
10 Best Episodes of Angel - Season 1

The vampire Angel, cursed with a soul, moves to Los Angeles and aids people with supernatural-related problems while questing for his own redemption. A spin-off from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 02, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Angel - S1E21

#15 - Blind Date (Season 1 - Episode 21)

Angel must break into Wolfram and Hart to prevent an assassin from carrying out her deadly mission.

The episode was rated 7.64 from 232 votes.

Angel - S1E6

#14 - Sense and Sensitivity (Season 1 - Episode 6)


Kate's temper buys her a trip to sensitivity training, which has a strange effect on her... and those around her.

The episode was rated 7.67 from 282 votes.

Angel - S1E16

#13 - The Ring (Season 1 - Episode 16)

In pursuit of a missing man, Angel becomes enslaved to an underground-fighting ring.

The episode was rated 7.72 from 233 votes.

Angel - S1E5

#12 - Rm w/a Vu (Season 1 - Episode 5)


Cordelia finds a perfect apartment, but it' has just one flaw: it's haunted. Meanwhile, Doyle flees the phantoms of his past.

The episode was rated 7.72 from 309 votes.

Angel - S1E17

#11 - Eternity (Season 1 - Episode 17)

When a young celebrity enlists Angel to protect her from a stalker, her interest in Angel could cost him his soul.

The episode was rated 7.77 from 231 votes.

Angel - S1E11

#10 - Somnambulist (Season 1 - Episode 11)


When a killer stalks the L.A. streets using a mark that Angelus once used, Angel must face the possibility that he is committing the murders in his sleep.

The episode was rated 7.79 from 258 votes.

Angel - S1E10

#9 - Parting Gifts (Season 1 - Episode 10)

Angel and Cordelia, still coping with the death of their friend, are aided by an old friend in the pursuit of a demon bounty.

The episode was rated 7.81 from 275 votes.

Angel - S1E14

#8 - I've Got You Under My Skin (Season 1 - Episode 14)


A troubled family enlists Angel and Wesley to help them exorcise their resident demon.

The episode was rated 7.81 from 249 votes.

Angel - S1E3

#7 - In the Dark (Season 1 - Episode 3)

Spike follows Oz to L.A. and enlists the help of a demented vampire to regain a mystical relic from Angel.

The episode was rated 7.83 from 353 votes.

Angel - S1E1

#6 - City of... (Season 1 - Episode 1)


Newly arrived in Los Angeles, Angel is befriended by a half-demon named Doyle whose visions lead him to a powerful vampire whose next victim just may be Cordelia Chase.

The episode was rated 7.85 from 510 votes.

Angel - S1E22

#5 - To Shanshu in L.A. (Season 1 - Episode 22)

Wolfram and Hart raise a powerful new foe to strike down Angel and those close to him.

The episode was rated 8.06 from 232 votes.

Angel - S1E9

#4 - Hero (Season 1 - Episode 9)


Doyle is presented with an opportunity for atonement when a band of frightened refugees seek his help.

The episode was rated 8.15 from 291 votes.

Angel - S1E19

#3 - Sanctuary (Season 1 - Episode 19)

Everyone, including Buffy Summers, is out to get Faith, and Angel is the only man who can stop them.

The episode was rated 8.26 from 268 votes.

Angel - S1E18

#2 - Five by Five (Season 1 - Episode 18)


Rogue slayer Faith comes to town, and when she partners up with Wolfram and Hart , Angel's life is in danger.

The episode was rated 8.31 from 257 votes.

Angel - S1E8

#1 - I Will Remember You (Season 1 - Episode 8)

Old feelings are rekindled when Buffy comes to L.A. to visit Angel. Buffy and Angel are attacked by a Mohra demon, and together they slay it

The episode was rated 8.35 from 322 votes.

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