Better Call Saul is an American television drama series created by Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould. It first aired on AMC in 2015 and has since gone on to become a beloved show with seven seasons. It follows the life of Jimmy McGill, a small-time lawyer searching for his destiny, as he transitions into the criminal lawyer Saul Goodman. It has been highly praised for its writing, performances, and cinematography. Here we take a look at the best episodes of this critically acclaimed show as ranked by viewers.
Written by Sophie and last updated on aug 08, 2024.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
Alarming news disrupts Jimmy's efforts at drumming up new business, forcing him to make a difficult choice.
The episode was rated 7.55 from 4340 votes.
Jimmy works his magic in the courtroom. Unexpected inspiration leads him to an unconventional pursuit of potential clients.
The episode was rated 7.63 from 5490 votes.
Jimmy devises a bold plan to obtain new clients, but must face consequences when his relationships become strained.
The episode was rated 7.74 from 4315 votes.
As his troubles escalate to a boiling point, Jimmy finds himself in dire straits. An act of carelessness puts Chuck at risk.
The episode was rated 7.83 from 4715 votes.
Jimmy meets with potential new clients. Then, when given the opportunity to do the right thing, he cashes in a favor from an unlikely ally.
The episode was rated 7.89 from 4667 votes.
In the aftermath of recent events, Jimmy seizes an opportunity to reconnect with an old friend. Chuck adjusts to a new way of life.
The episode was rated 7.91 from 4841 votes.
Jimmy pulls out all the stops to prove that his dangerous client is innocent, even though it causes some friction with Kim.
The episode was rated 7.91 from 4519 votes.
Jimmy shows Chuck that he's willing to do almost anything to win a case, even if it means getting his hands dirty.
The episode was rated 7.98 from 4751 votes.
In the episode "Five-O" of the show Better Call Saul, Mike's tragic past comes back to haunt him, and he is forced to seek help from an unusual source. Jonathan Banks is incredible in the role of Mike, playing the stoic, taciturn old hand with such skill that the audience can feel the beating heart beneath his steely exterior. The episode is constructed beautifully, cutting back and forth between the present and the future to answer the questions of how Mike was shot and what brought him to Albuquerque. The sequence where Mike takes out his son's murderers is masterful as it shows his capability, nervousness, and wily nature. The episode ends with a powerful and tragic scene between Mike and his daughter-in-law, in which he reveals his deepest regret and throws himself at her mercy. "Five-O" is a great episode of Better Call Saul that deepens the audience's understanding of Mike and lays the groundwork for why he and Jimmy McGill would find each other useful in the future.
The episode was rated 8.10 from 5010 votes.
In the episode "Pimento", Jimmy is faced with a harsh truth and is urged to accept it by Chuck. This truth is that Jimmy should change his name in order to pursue his dream of becoming a lawyer. It is a difficult decision for Jimmy, but one he must make if he wants to move forward.
Meanwhile, Mike's abilities are questioned when a deal threatens to go off the rails. Though Mike is confident in his abilities, he is forced to prove his capability to complete the job. The episode is filled with tension as both Jimmy and Mike are put in difficult positions. After the episode concluded, viewers found out the truth about the billboard situation and that it was Chuck who asked Jimmy to change his name. This provided a different perspective on the episode and revealed the complexity of the characters and the story.
The episode was rated 8.23 from 4880 votes.
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