode 8)

In the episode "Masterpiece" of Criminal Minds, a narcissistic psychopath confesses to killing seven people and promises more revenge. The team must locate his latest victims before it is too late. This episode is particularly deep, but there is something strange about the characters. Everyone gets outraged when asked if they need help. Adding to this, the episode stars Jason Alexander, making it a truly memorable episode.

The episode also introduces a new character to the show, but it turns out that they're not as they seem. The character is a disappointment to many fans, who were hoping for a new and exciting member of the team. However, it's still an episode worth watching, especially with its star-studded cast and intriguing plot.

The episode was rated 8.03 from 639 votes.

Criminal Minds - S4E25

#6 - To Hell... (1) (Season 4 - Episode 25)


Criminal Minds' "To Hell..." (1) episode follows an investigation of the BAU team to track a serial killer who is preying on the less fortunate in Detroit and taking them across the border into Canada. This episode can be quite gruesome, but the gore is mostly implied, with only a few scenes that viewers may find difficult to watch.

The episode is a nod to the Pickton case from Vancouver, Canada, with many parallels to the real case. Creative liberties have been taken to make the story more compelling, but the episode does a good job of retelling a true-life event. Despite the gruesome elements of this episode, it is still a good part one and provides a great foundation for the story to come.

The episode was rated 8.03 from 597 votes.

Criminal Minds - S4E7

#5 - Memoriam (Season 4 - Episode 7)

In the episode Memoriam of Criminal Minds, Reid's investigation of a young boy's murder in Las Vegas leads him to uncovering possible connections to his own past. As Reid delves deeper into the case, he uncovers clues and evidence that reveal more about his past and how it relates to the murder. He is also faced with a difficult decision - to seek justice for the victim or to keep his past hidden.

This episode of Criminal Minds is a fan favorite, as it showcases the character of Spencer Reid in a very personal way. Fans of the show love and appreciate the complex character development of Reid and get to see a more vulnerable side of him as he unravels the mystery of the boy's murder. It's an emotional episode that tug at the heartstrings and fans can't help but root for Reid to find justice for the victim and peace for himself.

The episode was rated 8.04 from 606 votes.

Criminal Minds - S4E24

#4 - Amplification (Season 4 - Episode 24)


In the episode of Criminal Minds titled "Amplification," the BAU is tasked with finding the source of a new form of chemical warfare that was released into the open air. With the lives of innocent people at stake, the team must act quickly to identify the perpetrator and put a stop to the attack.

The episode focuses on the urgency of the situation and the lengths the team must go to in order to save lives. They must use all their expertise and experience to figure out who is behind the attack and why, and then work together to find a way to stop it. The stakes are high and the pressure is on the team to find the source and bring the perpetrators to justice.

The episode was rated 8.05 from 584 votes.

Criminal Minds - S4E1

#3 - Mayhem (Season 4 - Episode 1)

The team of Criminal Minds is on a case when an SUV carrying members of the team suddenly explodes. The remaining team members are in a race against time to save the lives of their teammates and catch the terrorists responsible for the bombing.

In this episode, the team joins forces to hunt down the terrorists and take them out. They must use all their investigative skills and ingenuity to track down the perpetrators and bring them to justice. The team has to work together to find clues and piece together the puzzle of who is behind the attack. As they inch closer to the truth, they must also stay one step ahead of the terrorists and ensure that they don't become their next victims.

The episode was rated 8.05 from 712 votes.

Criminal Minds - S4E18

#2 - Omnivore (Season 4 - Episode 18)


In the episode Omnivore of the show Criminal Minds, Agent Hotchner revisits the first case he worked at the BAU when details come to light that one of the deadliest serial killers in New England's history has resurfaced after a 10-year hiatus. This killer is known for their cunning and calculating nature, making them a particularly daunting opponent for the BAU. Hotchner must work quickly to determine the killer's motive and put an end to their reign of terror before they have a chance to strike again.

The BAU team is put to the test as they attempt to profile the killer and uncover the secrets behind their long silence. With the help of technology and advanced investigative techniques, the team races against the clock to assemble the pieces of the puzzle and put a stop to the killer's spree. In the end, Hotchner and the BAU must rely on their collective experience and intuition to solve the mystery and bring the criminal to justice.

The episode was rated 8.19 from 580 votes.

Criminal Minds - S4E26

#1 - ...And Back (2) (Season 4 - Episode 26)

The BAU team is on a mission to track a serial killer who is preying on the vulnerable, such as junkies, prostitutes, and the homeless in Detroit. In this episode, an agent's life is in peril as the team leads the investigation across the border into Canada.

In this episode, viewers can expect a typical Hollywood reaction from a cop in the beginning, as well as the usual "psychoshit, sniveling" and "you have to feel sorry for the criminals" narrative. The ending of the episode leaves many questions unanswered, such as why the tragedy happened in the first place and how many more times the BAU team can look into the abyss before they no longer recover the pieces of themselves this job takes. As the episode ends, it is clear that the consequences of the investigation are far reaching and will forever alter the lives of the innocent people affected.

The episode was rated 8.31 from 551 votes.

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