Archive 81

10 Worst Episodes of Archive 81

An archivist takes a job restoring damaged videotapes and gets pulled into the vortex of a mystery involving the missing director and a demonic cult.

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 04, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Archive 81 - S1E4

#8 - Spirit Receivers (Season 1 - Episode 4)

In the woods, Dan encounters the unexpected. In the tapes, Melody learns about the cult and makes contact during a shocking sΓ©ance.

The episode was rated 7.86 from 194 votes.

Archive 81 - S1E7

#7 - The Ferryman (Season 1 - Episode 7)


The veil drops from a cursed film's origins. At the Vos Mansion in 1924, Iris recruits Rose for a blood ritual. Dan knows he must find Anabelle.

The episode was rated 7.79 from 145 votes.

Archive 81 - S1E6

#6 - The Circle (Season 1 - Episode 6)

A circle tightens, panic grows: Dan learns about his predecessor, and Melody tries to track the source of the Visser's dangers. Yet the evil spreads.

The episode was rated 7.74 from 147 votes.

Archive 81 - S1E5

#5 - Through the Looking Glass (Season 1 - Episode 5)


The past blurs into the present when Melody visits a forbidden floor in search of an inspired Anabelle. Music leads to lost souls β€” and revelations.

The episode was rated 7.70 from 166 votes.

Archive 81 - S1E8

#4 - What Lies Beneath (Season 1 - Episode 8)

The Otherworld beckons. Melody circles back to the Visser, where a new device captures a sacrifice. So much depends on Dan's journey into the unknown.

The episode was rated 7.62 from 148 votes.

Archive 81 - S1E3

#3 - Terror in the Aisles (Season 1 - Episode 3)


The past loops back around as Melody returns to Steven with Jess. Mark checks out a find. Dan tries to map his situation, but he may be losing his way.

The episode was rated 7.51 from 208 votes.

Archive 81 - S1E1

#2 - Mystery Signals (Season 1 - Episode 1)

Haunted by a family tragedy, Dan begins to restore videotapes for a cryptic firm. Then he's startled to learn of his connection to their missing creator.

The episode was rated 7.47 from 311 votes.

Archive 81 - S1E2

#1 - Wellspring (Season 1 - Episode 2)


Messages from the dead arrive while Dan follows Melody on her investigation into the Visser. But who's watching the watcher β€” and what lies below?

The episode was rated 7.47 from 246 votes.

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