
10 Best Episodes of Alias - Season 4

Sydney Bristow, an agent who has been tricked to believe she is working for the U.S. government, is actually working for a criminal organization named the Alliance of Twelve. Upon learning this, Sydney becomes a double agent for the real CIA.

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 02, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Alias - S4E9

#15 - A Man of His Word (Season 4 - Episode 9)

While Nadia is in a coma, Sark is taken into APO and to help them infiltrate Cadmus Revolutionary Front and retrieve the bomb, but in return he demands to see Lauren's corpse and that Vaughn opens her coffin the for him. Nadia may be the only person with the intel they need to intercept the bomb, so Jack is forced to prematurely wake Nadia from her coma, endangering her life, which doesn't please Sloane when he finds out.

The episode was rated 7.60 from 151 votes.

Alias - S4E17

#14 - A Clean Conscience (Season 4 - Episode 17)


Nadia's former caretaker, Sophia, has been severely beaten. She contacts Nadia and asks to meet her. Sloane is told by Sophia that she was beaten up, because someone is trying to track Nadia down, so he and Jack decide to tell their daughters the truth – Elena Derevko, the third and the most cruelest of the Derevko sisters, has been surveilling both Sydney and Nadia for a decade. Meanwhile, Jack's doctor advises him to tell Sydney about his illness.

The episode was rated 7.61 from 141 votes.

Alias - S4E15

#13 - Pandora (Season 4 - Episode 15)

In an attempt to talk to Sydney, Katya Derevko deliberately poisons herself and is temporally taken out from her cell. Once Nadia tells her sister about this, Sydney visits her aunt to tell her to stay away from Nadia. However, Katya unsettles Sydney by telling her that someone framed her mother as a means of getting her killed. Sydney sets off in search of the truth behind this story. Meanwhile, Vaughn becomes a rogue agent by getting involved with the people who might know his father's whereabouts. In the end, he and Sydney find out that the man behind these two plots is no other than A. Sloane. However, things are not exactly as they seem to be.

The episode was rated 7.62 from 149 votes.

Alias - S4E10

#12 - The Index (Season 4 - Episode 10)


Dixon enlists Sydney to help him prove that Sloane is double-crossing the CIA and using APO to steel the Blackwell Index, a master blackmail list, and to reconstruct the Alliance. Sydney makes her way into Sloane's house so as to copy the encryption key from his secure phone and crack his calls. When Nadia finds her, she becomes disappointed in her sister. Meanwhile, Vaughn discovers something disturbing about his father when he visits his comatose uncle.

The episode was rated 7.63 from 161 votes.

Alias - S4E3

#11 - The Awful Truth (Season 4 - Episode 3)

Sydney must seduce a murderous arms dealer in order to track down a stolen NSA code-breaker. Meanwhile, Vaughn fears for Weiss's life, and Sydney and Jack argue about telling Nadia the truth about her mother.

The episode was rated 7.64 from 167 votes.

Alias - S4E19

#10 - In Dreams... (Season 4 - Episode 19)


The team captures the Sloane Imposter and questions him to find a rare Rambaldi orchid. The real Sloane must relive a painful memory in order to get the Imposter to reveal the orchid location.

The episode was rated 7.66 from 145 votes.

Alias - S4E18

#9 - Mirage (Season 4 - Episode 18)

Jack's illness has caused him to hallucinate about a cure. Sydney must recreate the time when Jack was working for the CIA and hid the only man who might be able to help him now. For this, Sydney must play her own mother. Meanwhile, Sophia moves in with Sydney and Nadia.

The episode was rated 7.67 from 151 votes.

Alias - S4E7

#8 - Détente (Season 4 - Episode 7)


While Sydney and Nadia argue about Nadia's acceptance of Sloane's fatherly concerns, Sloane worries about Nadia's well-being when she and Sydney go undercover as wealthy, irresponsible young heiresses to uncover the whereabouts of a deadly chemical.

The episode was rated 7.69 from 155 votes.

Alias - S4E20

#7 - The Descent (Season 4 - Episode 20)

After a tactical group infiltrates the DSR and steals Rambaldi artifacts, CIA director Hayden Chase discovers that the alarms at the DSR were disabled from Nadia's computer, allowing the raid to happen, and shows up at the apartment to question her. Soon Sloane and Jack arrive and suspect that Sophia, who had access to the computer while she was living with Syd and Nadia, is Elena Derevko. They follow her trail to a dead Rambaldi follower, a stunning betrayal, and a presumed dead family member...

The episode was rated 7.72 from 150 votes.

Alias - S4E16

#6 - Another Mister Sloane (Season 4 - Episode 16)


Sydney and Vaughn tell Jack about Sloane's alleged involvement in Vaughn's search for his father and Irina's contract on Sydney's life. After cornering Sloane, they both conclude that someone is framing him. The APO team set a trap to catch the fake A. Sloane, but they fail. Once they realize what "Arvin Clone" is after at, Sloane suggests to step down, temporarily. However, Sydney reluctantly convinces him to stay on the case, since he may the only person able to anticipate "Arvin Clone"'s next move. But Nadia fears that this pursue may revive her father's past obsession – Rambaldi.`

The episode was rated 7.73 from 147 votes.

Alias - S4E2

#5 - Authorized Personnel Only (2) (Season 4 - Episode 2)

Sydney unwillingly teams up with her father to hunt down a modern-day samurai. Meanwhile, Nadia doesn't want to go back to the spy business, but is forced to when Sydney's life is jeopardized. Sydney finds out the reason behind Jack's misdeed and Nadia makes an unsettling promise.

The episode was rated 7.74 from 160 votes.

Alias - S4E21

#4 - Search and Rescue (Season 4 - Episode 21)


Rambaldi's catastrophic endgame begins to fall into place as a giant version of the Circumference/Mueller device is found floating over city in Russia, driving the citizens made. After a wounded Dixon reveals that Irina is alive, Sydney, Nadia, and Jack set off to find her. Irina had been captured, and then duplicated using Project Helix, in order to give the impression that she was dead. Sydney and Nadia discover Irina is being held inside a camp in Tikal, safely in the clutches of Elena's army. Irina had apparently been working to counter Elena's organization, the Covenant, and actually PREVENT the Rambaldi endgame. Irina tells of a page she destroyed, a page that was key to Rambaldi's endgame. Under torture, she finally broke and recreated it for Elena. After a short respite, the transport turns towards Russia, and Sydney, Vaughn, Jack, Nadia, and Irina parachute down, towards Elena, Sloane, the Circumference....and destiny.

The episode was rated 7.75 from 151 votes.

Alias - S4E5

#3 - Welcome to Liberty Village (Season 4 - Episode 5)

Sydney and Vaughn go undercover as a married couple so as to find a weapon that could bring back the Dark Ages. However, the neighborhood they've infiltrated is not as charming as it seems.

The episode was rated 7.77 from 166 votes.

Alias - S4E13

#2 - Tuesday (Season 4 - Episode 13)


When a mission goes wrong, Sydney's is placed in danger and Marshall is the only one who can save her. Meanwhile, Dixon is exposed to a deadly pathogen released inside APO.

The episode was rated 7.86 from 157 votes.

Alias - S4E22

#1 - Before the Flood (Season 4 - Episode 22)

Jack, Sydney, Irina, Vaughn and Nadia parachute into Sovogda. They're supposed to dismantle a giant red ball turning people into zombies. At APO, Marshall and Weiss use the Blackwell Index to blackmail the Russian minister into giving them the access codes to a Russian satellite, they discover that Elena is uplinking the satellite. A CIA agent, Brodien reminds them that the Rambaldi device is broadcasting a subaudible frequency that physiologically alters people who drink it and it is irreversible. Elena learns of the APO team's arrival.

The episode was rated 8.04 from 145 votes.

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