
10 Best Episodes of House - Season 1

Looking for a TV show that will keep you on the edge of your seat? Look no further than "House"! This gripping medical drama first aired in 2004 and quickly became a fan favorite. With its unconventional protagonist, Dr. Gregory House, leading a team of brilliant diagnosticians at Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital, "House" offers a unique twist on the typical medical show. Prepare yourself for a rollercoaster of emotions as you follow the thrilling cases and personal struggles of the characters throughout the show's nine seasons.

One of the reasons why "House" has captivated audiences for years is its compelling and complex characters. Dr. House, brilliantly played by Hugh Laurie, is a drug-addicted, unconventional, and misanthropic medical genius. His unorthodox methods and sharp wit make him a fascinating character to watch. But it's not just about the titular character – the supporting cast, including Dr. Lisa Cuddy, Dr. James Wilson, and the rest of House's team, bring their own depth and intrigue to the show.

If you're a fan of medical dramas with a twist, "House" is a must-watch. With its gripping storylines, brilliant performances, and unique blend of drama and humor, this show is perfect for binge-watching or enjoying one episode at a time. So grab your popcorn, settle in, and get ready to be hooked on "House"!

Written by Sophie and last updated on oct 04, 2024.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

House - S1E13

#15 - Cursed (Season 1 - Episode 13)

A 12-year-old boy believes he's cursed after a Ouija board tells him he's going to die, and his father makes increasing demands on House as they try to diagnose the boy's pneumonia-like symptoms and incongruous rash. Meanwhile, Chase's estranged father, a renowned doctor from Australia, visits and House invites him to sit in, much to Chase's discomfort. When House diagnoses the boy's illness, the young patient is forced to face the idea that his father may not be everything he believes.

The episode was rated 7.88 from 909 votes.

House - S1E15

#14 - Mob Rules (Season 1 - Episode 15)


Just before mobster Joey Arnello spills the beans in federal court and enters witness protection, he collapses. A court order instructs House to find out if he's faking. House and his team struggle to diagnose and cure Joey while Joey's brother Bill tries to slow things down and keep Joey from testifying. Meanwhile, Cuddy struggles to convince Vogler that House is an essential part of the hospital.

The episode was rated 7.89 from 914 votes.

House - S1E10

#13 - Histories (Season 1 - Episode 10)

Dr. Foreman believes an uncooperative homeless woman is faking seizures to get a meal ticket at the teaching hospital. But her homelessness strikes a personal chord with Dr. Wilson and he grows determined to keep her from falling between the cracks. Her worsening symptoms prove to be a complex mystery for House and his team, but the mystery of her identity and medical history may hold the answers to saving her life. Just as the team suspects she has contagious meningitis, the woman goes missing, only to be tasered by the police, who bring her back. But House deduces the taser may have proven yet another diagnosis, with dire results. Meanwhile, House has an audience of two medical students who are learning how to do case studies.

The episode was rated 7.91 from 975 votes.

House - S1E16

#12 - Heavy (Season 1 - Episode 16)


House must fire one of his doctors and leaves them to think about it while they deal with an overweight 10-year old child who suffered a heart attack as the result of taking diet pills. House is also faced with a woman who won't accept surgery for a 30 lb. tumor because she wants to remain overweight.

The episode was rated 7.91 from 897 votes.

House - S1E19

#11 - Kids (Season 1 - Episode 19)

During an meningitis outbreak which overwhelms the clinic, House is drawn to a single patient: a 12-year-old whose symptoms don't quite match everyone else's. House, Foreman, and Chase must devise ingenious ways and locations to treat the girl's delicate condition in the middle of the chaos, and make an unexpected discovery. Meanwhile, House asks Cameron to come back to her job but she has one requirement that he might not be able to meet.

The episode was rated 7.92 from 914 votes.

House - S1E6

#10 - The Socratic Method (Season 1 - Episode 6)


Dr. House is intrigued by the symptoms of a schizophrenic woman, who displays mixed symptoms, including a tumor, but soon realizes the source of her problems isn't the obvious. House confronts his birthday and Chase confronts his past when the mother's son tries to keep up with her condition.

The episode was rated 7.93 from 1112 votes.

House - S1E14

#9 - Control (Season 1 - Episode 14)

Billionaire entrepreneur Edward Vogler spends $100 million on the clinic and becomes the new Chairman of the Board. As a businessman, Vogler intends to turn the clinic into a profitable venue for his biotech venture and plans to eliminate the financially draining services of Dr. House. Meanwhile, a businesswoman who has it all - perfect life, perfect body, perfect job - finds herself inexplicably paralyzed. When he diagnoses her secret, House must risk his job and his medical license to get her a necessary transplant.

The episode was rated 7.98 from 884 votes.

House - S1E4

#8 - Maternity (Season 1 - Episode 4)


When a virus is spreading among the hospital, infecting six babies, House and his team must make decisions that could compromise the lives of the babies.

The episode was rated 7.98 from 1174 votes.

House - S1E1

#7 - Pilot (Season 1 - Episode 1)

A Kindergarten teacher starts speaking gibberish and passed out in front of her class. What looks like a possible brain tumor does not respond to treatment and provides many more questions than answers for House and his team as they engage in a risky trial-and-error approach to her case. When the young teacher refuses any additional variations of treatment and her life starts slipping away, House must act against his code of conduct and make a personal visit to his patient to convince her to trust him one last time.

The episode was rated 7.99 from 1967 votes.

House - S1E11

#6 - Detox (Season 1 - Episode 11)


House has to find out why a patient has internal bleedings after a car crash. In the meantime, he has a wager with Cuddy he can stay off the painkillers. Will his withdrawal symptoms eventually kill his patient?

The episode was rated 8.03 from 966 votes.

House - S1E17

#5 - Role Model (Season 1 - Episode 17)

At a high-level campaign fundraiser, a senator becomes violently ill. Vogler forces House to take the senator's case and offers to let off the hook on firing a team member if he'll deliver a speech on behalf of Vogler's pharmaceutical company. It looks like the senator has AIDS but House refuses to settle for the easy answer. And House ends up giving the speech, but it doesn't go quite as Vogler planned.

The episode was rated 8.04 from 918 votes.

House - S1E9

#4 - DNR (Season 1 - Episode 9)


Legendary jazz musician John Henry Giles is checked into the hospital and when he's told he's dying from ALS, he signs a DNR to avoid a slow death. House disagrees with the diagnosis and goes against everyone's wishes when he violates the DNR to save Giles' life. The decision lands House in court, drives Foreman to consider taking another job, and results in Giles' paralysis worsening. But when the patient inexplicably starts getting better, the team has to figure out the mystery in reverse and find out why his condition is improving.

The episode was rated 8.06 from 1012 votes.

House - S1E22

#3 - Honeymoon (Season 1 - Episode 22)

When Stacy insists her husband Mark get tests, House insists he can handle things. But despite the fact Mark's tests prove negative, his steadily growing symptoms indicate he is dying. While House struggles with the mystery and make increasing demands on his staff, Wilson worries about House's emotional well-being, and Cuddy considers adding a new employee to the clinic.

The episode was rated 8.13 from 900 votes.

House - S1E18

#2 - Babies & Bathwater (Season 1 - Episode 18)


While House and his team scramble to discover what's causing brain and kidney dysfunction in a pregnant woman, Vogler is working to get House fired after House's pharmaeutical speech. House determines the illness, but the woman and her husband must struggle with an emotional and heartbreaking choice: choose between her or that of her unborn child. Vogler calls for a vote to remove House, but when Wilson refuses to make the vote unanimous, Vogler threatens to take his money if Wilson isn't voted out. Finally, Cuddy must take a stand against Vogler.

The episode was rated 8.15 from 929 votes.

House - S1E21

#1 - Three Stories (Season 1 - Episode 21)

In the episode "Three Stories" of the hit TV show House, things get complicated when House's ex-girlfriend, Stacy Warner, returns. But her return isn't for House's sake, it's to seek help for her ailing husband. As House contemplates whether or not to take on the case, he finds himself in a bind when Cuddy forces him to give a lecture to a class of medical students. Little does he know, this lecture will be one for the books.

As the episode unfolds, House takes a unique approach to teaching the students by weaving together the stories of three patients who all share a common symptom. This storytelling technique leaves the students captivated and intrigued. But amidst the medical drama, an ethical dilemma arises. Did Stacy make the right decision by ignoring House's wishes regarding his leg?

Fans of the show are divided on this issue. Some argue that she had no right to go against his wishes, even if he was wrong about his leg. Others consider this episode to be the best of the season, praising its clever narrative tricks. Whether you're a fan of House or not, "Three Stories" is an episode that will leave you pondering the complexities of relationships and the choices we make.

The episode was rated 8.57 from 1019 votes.

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