American Horror Story

10 Best Episodes of American Horror Story - Season 8

Step into the twisted world of "American Horror Story," where each season unveils a new nightmare waiting to unfold. From haunted houses to chilling asylums, bewitched covens to eerie cults, this anthology series keeps viewers on the edge of their seats with its unique blend of horror and drama. Since its premiere in 2011, "American Horror Story" has captivated audiences with its dark and mysterious storylines, earning a dedicated fan base along the way.

With 13 seasons under its belt, "American Horror Story" continues to push the boundaries of the horror genre, exploring a wide range of terrifying scenarios that are sure to send shivers down your spine. Whether you're a fan of supernatural hauntings or psychological thrillers, this show has something for everyone. Get ready to immerse yourself in a world where every season is a new nightmare, each more chilling than the last.

Join us as we dive into the best episodes of "American Horror Story," where we'll revisit the most spine-tingling moments that have kept us glued to our screens over the years. From shocking twists to unforgettable performances, these episodes showcase the true essence of what makes this series a must-watch for any horror enthusiast. So grab your popcorn, turn off the lights, and prepare to be scared as we take a closer look at the standout moments from this iconic show.

Written by Sophie and last updated on apr 26, 2024.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

American Horror Story - S8E8

#10 - Sojourn (Season 8 - Episode 8)

Michael questions his father's unholy plan for world annihilation, and is directed on the proper path to recover Miriam.

The episode was rated 7.43 from 1562 votes.

American Horror Story - S8E2

#9 - The Morning After (Season 8 - Episode 2)


A new occupant arrives at the Outpost with alarming news, causing a domino effect of lust, betrayal and self-destruction.

The episode was rated 7.48 from 1893 votes.

American Horror Story - S8E9

#8 - Fire and Reign (Season 8 - Episode 9)

Michael strikes at the school, but Cordelia, Myrtle, and Mallory escape him. Mutt and Jeff step in to guide Michael to his destiny, and recruit Wilhelmina to administer the Outposts.

The episode was rated 7.54 from 1482 votes.

American Horror Story - S8E1

#7 - The End (Season 8 - Episode 1)


The end of the world happens when the bombs drop, and the survivors wonder if surviving is worth it after the Cooperative gives them shelter.

The episode was rated 7.62 from 2211 votes.

American Horror Story - S8E3

#6 - Forbidden Fruit (Season 8 - Episode 3)

As Ms. Mead grapples with her identity, Michael reveals more of his; Coco's ex rears his ugly head; Venable crafts a plan to give the residents of Outpost 3 one magical night.

The episode was rated 7.70 from 1836 votes.

American Horror Story - S8E5

#5 - Boy Wonder (Season 8 - Episode 5)


After witnessing the Apocalypse, Coredelia must act quickly to stop Michael or face the end of days.

The episode was rated 7.82 from 1731 votes.

American Horror Story - S8E7

#4 - Traitor (Season 8 - Episode 7)

Cordelia takes steps to punish the traitors among the coven and stop Michael from rising to power as the Antichrist.

The episode was rated 7.82 from 1604 votes.

American Horror Story - S8E10

#3 - Apocalypse Then (Season 8 - Episode 10)


The surviving witches travel to Outpost 3 to stand in final battle against the Antichrist.

The episode was rated 7.84 from 1530 votes.

American Horror Story - S8E4

#2 - Could It Be... Satan? (Season 8 - Episode 4)

In the gripping American Horror Story episode titled "Could It Be... Satan?", viewers are taken on a thrilling journey into Michael's past as a teenager, shedding light on his dark history and the events that led him to the ominous Hawthorne Boy's school. The episode delves deep into Michael's character, showcasing his mysterious persona and hinting at the formidable power he possesses.

Fans have hailed this episode as one of the **BEST** in the American Horror Story series, praising its seamless connection to The Coven storyline and the return of beloved characters like the witches. The introduction of Michael as a commanding and enigmatic figure has left audiences on the edge of their seats, eager to discover his next moves. The episode's intense moments, such as Michael's daring rescue of Queenie, have left viewers in awe of his abilities and intrigued by the unfolding narrative.

With nods to previous seasons like Hotel and the captivating presence of characters like Taissa, "Could It Be... Satan?" has been lauded for its intricate storytelling and compelling twists. The episode's blend of dark magic and supernatural elements has drawn comparisons to a "Harry Potter for adults," adding an extra layer of intrigue to the already gripping plot. As fans eagerly await the next installment, this episode remains a standout moment in the immersive world of American Horror Story.

The episode was rated 8.00 from 1814 votes.

American Horror Story - S8E6

#1 - Return to Murder House (Season 8 - Episode 6)


In the electrifying episode "Return to Murder House" from American Horror Story, Madison and Behold embark on a chilling journey to unravel the mysterious origins of Michael Langdon. Fans were left on the edge of their seats as they delved deeper into the dark past of this enigmatic character, uncovering shocking revelations along the way.

The episode garnered intense praise from viewers, with many expressing their overwhelming love for the intricately woven storyline and stellar performances by the cast. From the captivating direction by Sarah Paulson to the haunting music and compelling drama, every element of the episode left fans craving for more. Jessica Lange's brief yet mesmerizing return as Constance added an extra layer of nostalgia and excitement to the already gripping narrative.

With a perfect blend of familiar faces from past seasons and a riveting exploration of Michael's backstory, "Return to Murder House" stands out as a standout episode in the American Horror Story series. The intricate storytelling, coupled with the seamless integration of characters old and new, kept audiences hooked from start to finish, solidifying its place as a true masterpiece in the realm of horror television.

The episode was rated 8.13 from 1696 votes.

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