The Crown

10 Best Episodes of The Crown

Step into the world of power, politics, and royalty with the acclaimed TV show, "The Crown." This gripping series takes you on a journey through the fascinating life of Queen Elizabeth II and the Prime Ministers who played a pivotal role in shaping Britain's destiny after World War II. With its compelling storyline and incredible attention to detail, "The Crown" offers a behind-the-scenes look at the inner workings of Buckingham Palace and 10 Downing Street.

Prepare to be captivated as you delve into the intrigues, love lives, and machinations that unfolded behind the grand events that defined the latter half of the 20th century. "The Crown" seamlessly weaves together the stories of two iconic addresses, showcasing the struggles and triumphs of those who resided within their walls.

With eight seasons of binge-worthy content available on Netflix, "The Crown" has become a beloved favorite among viewers worldwide. Whether you're a history buff, a fan of royal dramas, or simply crave a well-crafted narrative, this series is sure to leave you eagerly anticipating each new episode. Get ready to be enthralled by the power and majesty of "The Crown."

Written by Sophie and last updated on dec 24, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

The Crown - S3E10

#15 - Cri de Coeur (Season 3 - Episode 10)

In the episode "Cri de Coeur" of the hit series "The Crown," Princess Margaret's crumbling marriage takes center stage as she seeks solace in the arms of a younger landscaper. At the same time, Queen Elizabeth II and the nation come together to celebrate her Silver Jubilee. The episode delves into the complexities of relationships and the power dynamics at play. With captivating performances and stunning visuals, this episode is a must-watch for fans of the show.

Throughout "Cri de Coeur," the audience is treated to a whirlwind of emotions and unexpected twists. Princess Margaret's escapades in a tropical paradise provide a sense of enchantment, despite the discomforting power dynamics at play. The episode flips traditional gender dynamics, shining a light on an unconventional relationship that challenges societal norms. As the season comes to a close, the episode delivers a poignant resolution that explores the unbreakable bond between sisters.

While some viewers may have found the episode disappointing, many others consider "Cri de Coeur" to be a powerful and emotional finale. The episode showcases the complexities of love, loss, and the enduring strength of family ties. With its expert storytelling and memorable performances, this episode of "The Crown" leaves a lasting impact. Whether you're a devoted fan or new to the series, "Cri de Coeur" is a must-watch episode that will keep you engaged from start to finish.

The episode was rated 7.90 from 1149 votes.

The Crown - S2E10

#14 - Mystery Man (Season 2 - Episode 10)


In the season finale of "The Crown," titled "Mystery Man," a scandal hits close to home for Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip. Elizabeth, grappling with a difficult pregnancy, seeks solace in Scotland. This final episode brilliantly captures the strained marriage between the royal couple, providing closure to their tumultuous storyline throughout Season 2. As we bid farewell to Claire Foy's exceptional portrayal of Queen Elizabeth II, we eagerly anticipate what Olivia Colman will bring to the character in Season 3.

The technical and artistic elements of "The Crown" continue to impress in "Mystery Man." The stunning cinematography, particularly in the scenes at Balmoral, captivates viewers. The episode's showpiece scene, featuring a powerful confrontation between Elizabeth and Philip, showcases the outstanding performances of Claire Foy and Matt Smith. The unspoken emotions and complex dynamics between the characters are conveyed with remarkable subtlety.

While the episode aims to convince us of Philip's commitment to his marriage, some viewers remain skeptical. Throughout the series, we have seen him make promises before, only to fall back into old habits. Despite a heartfelt speech and a touching moment during the birth of their son, Philip's past actions cast doubt on his sincerity. "Mystery Man" attempts to neatly tie up loose ends, but some feel that it falls short of delivering a satisfying resolution to the season's themes of betrayal and strife.

As we say goodbye to Claire Foy's portrayal of Queen Elizabeth II and await the arrival of Season 3, we can't help but feel a mix of sadness and excitement. "The Crown" remains a must-watch show, with its groundbreaking performances, compelling storylines, and beautiful production. Although this season may have been more uneven than the first, it still offers a nuanced exploration of the complexities and imperfections behind the facade of the monarchy.

The episode was rated 7.90 from 1650 votes.

The Crown - S1E7

#13 - Scientia Potentia Est (Season 1 - Episode 7)

In this gripping episode of "The Crown" titled "Scientia Potentia Est," viewers are taken on an emotional rollercoaster as both Churchill and Eden face major health crises amidst the Soviet Union's testing of the H-bomb. The power of Claire Foy's performance is undeniable as she tackles the challenges and standoffs faced by Queen Elizabeth II.

One of the standout moments in this episode is the meeting between The Queen and Winston Churchill. It is a superbly acted scene that showcases the Queen's newfound assertiveness and determination. Finally, she shows some bite and proves that she is more than capable of holding her own in the face of powerful men.

Another intriguing storyline in this episode revolves around Queen Elizabeth's frustration with her inadequate education. Feeling embarrassed by her lack of knowledge, she hires a tutor to help bridge the gaps in her understanding. While her effort to rectify her own dearth of education is noble, the show takes a somewhat controversial turn by portraying her as mean-spirited towards her mother and presenting the idea that she already knows enough to deal with statesmen.

Despite some conflicting messages, "Scientia Potentia Est" is a gripping episode that showcases the impeccable acting, direction, and cinematography that "The Crown" is known for. The emotional depth of the characters and the complex dynamics within the royal family make for compelling viewing. And, of course, the episode ends on a surprising and humorous note that leaves viewers eager to see what happens next.

The episode was rated 7.92 from 2695 votes.

The Crown - S4E5

#12 - Fagan (Season 4 - Episode 5)


In the episode "Fagan" of the hit show "The Crown," Thatcher's policies lead to a rise in unemployment, setting the stage for a desperate man to break into the palace. The intruder, Fagan, finds himself in the most unexpected of places – Queen Elizabeth's bedroom. This daring act awakens the Queen, and what follows is a gripping and thought-provoking conversation between the two.

Fans of the show were eagerly awaiting this episode, and they were not disappointed. The bedroom scene is hailed as brilliant, showcasing the exceptional acting talents of Olivia Colman, who portrays Queen Elizabeth. However, it's important to note that while the episode captivates, it also takes some liberties with the facts. As one viewer mentioned, it's a reminder to do some research to separate fact from fiction.

Some viewers even classified this episode as a "bottled episode," as it remained relatively self-contained, focusing on Fagan's story. A suggestion was made to start the episode with the second break-in and use flashbacks to delve into the trespasser's past, making for a more interesting narrative. Despite differing opinions, many felt a sense of sadness after watching this episode, in a good way, leading them to fall in love with the show even more.

One aspect of "Fagan" that stood out to viewers was its diversion from the usual family drama that permeates the series. Instead, it hones in on Fagan's desire for a platform to be heard, offering a refreshing palate cleanser before the anticipated events that lie ahead. Overall, this episode of "The Crown" showcases the show's ability to captivate audiences with its compelling storytelling and exceptional performances.

The episode was rated 7.92 from 1074 votes.

The Crown - S6E4

#11 - Aftermath (Season 6 - Episode 4)

In "Aftermath," the latest episode of The Crown, the world finds itself in mourning. However, the Queen's silence in the wake of tragedy sparks anger and concern, especially from a grieving Charles. As tensions rise, viewers are left wondering how the Queen will step up and fulfill her role as both a leader and a mother to her nation.

This gut-wrenching episode of The Crown is a testament to the exceptional acting prowess of the cast. Heartbreaking and poignant, it brings back memories for many who experienced the real-life events and only later understood their full gravity. The performances in this episode are nothing short of fantastic, leaving audiences captivated and moved by the story unfolding before their eyes.

While some may have found solace in this episode's emotional weight, others criticized the plot, questioning the writing itself. However, despite the differing opinions, the impact of this episode is undeniable. It serves as a poignant reminder of the bond between the United States and the United Kingdom, transcending historical conflicts and reminding us that, in times of grief, we are all united. The Crown continues to deliver powerful storytelling that resonates with viewers on a global scale.

The episode was rated 7.95 from 267 votes.

The Crown - S2E5

#10 - Marionettes (Season 2 - Episode 5)


In the episode "Marionettes" of the hit TV show "The Crown," Queen Elizabeth finds herself under fire after delivering a tone-deaf speech at a Jaguar factory. The monarchy faces public backlash, especially from an outspoken lord. The episode delves into the challenges of being a monarch in the modern age, highlighting the need for adaptation and change. Viewers have praised this episode for its incredible acting, compelling storyline, and its exploration of the tension between maintaining the image of The Crown and embracing one's true self. With gripping moments and thought-provoking suggestions, "Marionettes" is a standout episode of the season.

One of the standout aspects of "Marionettes" is the character Lord Altrincham, who serves as a gadfly to the monarchy and the Queen herself. Initially seen as a revolutionary or royal-hater, Lord Altrincham's honest critiques and desire to help the institution survive make him a noble and relatable character. His suggestions, such as sweeping out the old courtiers and televising the Christmas address, challenge the traditional approach of the monarchy and advocate for openness and adaptability. This episode also explores the personal growth of Queen Elizabeth, as she navigates the pressure to present herself as The Crown while also letting the public see her wit and personality. The episode's themes of change, flexibility, and the humanization of the monarchy make it a standout in the series.

"Marionettes" tackles the corrupting influence of power as well as the need for the monarchy to evolve with the times. Queen Elizabeth's tone-deaf speech at the Jaguar factory is seen as insulting, highlighting the detachment of the monarchy from the lives of the common people. However, the episode also shows Elizabeth's realization that change is necessary. As she grapples with the expectations placed on her and the desire to maintain the traditions of the monarchy, she begins to embrace the idea of opening up and showing her true self to the public. This episode is a turning point for the character and the monarchy itself, as they face the challenge of adapting to a changing world. "Marionettes" is a thought-provoking and compelling episode that highlights the ongoing struggle between tradition and progress.

The episode was rated 7.96 from 1773 votes.

The Crown - S4E6

#9 - Terra Nullius (Season 4 - Episode 6)

In the episode "Terra Nullius" of the hit show The Crown, viewers are taken on a tour of Australia with Princess Diana. As she tries to balance her royal duties and motherhood, tensions in her marriage with Charles reach a breaking point. This heartwarming and heartbreaking episode showcases the incredible talent of Emma Corrin as Diana, who delivers a truly fantastic performance. The storyline focuses on the couple's tour of Australia and New Zealand, and it delves into some deeply sad moments. However, the episode is brilliantly executed, leaving viewers captivated until the very end.

One comment describes this episode as the moment when viewers start to see a different side of the Queen, as the once-heroine begins to show signs of decay. Another comment highlights how this season of The Crown explores Elizabeth's internal conflicts regarding motherhood, her reign, and even the institution of the monarchy itself. The episode brings forth the idea that treating people with kindness rather than royal hostility should be the new norm. Diana's powerful statement about being a present mother and fostering humanity in her son resonates deeply, making this a crucial moment for both characters.

Overall, "Terra Nullius" is a beautifully crafted episode that showcases the complexities of Diana's role as a princess and mother. It leaves viewers emotionally moved and eagerly anticipating what will come next in this compelling series.

The episode was rated 7.99 from 1067 votes.

The Crown - S1E10

#8 - Gloriana (Season 1 - Episode 10)


In the season finale of "The Crown," titled "Gloriana," we see the heartbreaking reunion of Margaret and Peter, only to be faced with yet another obstacle. As Queen Elizabeth finds herself torn between her duty as monarch and her love for her sister, we can't help but feel empathy for Margaret and the unfair treatment she receives from the Church. The episode delves deep into the transformation of Elizabeth II from a person to "The Crown," leaving us with a sense of sadness and tragedy.

What makes this episode particularly interesting is the contrast it draws between Elizabeth's path and that of other leaders, like Michael Corleone and Elizabeth I. While they are encouraged to give in to corruption and play dirty, Elizabeth's journey is one of surrendering to the system and losing herself in the symbolism of the crown. We witness her fighting for her sister and upholding her word, only to be ground down by a force that seems unstoppable. It's a heartbreaking realization that Elizabeth is no longer a person but merely a figurehead, incapable of changing the direction of the institution she represents.

In addition to Margaret and Peter's struggles, the episode also highlights the challenges faced by Philip, who is essentially banished to Australia to mold him into the role expected of him. Elizabeth, too, must confront the eternal struggle between being a person and being the crown, as the abdicated King Edward warns her. Ultimately, she makes the choice to submit and let the wheels of tradition and expectation continue turning, leaving us with a sense of corruption that comes from acquiescing rather than fighting dirty.

Overall, "Gloriana" is a powerful and emotional episode that showcases the talent of the cast, particularly John Lithgow in his portrayal of Churchill. With its profound exploration of duty, love, and sacrifice, this season finale leaves us eagerly awaiting the next chapter of "The Crown."

The episode was rated 8.01 from 2551 votes.

The Crown - S1E2

#7 - Hyde Park Corner (Season 1 - Episode 2)

In the episode "Hyde Park Corner" of the TV show "The Crown," we witness a powerful portrayal of the last days of King George and the significant changes awaiting Elizabeth and Philip. The episode beautifully captures the bond between King George and his daughter, as they enjoy precious moments together, unaware of the impending tragedy. Meanwhile, Elizabeth and Philip experience their final days as a normal couple, with Philip's contrasting attitudes towards the locals in Nairobi showcasing the complexity of his character. However, everything changes when the unthinkable happensβ€”the king's death. The episode masterfully depicts the transition to a new era, filled with grief, loss, and the sacrifices Elizabeth must make for the crown.

Although the episode effectively portrays the personal and public consequences of King George's death, some viewers found certain elements to be heavy-handed. The depictions of Nairobi and its people during the era of colonialism were uncomfortable for the modern eye, highlighting issues of cultural insensitivity and privilege. Nevertheless, the show manages to strike a balance by not expressing anachronistic views and subtly suggesting that the dismissive treatment of the locals is unjust. One standout moment is when a local man wearing a headdress steps out to bid farewell to Elizabeth, symbolizing a connection between two monarchs who understand the challenges they face. This episode, while starting weakly, ends on a strong note that brings its value to the forefront.

Despite the overall emotional impact of the episode, some viewers felt that the grandiose announcement of the king's death was exaggerated. They believed that the global mourning portrayed in the episode was unrealistic, as people outside the country of the king's reign wouldn't be as emotionally affected. Additionally, they questioned the deliberate attempts to portray Elizabeth and Philip as heroes during their time in Africa. However, the episode's poignant ending, accompanied by a powerful speech, redeemed it for many viewers, showcasing its true value.

Overall, "Hyde Park Corner" is a poignant and visually stunning episode that delves into the personal and political consequences of King George's death. It captures the complexities of the characters' emotions and the weight of the crown on Elizabeth's shoulders. While some aspects may seem heavy-handed or exaggerated to certain viewers, the episode ultimately delivers a strong and moving narrative.

The episode was rated 8.04 from 3340 votes.

The Crown - S1E9

#6 - Assassins (Season 1 - Episode 9)


In the episode "Assassins" of The Crown, tensions between Philip and Elizabeth continue to rise, pushing her to seek solace in her old friend Porchey. Meanwhile, the focus shifts to Winston Churchill as his 80th birthday approaches and a portrait of him is painted. The episode delves into Churchill's past, revealing more about his character and the man he believes himself to be. This unexpected shift in focus adds depth to the character and showcases John Lithgow's exceptional acting skills.

The final sequence of the episode is a work of art in itself, with impeccable timing, framing, and editing. The moment when the painting is unveiled is particularly touching, evoking strong emotions from the audience. The episode explores the power of art and its ability to reveal truths that may be difficult to face. Churchill's portrait reflects his decay, frailty, and suffering, forcing him to confront his own mortality and make a life-changing decision.

This episode not only highlights the complexities of Churchill's character but also delves into the rocky marriage of Elizabeth and Philip. The introduction of Porchey, a seemingly unassuming horse trainer and friend, prompts both Elizabeth and Philip to seek emotional connections outside of their marriage. This storyline humanizes Elizabeth and sheds light on the challenges faced by those in positions of power.

Overall, "Assassins" is a standout episode of The Crown, with powerful performances, thought-provoking themes, and a masterful portrayal of Churchill's downfall. It showcases the power of art and the impact it can have on individuals, whether it be through a painting or a simple act of kindness. This episode will leave viewers moved and eager to see what lies ahead for the characters in the next installment.

The episode was rated 8.04 from 2659 votes.

The Crown - S4E10

#5 - War (Season 4 - Episode 10)

In the final episode of The Crown's fourth season, titled "War," the tension between Thatcher and her own party reaches its boiling point. As her power is increasingly challenged, Thatcher fights tooth and nail to hold onto her position. Meanwhile, the unraveling of Charles and Diana's marriage becomes more evident, with Charles growing even more determined to separate from his wife. This heartbreaking storyline showcases the struggles faced by both Thatcher and Diana as they navigate their roles within the royal family.

One particularly powerful scene in this episode is when The Queen bestows the Order of Merit on Thatcher. Gillian Anderson and Olivia Colman deliver exceptional performances, capturing the emotional depth of their characters. Throughout the entire fourth season, the cast has been phenomenal, making it difficult to say goodbye but also exciting to welcome the new cast for Season 5 and 6. The Crown continues to prove itself as one of the best Netflix shows ever, leaving us eagerly anticipating a rewatch of the first four seasons.

This final episode encapsulates the season's overarching themes. Charles expresses his suffering, but Queen Elizabeth dismisses it as privilege, reminding him of the life they both have been fortunate to lead. The frustration of the characters is palpable as their struggles are laid bare. The entitlement of politicians is also highlighted, with Thatcher facing the consequences of her 11-year tenure in office. Emma Corrin's portrayal of Diana is nothing short of remarkable, evoking nostalgia for a time many of us may not have lived through. Overall, this season of The Crown focuses on the experiences of women and leaves us with a profound dislike for Prince Charles.

The episode was rated 8.05 from 1046 votes.

The Crown - S2E6

#4 - Vergangenheit (Season 2 - Episode 6)


In the episode "Vergangenheit" of the hit show "The Crown," a secret World War II document uncovers shocking truths about a family member, leaving Queen Elizabeth with her eyes opened to grim realities. The Duke of Windsor, also known as King Edward, is determined to re-enter public life, but his past actions and connections to the Nazis cast a dark shadow over his ambitions. This episode has been hailed as the best so far, with viewers praising its historical significance and captivating storytelling.

The historical revelations in this episode are truly jaw-dropping, shedding light on the extent of Edward's involvement with the Nazis. The show brilliantly combines elements of a news program with dramatic storytelling, making the history come alive for viewers. The reaction of the Queen Mother and the haunting music add to the magnitude of the reveal, leaving audiences eager to learn more about this shocking chapter in history.

While the character drama in this episode may not resonate with everyone, it presents an intriguing dilemma for Queen Elizabeth. Her devout Christian beliefs clash with her desire to practice forgiveness and grace, especially when faced with the heinous crimes committed by Edward. The show explores the internal struggle of the Queen, who seeks guidance from religious figures like Billy Graham. However, some viewers found it challenging to empathize with Edward, given his unforgivable actions. Despite the ethical complexity, the divine retribution that befalls Edward adds a poignant touch to the story.

Overall, "Vergangenheit" is a must-watch episode of "The Crown," offering a mix of historical revelations, character dilemmas, and divine justice. It delves into the darker side of one of the show's most controversial characters, leaving viewers both fascinated and appalled by the secrets uncovered. Whether you're a fan of historical dramas or simply enjoy compelling storytelling, this episode is sure to leave a lasting impression.

The episode was rated 8.06 from 1772 votes.

The Crown - S3E6

#3 - Tywysog Cymru (Season 3 - Episode 6)

In the latest episode of The Crown, titled "Tywysog Cymru," Prince Charles finds himself in Aberystwyth, Wales, on a mission to learn the Welsh language. Assigned to teach him is an ardent nationalist who is determined to prepare Charles for his investiture as Prince of Wales. As the episode unfolds, we witness Charles's struggle to find his voice and assert his identity amidst a backdrop of cultural and political tensions.

One standout aspect of this episode is the exceptional performance by the actor who portrays Prince Charles. His portrayal captures the internal conflicts and complexities of the character with incredible depth and nuance. From the beginning, it's clear that this episode has something special in store for viewers.

Although some may initially have reservations about the episode, it quickly proves itself to be a captivating journey. By the end, both Charles and the audience are left with a profound sense of respect and admiration. The way this episode tackles themes of identity, language, and heritage is truly commendable.

"Tywysog Cymru" is yet another testament to the brilliance of The Crown. With each episode, the show continues to exceed expectations and deliver an exceptional viewing experience. And in this particular episode, there are only two words needed to describe it: Josh O'Connor. His portrayal of Prince Charles is simply outstanding. So, if you're a fan of the show or just looking for compelling television, make sure not to miss this fantastic episode.

The episode was rated 8.11 from 1231 votes.

The Crown - S3E3

#2 - Aberfan (Season 3 - Episode 3)


In the third episode of The Crown, titled "Aberfan," a devastating disaster strikes the town of Aberfan in Wales, resulting in the tragic loss of numerous children. This gripping episode delves into the aftermath of the catastrophe, focusing on Queen Elizabeth's difficult decision to postpone her visit to the grieving town. As the Queen grapples with her reasons for delaying the trip, she is forced to confront the profound impact of her actions on the people of Aberfan.

Viewers have been captivated by the remarkable storytelling in this episode, which sheds light on a historical event that many may not be familiar with. The meticulous attention to detail and the emotional depth portrayed by the cast have received high praise, making this installment of The Crown a standout among the series. Audiences have found themselves deeply moved by the powerful performances and the poignant portrayal of the tragedy, making it an unforgettable watch.

Despite the change in cast, fans of the show have recognized the excellence of this episode, showcasing a compelling story that highlights the consequences of the Queen's decision. The acting prowess displayed throughout the episode has resonated with viewers, emphasizing the magnitude of the disaster and its impact on both the people of Aberfan and the royal family. While some may miss the previous cast, the strength of this episode serves as a testament to the continued quality of The Crown's storytelling.

The episode was rated 8.16 from 1312 votes.

The Crown - S2E8

#1 - Dear Mrs. Kennedy (Season 2 - Episode 8)

In the exceptional episode "Dear Mrs. Kennedy" of the hit show "The Crown," viewers are treated to a captivating storyline inspired by Jackie Kennedy. Against the wishes of her government, Queen Elizabeth takes an unconventional approach to resolve an issue with Ghana. The casting choice for Jackie Kennedy is spot-on, and the episode delves into the fascinating relationship between the Queen and Jackie. Prepare for goosebumps as the episode unfolds!

The arrival of the Kennedys and their introduction to Elizabeth and Philip is a standout scene in this episode. With hilarious commentary from palace staff, the viewer is treated to a comedic yet awkward encounter. Jackie leads the way, addressing Elizabeth as "Your Majesty" and shaking her hand, while Philip is referred to as "Your Grace." John Kennedy adds to the blunders by calling Elizabeth "Your Royal Majesty" and Philip "Your Grace." The Queen gracefully navigates the situation, intuiting that JFK intends to converse with "His Grace" alone. The comedy of manners will surely have British viewers in stitches.

One of the highlights of this episode is the casting choice of Michael C. Hall as JFK. Portraying one of history's most iconic couples is no easy feat, but "The Crown" manages to deliver a brilliant portrayal of the Kennedys. The attention to detail and historical accuracy make this episode a must-watch for fans of the show. Even if some elements may be dramatized, the content is thoroughly enjoyable. Prepare to see a side of Mrs. Kennedy you've never seen before in this educational and captivating installment of "The Crown."

The episode was rated 8.17 from 1765 votes.

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