
10 Best Episodes of BattleBots - Season 7

BattleBots promises to wow viewers with next generation robots—bigger, faster and stronger than ever before. The show will focus on the design and build of each robot, the bot builder backstories, their intense pursuit of the championship and the spectacle of the event.

Written by Sophie and last updated on may 12, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

BattleBots - S7E4

#6 - The Slugfest (4) (Season 7 - Episode 4)

The Sin City Slugfest continues as eight bots go head-to-head for a chance to punch a ticket to the Golden Bolt Tournament. Fan favorites like Blade, Bloodsport and Kraken must first win three straight fights and then overcome the formidable Skorpios.

The episode was rated 7.64 from 74 votes.

BattleBots - S7E2

#5 - The Slugfest Continues (Season 7 - Episode 2)


Tonight's quest is to beat Desperado champion Lock-Jaw. But first eight bots have to fight to the death in the Sin City Slugfest. Only one will survive to face the veteran and qualify for the exclusive Golden Bolt tournament of champions.

The episode was rated 7.69 from 68 votes.

BattleBots - S7E5

#4 - The Final Slugfest (Season 7 - Episode 5)

The final Sin City Slugfest blasts off. Eight contenders must fight to the death -- only one will survive to take on Witch Doctor, gatekeeper of the last vacant spot in the Golden Bolt Tournament. Who will join the field of Champions?

The episode was rated 7.88 from 74 votes.

BattleBots - S7E3

#3 - The Slugfest (3) (Season 7 - Episode 3)


Eight hopefuls slug it out to the death for the right to take on Rotator. The winner will compete for the exclusive Golden Bolt. Will Rotator live up to its reputation or will another bot triumph and join the group of champions?

The episode was rated 7.96 from 73 votes.

BattleBots - S7E6

#2 - The Golden Bolt (Season 7 - Episode 6)

After the ferocious Sin City Slugfest, the 5 new Champions join 3 Giant Nut winners for one night of carnage in the BattleBox. At stake is BattleBots’ newest trophy: The Golden Bolt.

The episode was rated 8.15 from 75 votes.

BattleBots - S7E1

#1 - Let the Slugfest Begin (Season 7 - Episode 1)


In the fight capital of the world, a new tournament kicks off for robotic combat's hottest trophy: The Golden Bolt. But first the robots must face the toughest battle ever seen in Vegas: the Sin City Slugfest. Starring: Gigabyte.

The episode was rated 8.22 from 85 votes.

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