Young Sheldon

10 Worst Episodes of Young Sheldon

If you happen to be a fan of the CBS show Young Sheldon, you may be wondering which episodes are the worst and should be avoided. For those who are unfamiliar, Young Sheldon is a show that follows the life of the child genius Sheldon Cooper and is a prequel to the hit show The Big Bang Theory. This show has been airing since 2017 and has 7 seasons to date, but with so much content, it can be hard to tell which episodes are the worst. Here, we’ll rank the worst episodes of Young Sheldon and explain why they make the list.

When ranking the worst episodes of Young Sheldon, there are several factors to consider. From story development to character moments, there are plenty of elements that can make a good episode or a bad episode. We’ll take all these into account when ranking the worst episodes of Young Sheldon.

So get ready to explore the worst episodes of Young Sheldon! We’ll look at the episodes that are considered the least enjoyable and why they make the list. So if you’re ready, let’s dive in and see which episodes made the cut for the worst episodes of Young Sheldon!

Written by Sophie and last updated on jun 16, 2024.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Young Sheldon - S5E8

#10 - The Grand Chancellor and a Den of Sin (Season 5 - Episode 8)

Sheldon battles President Hagemeyer's mysterious boss over the university's science requirements. Also, Mary discovers that Georgie is working at Connie's illegal gambling room.

The episode was rated 7.53 from 977 votes.

Young Sheldon - S6E8

#9 - Legalese and a Whole Hoo-Ha (Season 6 - Episode 8)


Sheldon's database invention puts him at odds with the university. Also, the church takes issue with Connie's video store.

The episode was rated 7.51 from 776 votes.

Young Sheldon - S6E18

#8 - Little Green Men and a Fella's Marriage Proposal (Season 6 - Episode 18)

Sheldon wants to search for life on other planets and Mandy answers Georgie's marriage proposal. Also, Missy is caught between two friends.

The episode was rated 7.51 from 769 votes.

Young Sheldon - S5E12

#7 - A Pink Cadillac and a Glorious Tribal Dance (Season 5 - Episode 12)


Sheldon attends his first comic book convention; Mary tries selling makeup.

The episode was rated 7.51 from 937 votes.

Young Sheldon - S1E1

#6 - Pilot (Season 1 - Episode 1)

9-year-old Sheldon Cooper is a once-in-a-generation mind capable of advanced mathematics and science but learns that isn’t always helpful growing up in East Texas, a land where church and football are king.

The episode was rated 7.51 from 4909 votes.

Young Sheldon - S6E2

#5 - Future Worf and the Margarita of the South Pacific (Season 6 - Episode 2)


Sheldon and Missy try to help the family’s finances. Also, Mary struggles to find her footing without the church.

The episode was rated 7.50 from 919 votes.

Young Sheldon - S5E15

#4 - A Lobster, an Armadillo and a Way Bigger Number (Season 5 - Episode 15)

Sheldon joins Dr. Linkletter and Dr. Sturgis on a science road trip. Also, Georgie continues to lie about his age.

The episode was rated 7.50 from 912 votes.

Young Sheldon - S5E14

#3 - A Free Scratcher and Feminine Wiles (Season 5 - Episode 14)


Sheldon butts heads with Dr. Lee, a new scientist in the lab. Also, Mary is given a lotto ticket.

The episode was rated 7.49 from 918 votes.

Young Sheldon - S4E10

#2 - Cowboy Aerobics and 473 Grease-Free Bolts (Season 4 - Episode 10)

Sheldon campaigns to become Dr. Linkletter's lab assistant. Also, Georgie enlists the help of Mr. Lundy, the drama teacher, for a surprising business venture.

The episode was rated 7.47 from 1070 votes.

Young Sheldon - S5E16

#1 - A Suitcase Full of Cash and a Yellow Clown Car (Season 5 - Episode 16)


Connie's gambling room is a success, and Sheldon dips his toe in the stock market. Also, Missy starts a business.

The episode was rated 7.44 from 903 votes.

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