Family Guy

10 Worst Episodes of Family Guy

Family Guy is a popular and long-running animated series that debuted on FOX in 1999. It follows the adventures of the Griffin family, whose members include Peter, Lois, Stewie, Meg, Chris, and Brian the talking dog. While many of the episodes are beloved by fans, there are some that are considered to be the worst. In this article, we will take a look at the Family Guy episodes ranked as the least popular and discuss why they are considered to be the worst.

The worst episodes of Family Guy often feature jokes that don't land, characters behaving out of character, and storylines that don't make sense. For example, in the episode "Emission Impossible," Peter is accidentally frozen in carbonite, and the resulting plot twist is considered too outlandish even for this zany show.

In addition to episodes that feel too far-fetched, there are also those that are considered to be too offensive. For example, "Baby Not On Board" features a joke about Down Syndrome that many viewers found to be insensitive and in poor taste.

Written by Sophie and last updated on jun 24, 2024.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Family Guy - S22E8

#10 - Baking Sad (Season 22 - Episode 8)

Meg discovers her tears produce delicious cookies, and her, along with her siblings, enjoy a profit until the success makes her too happy to cry. Meanwhile, Peter and the guys launch a "male talk show."

The episode was rated 6.97 from 357 votes.

Family Guy - S21E11

#9 - Love Story Guy (Season 21 - Episode 11)


The guys recount their first true love stories, leading to parodies of "Castaway," "Dirty Dancing" and various Meg Ryan rom-coms.

The episode was rated 6.97 from 453 votes.

Family Guy - S22E13

#8 - Lifeguard Meg (Season 22 - Episode 13)

Stewie and Brian become overwhelmed after winning a coffee shop. Peter and his friends annoy Meg at her new lifeguard job when they don't follow the pool rules.

The episode was rated 6.96 from 285 votes.

Family Guy - S22E6

#7 - Boston Stewie (Season 22 - Episode 6)


Stewie tries to civilize his half-brother, Boston Stewie, so that he may be adopted. Meanwhile, Meg and Chris start a venture in which people online pay Chris to sit on and smash cupcakes.

The episode was rated 6.96 from 379 votes.

Family Guy - S22E9

#6 - The Return of the King (of Queens) (Season 22 - Episode 9)

Lois decides to sell the family's television to help pay for Christmas presents, but when Kevin James gets upset over losing Peter as a viewer, he apparates into the Griffin house.

The episode was rated 6.95 from 339 votes.

Family Guy - S22E14

#5 - Fat Actor (Season 22 - Episode 14)


Peter tries to protest Hollywood after learning that Brad Pitt was cast in a biopic about a politician. After Pitt injures himself on set, Peter must act out the role himself.

The episode was rated 6.90 from 273 votes.

Family Guy - S16E12

#4 - Send in Stewie, Please (Season 16 - Episode 12)

When Stewie gets sent to see his school's child psychologist for a surprising session, he reveals major secrets about himself.

The episode was rated 6.84 from 1328 votes.

Family Guy - S20E2

#3 - Rock Hard (Season 20 - Episode 2)


While at an old record store, Peter and the guys recount tales of three rock legends: Jim Morrison, Muddy Waters and Elton John.

The episode was rated 6.83 from 645 votes.

Family Guy - S22E15

#2 - Faith No More (Season 22 - Episode 15)

Brian becomes romantically interested in someone and it inspires him to use Stewie's time machine. Strange consequences result from their journey.

The episode was rated 6.79 from 286 votes.

Family Guy - S17E16

#1 - You Can't Handle the Booth (Season 17 - Episode 16)


The Griffins provide DVD commentary on a recent episode and reveal never-before-told drama between Peter and Lois.

The episode was rated 6.19 from 894 votes.

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