South Park

10 Worst Episodes of South Park

Since its debut on Comedy Central in 1997, South Park has become one of the highest rated TV shows of all time. With 27 seasons and counting, the show has created some of the most iconic episodes in television history. However, not all episodes have been fan favorites. In this article, we will rank the worst episodes of South Park according to fans and critics alike. From the most disliked to the least, we’ll take a look at the episodes that have made South Park one of the most beloved animated series of our time.

South Park has been a cultural phenomenon since it first aired in 1997. It has been praised for its thought-provoking satire and unapologetic approach to controversial topics. But this show is not without its missteps. Over the years, some episodes have been met with criticism and confusion from the show’s fan base. In this article, we’ll take a look at the worst episodes of South Park and rank them from most disliked to least.

For this ranking, we looked at both fan ratings and critical reviews to determine the worst episodes of South Park. We’ll also take a look at why each episode was so disliked. Whether it was an offensive plot line or an overall lack of humor, these episodes were deemed to be the worst of the bunch. So without further ado, let’s take a look at the worst South Park episodes ranked.

Written by Sophie and last updated on jun 26, 2024.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

South Park - S5E5

#10 - Terrance and Phillip: Behind the Blow (Season 5 - Episode 5)

In the grand tradition of Wham UK, flatulant Canadian superstars, Terrance and Phillip, have broken up over creative differences. The clock is ticking as the boys struggle to reunite the fartastic duo, and recruit them in time for South Park's Earth Day festivities.

The episode was rated 7.17 from 577 votes.

South Park - S13E4

#9 - Eat, Pray, Queef (Season 13 - Episode 4)


Someone played an April Fools joke on the boys and it didn't go over well. Butters is incapacitated, Cartman is furious and the rest of the boys are afraid someone might do it again.

The episode was rated 7.13 from 644 votes.

South Park - S22E3

#8 - The Problem with a Poo (Season 22 - Episode 3)

Mr. Hankey must defend his character or lose everything that is important to him. Mr. Hankey’s offensive behavior puts him in jeopardy of being fired as the Director of the Annual Christmas Pageant. Meanwhile, at South Park Elementary, Strong Woman and PC Principal face a whole new set of challenges in their relationship.

The episode was rated 7.09 from 1414 votes.

South Park - S15E2

#7 - Funnybot (Season 15 - Episode 2)


At the school's first annual Comedy Awards, Jimmy announces that the Germans are the least funny people in the world. Germany is highly insulted. They vow that retaliation toward the kids at South Park Elementary will be swift and brutal.

The episode was rated 7.07 from 737 votes.

South Park - S25E4

#6 - Back to the Cold War (Season 25 - Episode 4)

A lot is riding on Butter’s ability to crush the competition in the all-important dressage championship.

The episode was rated 7.07 from 855 votes.

South Park - S3E15

#5 - Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics (Season 3 - Episode 15)


Mr. Hankey introduces 10 musical segments highlighting songs the on the CD "Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics." The boys and all of the other South Park characters sing their own songs for the Holidays and realize that Christmas is all about the presents.

The episode was rated 7.07 from 554 votes.

South Park - S10E5

#4 - A Million Little Fibers (Season 10 - Episode 5)

Towelie writes a book and it gets selected for Oprah’s book club. It becomes a best seller with everyone getting a lot help for their addictions; until a faction of Oprah's staff leak the truth about the book.

The episode was rated 7.00 from 603 votes.

South Park - S4E14

#3 - Pip (Season 4 - Episode 14)


This is the story of Pip's origin. Pip gets a job at the Havesham Estate where he meets Estella. She only spurns his optimism with insults. When Pip is offered the opportunity to become a gentleman he goes to London only to discover that Miss Havesham plans to break his heart. Her plan is to use Pip's tears to power her Genesis device and will allow her to gain revenge on all men.

The episode was rated 6.92 from 532 votes.

South Park - S3E4

#2 - Jakovasaurs (Season 3 - Episode 4)

The boys discover a live prehistoric Jakovasaur while camping on Stark's Pond. The government and the citizens of South Park are interested in trying to help keep this endangered species alive, until they all realize how annoying the Jakovasaurs really are. The only one who really enjoys them is Cartman. The boys try distracting him while the town tries to send the Jakovasaurs to France.

The episode was rated 6.91 from 682 votes.

South Park - S2E1

#1 - Terrance and Phillip in Not Without My Anus (Season 2 - Episode 1)


The show starts off with the build up from last season's cliffhanger revolving around Cartman's paternal origins. However, just as it seems they are about to get on with the second half of "Cartman's Mom Is A Dirty Slut," they do a 180 degree turn-around and reveal that for April Fool's Day they will be showing Terrance & Phillip in "Not Without My Anus".

The episode was rated 6.55 from 821 votes.

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