Detective Conan

10 Best Episodes of Detective Conan - Season 2

The cases of a detective whose physical age was chemically reversed to that of a prepubescent boy and he must hide his true mental development.

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 08, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Detective Conan - S2E18

#15 - The Snowy Mountain Villa Murder Case (Season 2 - Episode 18)

Ran, Kogoro and Conan are skiing in the mountains. They meet up with a doctor and his students. They offer the trio to stay at their place during the night due to a dangerous snowstorm. Things get ugly when the teacher is murdered when watching his favorite soap opera. The clues point not to a break in , but to one of his students. Can Conan figure out who did this?

The episode was rated 7.84 from 31 votes.

Detective Conan - S2E17

#14 - Facial Pack Murder Case (Season 2 - Episode 17)


A important CEO is murdered. She was found with a face mask on. Kogoro on the case tries, (not doing a good job) to solve the case. Can Conan crack it with the three suspects there at the time?

The episode was rated 7.84 from 32 votes.

Detective Conan - S2E1

#13 - Computer Murder Case (Season 2 - Episode 1)

When a high ranking computer businessman dies of a "heart attack", Conan notices something rather odd. Did he really die of a heart attack? Or was it murder?

The episode was rated 7.84 from 45 votes.

Detective Conan - S2E8

#12 - Monday, 7:30 PM Murder Case (Season 2 - Episode 8)


A murder was committed at 7:30 pm on Monday. The discoverer of the body was Ayumi's dentist, who was checking Ayumi's teeth at the time of the killing.Further inspection showed that the dentist had a good reason to kill the victim. But she had an alibi, so the police turned away their suspicion of her. Conan thought that there was a trick. What was it?

The episode was rated 7.85 from 34 votes.

Detective Conan - S2E3

#11 - The TV Station Murder Case (Season 2 - Episode 3)

During a Primetime TV Mystery show, a man who worked at the station was shot in the head. Though no one had come into the room at the time. How was the murder commited?

The episode was rated 7.90 from 40 votes.

Detective Conan - S2E26

#10 - A Game Company's Murder Case (Season 2 - Episode 26)


The past returns to haunt the president of a popular video game company as a bomb destroys part of his building and a seemingly innocent victim!In addition,Conan comes ever closer to tracking down the men who shrunk him.Can he reach their hideout in time?

The episode was rated 8.00 from 37 votes.

Detective Conan - S2E2

#9 - An Alibi Testimony Murder Case (Season 2 - Episode 2)

A famous lawyer calls for Kogoro at a fancy hotel asking him to follow his wife who may be having an affair. Kogoro, Ran and Conan then going to the man's house discover that the wife in question has been murdered? Who did it, and how was it done?

The episode was rated 8.00 from 41 votes.

Detective Conan - S2E4

#8 - A Coffee Shop Murder Case (Season 2 - Episode 4)


Ran tells Conan she's meeting someone at a coffee shop. Conan suspecting something, follows Ran. Meanwhile, a murder is committed at the coffee shop. Someone still there committed the murder. But who?

The episode was rated 8.08 from 39 votes.

Detective Conan - S2E22

#7 - Library Murder Case (Season 2 - Episode 22)

After Conan was sick in bed for three days, Genta, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko come and visit him reminding him that he has a book report that was suppose to be handed in during the time of his illness. Stopping his plans in trying to turn back to his former self, he goes with them to the library. Though when an attendant turns up missing, the gang decides to help find him. they stay after hours and soon discover that something's wrong.

The episode was rated 8.11 from 37 votes.

Detective Conan - S2E6

#6 - The Murder Case of Man In Bandages at the Mountain Villa (1) (Season 2 - Episode 6)


Conan and Ran go to a mountain house were they meet Sonoko and her Sister and some of her friends. During the night at dinner they see a man wrapped in bandages swinging away with one of Sonoko's friends. Later they find the friend dead in the woods the telephone line cut and the bridge cut. Who is this mystery man?

The episode was rated 8.32 from 37 votes.

Detective Conan - S2E24

#5 - The Kiri Tengu Legend Murder Case (Season 2 - Episode 24)

While taking a trip to see the mountain cherry trees, Kogoro decides to take a shortcut home. In the process, they're lost, and they get two flat tires. Conan finds a temple, and after the Head Priest Tenei charges them a ridiculous amount of yen, they stay the night. The priest tells them of a legend called the Kiri Tengu, which breaks through walls and devours people's souls and only targets young girls. Meanwhile, the priests in training mention about an incident two years ago that sounds like the legend. But the Head Priest reminds them that they vowed never to speak of it. In the morning, the older priest in trainging Kannen-san goes to look for him, only to find his corpse hanging from the ceiling in the meditation room, and a hole in the wall made by a powerful force. Is this the work of the Kiri Tengu?

The episode was rated 8.34 from 38 votes.

Detective Conan - S2E7

#4 - The Murder Case of Man In Bandages at the Mountain Villa (2) (Season 2 - Episode 7)


The mysterious man tries to kill Ran. Though Ran never met anyone of Sonoko's older sister's friends. Conan must figure out who the masked man is before this mysterious man tries to kill her again.

The episode was rated 8.34 from 38 votes.

Detective Conan - S2E20

#3 - The Case of the Murdered Diplomat (1) (Season 2 - Episode 20)

In the middle of the day, after Ran gets off the phone from Shin'ichi, a teenage boy called ""The Great Detective of the West"", Hattori Heiji barges in the Mouri office demanding to see Shin'ichi (""The Great Detective of the East"") for a showdown. While Kogoro explains that he isn't here, a woman comes in asking Kogoro to help find her son's finance. They go to her house to discuss things further, when they see the woman they're looking for with her son. then when they get to her husband's office, they find her husband, a wealthy diplomat dead by poison. With the police on the scene with a locked door, they're baffled and determine it a suicide. Heiji thinking he gives the answers to Kogoro waits for him to show, and more determined than ever to solve the case before he does. Meanwhile, Conan, who has a cold, was given alcohol by Heiji to fell better, is now feeling worse...he feels like his body is on fire...what's going on??

The episode was rated 8.36 from 39 votes.

Detective Conan - S2E15

#2 - The Kidnapping of Conan Edogawa (Season 2 - Episode 15)


A woman by the name of Fumiyo comes to the Mouri detective agency as... Conan's Mother?!?!?! Rachel thinking this person is really Conan's mother allows him to go with her...Conan soon discovers that it's a kidnapping...but is this person with the kurozukume? Will Conan get out of this?

The episode was rated 8.50 from 44 votes.

Detective Conan - S2E21

#1 - The Case of the Murdered Diplomat (2) (Season 2 - Episode 21)

The case goes on, and Heiji declares that he has solved it! After explaining his theory, the police are satisfied. Before they can do anything, a man appears saying that his theory is 100% impossible! That man is Shin'ichi!! The case continues and Shin'ichi explains his theory. His being true, the police arrest the right criminal. Though as he's talking to Ran, he body feels on fire again. Is Shin'ichi going back into Conan mode?

The episode was rated 8.58 from 40 votes.

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