Malcolm in the Middle

10 Best Episodes of Malcolm in the Middle - Season 3

A gifted young teen tries to survive life with his dimwitted, dysfunctional family.

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 04, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Malcolm in the Middle - S3E6

#15 - Health Scare (Season 3 - Episode 6)

When Hal's doctor discovers something suspicious during his routine check-up, Lois and Hal become frantic, nervous wrecks as they wait for the test results. As a result of her anticipation, Lois becomes even stricter with the boys, leaving them to misinterpret the new house rules. Meanwhile, in Alaska, Francis comes to blows with his boss.

The episode was rated 7.72 from 267 votes.

Malcolm in the Middle - S3E4

#14 - Malcolm's Girlfriend (Season 3 - Episode 4)


Malcolm has a new light in his life: a perky classmate named Sara (whose face, in a quirky touch, is never shown). But, according to Malcolm , she’s “good-looking and smart and cool. And if we went out together, it would make me happy. So therefore, it will never happen.” Ah, but it does—a surprising turn of events that elates the lad and perturbs his parents, especially when Malcolm goes into an academic tailspin. And it’s not long before our lovesick hero admits that he’s becoming “obsessive and neurotic, and a totally jealous creep.”

The episode was rated 7.72 from 250 votes.

Malcolm in the Middle - S3E9

#13 - Reese's Job (Season 3 - Episode 9)

Trouble finds Reese at his new fast-food job; a new Krelboyne tutors Malcolm; Hal and Lois sabotage Dewey's plan to get a dog.

The episode was rated 7.72 from 248 votes.

Malcolm in the Middle - S3E21

#12 - Cliques (Season 3 - Episode 21)


Back in the general school population, the Krelboyne whiz kids wind up in cliques with jocks, skateboarders and brooding "Goths."

The episode was rated 7.75 from 226 votes.

Malcolm in the Middle - S3E17

#11 - Dewey's Dog (Season 3 - Episode 17)

Dewey rules, thanks to his new dog that intimidates Malcolm and Reese; Hal and Lois hit the town with big plans---and flu symptoms.

The episode was rated 7.75 from 242 votes.

Malcolm in the Middle - S3E7

#10 - Christmas (Season 3 - Episode 7)


When Malcolm and his brothers destroy their Christmas tree ornaments, Lois punishes them by canceling Christmas and moves all the presents into the garage. The only way she will reinstate the holiday is if the boys behave impeccably up to Christmas morning. Her plan works better than expected, and Lois is touched that her family responded so well to her challenge. Meanwhile, the boys decide that Lois could use this tactic for future holidays and retaliate by breaking into the garage and opening up all the presents. Elsewhere, Francis is forced to visit his Grandma Ida for Christmas.

The episode was rated 7.75 from 239 votes.

Malcolm in the Middle - S3E2

#9 - Emancipation (Season 3 - Episode 2)

Still reeling over Francis' break for freedom, Lois and Hal find themselves face to face with their newly independent son. While at home, Francis wins back Hal's support, but Lois is a completely different story. Also, Malcolm and the Krelboynes meet their match when a new teacher ”a former Krelboyne himself” is assigned to the class. He sets up a ranking system that pits the students against each other and eventually drives them to the brink of insanity.

The episode was rated 7.75 from 252 votes.

Malcolm in the Middle - S3E22

#8 - Monkey (Season 3 - Episode 22)


New monkey business occupies Reese, now a self-appointed law enforcer; a capuchin monkey has it in for Lois's co-worker, Craig.

The episode was rated 7.78 from 221 votes.

Malcolm in the Middle - S3E1

#7 - Houseboat (Season 3 - Episode 1)

It's still summer-vacation time on the jaunty third-season opener, which finds Malcolm and his rowdy clan cruising on a lake in a houseboat with Stevie and his straitlaced parents, Abe and Kitty Kenarban. Some vacation. The vessel itself is a fright, a weathered heap that Dewey hates from the get-go because "There's no TV! There's no TV! There's no TV!" An equally distraught Malcolm is shanghaied by Hal for a fishing expedition, leaving lucky Reese the chance to trawl for bikini-clad beauties at a nearby camp. Back on board, the close quarters are slowly driving Abe off the deep end.

The episode was rated 7.78 from 278 votes.

Malcolm in the Middle - S3E14

#6 - Cynthia's Back (Season 3 - Episode 14)


The return of the smart and sassy Cynthia rattles Malcolm, who's astonished by her physical maturation. And so is drooling Reese.

The episode was rated 7.80 from 232 votes.

Malcolm in the Middle - S3E5

#5 - Charity (Season 3 - Episode 5)

In an effort to contribute to society and to make her boys useful at the same time, Lois "volunteers" Malcolm, Reese and Dewey for charity work at a local church. The boys are assigned to sort giant piles of donated clothing, game, appliances etc. Initially irritated at their new task, they realize the donated stuff is a lot nicer than their own possessions, and they begin swapping out their old stuff with the second-hand items. The boys soon make a enterprise out of their charity assistance, going as far as to sell things to the neighborhood kids - that is until Hal finds out. Meanwhile, Francis must come to grips with the fact his fabulous job in Alaska is not quite what he expected.

The episode was rated 7.80 from 263 votes.

Malcolm in the Middle - S3E15

#4 - Hal's Birthday (Season 3 - Episode 15)


The arrival of Francis's new bride on Hal's birthday sparks a fray that drives the younger siblings out---and into a posh hotel.

The episode was rated 7.80 from 234 votes.

Malcolm in the Middle - S3E10

#3 - Lois's Makeover (Season 3 - Episode 10)

A negative job-performance review riles Lois; hoops play with the boys energizes Hal; a vermin infestation busies rat-killer Francis.

The episode was rated 7.85 from 258 votes.

Malcolm in the Middle - S3E13

#2 - Reese Drives (Season 3 - Episode 13)


Highway horror: Reese gets a learner's permit, which he promptly proceeds to abuse by commandeering a driving-school vehicle.

The episode was rated 7.92 from 240 votes.

Malcolm in the Middle - S3E8

#1 - Poker (Season 3 - Episode 8)

Poker showdowns with Abe give Hal a flush; dance lessons turn Lois awhirl; an Alaskan blizzard entraps and rattles Francis. (TV Guide)

The episode was rated 8.01 from 233 votes.

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