Naruto Shippuden

10 Best Episodes of Naruto Shippuden - Season 5

Naruto Shippuuden is the continuation of the original animated TV series Naruto.The story revolves around an older and slightly more matured Uzumaki Naruto and his quest to save his friend Uchiha Sasuke from the grips of the snake-like Shinobi, Orochimaru. After 2 and a half years Naruto finally returns to his village of Konoha, and sets about putting his ambitions to work, though it will not be easy, as He has amassed a few (more dangerous) enemies, in the likes of the shinobi organization; Akatsuki.

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 02, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Naruto Shippuden - S5E12

#15 - Inside the Mist (Season 5 - Episode 12)

Guren is rendered unconscious and relives her past as Naruto is caught in an illusion about Sasuke. After Kakashi finds him, Teams Kakashi and Kurenai conclude the mist around them causes Genjutsu courtesy of the Three-Tails. After Guren wakes up, Yūkimaru suffers another fever and passes out. Tsunade hears of the Three-Tails and assmbles Shizune, Ino, Tenten and Lee to go and seal it before the Akatsuki do. Naruto and Sakura talk about the home that people should return to before Naruto heads off to find Yūkimaru.

The episode was rated 7.67 from 89 votes.

Naruto Shippuden - S5E19

#14 - Sworn Enemies Fighting Together (Season 5 - Episode 19)


Guren tries to attack Naruto within the Three-Tails, but, in her weakened state, is unable to do so and passes out. Meanwhile, Kakashi tells Sakura and Ino to heal Yūkimaru while he, Shizune, Kiba, Sai, and Hinata search for Naruto. Naruto and Guren soon encounter a horde of mini Three-Tails that try to attack them, but they evade them and begin to argue about Yūkimaru. While Yūkimaru awakens, Naruto summons a bunch of Shadow Clones to look for a way out of the beast's stomach. Elsewhere, Kabuto gives Curse Marks to Rinji's men.

The episode was rated 7.73 from 95 votes.

Naruto Shippuden - S5E9

#13 - The Labyrinth of Distorted Reflection (Season 5 - Episode 9)

In Konoha, Tsunade discovers they have an enemy using Crystal Style. While on his mission with Team Kakashi, Naruto meets Yūkimaru once again and talks to him. Guren puts a gigantic Crystal Prison over the forest trapping Team Kurenai inside. Guren then prepares six Crystal Clones and attacks Team Kurenai with them. Hinata defeats one clone but is locked up in a Crystal Prison by another. Team Kakashi reaches the borders of the giant prison and Naruto uses his new Jutsu with Gamatatsu to bust a way in.

The episode was rated 7.78 from 96 votes.

Naruto Shippuden - S5E20

#12 - Camellia Guidepost (Season 5 - Episode 20)


Yukimaru informs Kakashi and the others to Naruto and Guren's whereabouts and they attempt to free them with Yukimaru's help. Kiba, Tenten and Lee once again battle Kihou, Kigiri and Nurari after gaining more power from Kabuto. Naruto and Guren continue to search for a way out, coming across human-sized Sanbi-like creatures and illusions. Will Naruto and Guren ever find a way out?

The episode was rated 7.79 from 97 votes.

Naruto Shippuden - S5E22

#11 - Memory of Guilt (Season 5 - Episode 22)

Katsuyu arrives to help the sealing team with the sealing barrier. Naruto and Guren arrive to save Yukimaru from Rinji, but after Guren and Yukimaru have a brief discussion, Rinji reveals the truth about Guren to Yukimaru in hope that he'll make the Sanbi go wild. What will Yukimaru's reaction be when he discovers Guren killed his mother?

The episode was rated 7.82 from 95 votes.

Naruto Shippuden - S5E10

#10 - The Target Appears (Season 5 - Episode 10)


Naruto successfully breaks down the crystal labyrinth with his new jutsu and he and the rest of Team Kakashi come to Kakashi, Kiba and Shino's aide, and rescue Hinata as well. Meanwhile, Kabuto, Guren, Yukimaru and Gozu head to the lake Kabuto and Yukimaru went to before. What could be in the lake that Orochimaru wants?

The episode was rated 7.84 from 98 votes.

Naruto Shippuden - S5E1

#9 - Compensation for Power (Season 5 - Episode 1)

In the aftermath of the battle, Teams 7 and 10 return to Konoha. After examining Naruto, Tsunade officially classifies Naruto's new technique as a Forbidden Jutsu and warns Kakashi never to let him use it again. What is the terrible secret of the Rasen Shuriken that has left even Tsunade stunned by its power? Meanwhile, Orochimaru orders Kabuto to search for a woman who will help him reach his goal.

The episode was rated 7.84 from 128 votes.

Naruto Shippuden - S5E23

#8 - The Broken Promise (Season 5 - Episode 23)


The sealing team continue their efforts to seal the Sanbi while Kakashi and the others face against a monster fused together by Kigiri, Nurari and Kihou. Kabuto reveals Orochimaru's plans involving the Sanbi and he and Naruto begin to fight. While protecting Yukimaru, Guren fights against the real Rinji, who has been resurrected by Kabuto. When Guren sacrifices her life to save Yukimaru, Yukimaru's powers go into full effect. Now, in order to protect Yukimaru, Naruto prepares to go against the rampaging Sanbi.

The episode was rated 7.88 from 93 votes.

Naruto Shippuden - S5E15

#7 - The Four-Corner Sealing Barrier (Season 5 - Episode 15)

The sealing unit prepares the sealing barrier and the other two teams go into battle with Guren and her henchmen. Kakashi, Naruto and Sai stall Guren and Gozu while Shino prepares to go against Guren's crystal style. Meanwhile, Lee goes against Guren's other henchmen and gets trapped in their smokescreen. Can Lee find a way to defeat them?

The episode was rated 7.88 from 94 votes.

Naruto Shippuden - S5E21

#6 - Counterattack of the Curse Mark (Season 5 - Episode 21)


The Sealing Team prepared to start sealing the Three-Tails and tell Sai to take Yūkimaru somewhere safe, but he gets attacked by Kabuto's men. Kabuto meanwhile prepares his plans while Lee, Tenten, and Kiba are also attacked. Rinji finds his men and converts them back to his side, ordering them to attack the Sealing Team; they're stopped by Kakashi, Yamato and Shino. Rinji then makes Yūkimaru eat the pills to control the Three-Tails, which Naruto and Guren learn about.

The episode was rated 7.89 from 90 votes.

Naruto Shippuden - S5E17

#5 - The Battle Over the Barrier (Season 5 - Episode 17)

Kabuto plans on breaking Leaf’s The Four-Corner Sealing Barrier from the inside by using Yukimaru’s power and have the Three-Tailed Beast go on a rampage.

The episode was rated 7.89 from 90 votes.

Naruto Shippuden - S5E24

#4 - The Place to Return To (Season 5 - Episode 24)


The battle for the Sanbi comes to an end as neither the Konoha ninja nor Orochimaru are successful at obtaining it. Tsunade classifies the mission of catching the Sanbi as a failure, for it is too dangerous to accomplish. As Naruto and the others prepare to return home, Yukimaru goes missing. Unbeknownst to everyone, Akatsuki lies in wait, and they have their own plans for the Sanbi.

The episode was rated 7.90 from 100 votes.

Naruto Shippuden - S5E18

#3 - Red Camellias (Season 5 - Episode 18)

Yūkimaru falters and the Three-Tails injures Guren. Rinji tells Yūkimaru to suppress the beast to save her, but he is unable to do so. Guren leaves her position and protects Yūkimaru with a Crystal Style shield. Naruto goes out to find Yūkimaru, but ends up fighting the Three-Tails with Guren. Despite their efforts to defeat it, the beast overpowers the two of them, and then it proceeds to swallow them. Meanwhile, Kakashi, Shino and Sai find Yūkimaru unconcious and flee with him, leaving Kabuto frustrated.

The episode was rated 7.91 from 98 votes.

Naruto Shippuden - S5E16

#2 - Crystal Style Shattered (Season 5 - Episode 16)


After Shino finishes preparing his insects, he goes against Guren's crystal style. Elsewhere, while Shizune, Sakura, Ino and Hinata are bringing the sealing barrier to the Sanbi, they are being watched by Tobi and Rinji.

The episode was rated 7.94 from 87 votes.

Naruto Shippuden - S5E11

#1 - The Rampaging Tailed Beast (Season 5 - Episode 11)

Yūkimaru summons the Three-Tailed and immobilizes it while Guren tries to capture it. It manages to break free and attack. Kakashi tells Naruto to investigate the lake, while they find Rinji and the others. Rinji and his men prepare an ambush, but Hinata, Sakura, and Sai arrive to avert it. Naruto summons Gamakichi and Gamatatsu and approach the Three-Tails, where they see Yūkimaru and learn of his allegiance to Guren. Trying to save Guren, Yūkimaru tries to suppress the Three-Tails once more, before managing to escape with her.

The episode was rated 8.02 from 100 votes.

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