Black Butler

10 Worst Episodes of Black Butler

In Victorian-era London, on the night of Ciel Phantomhive's tenth birthday a fire destroyed his manor and killed both of his parents. In a moment of death Ceil strikes a deal with a demon, his soul in exchange for revenge. This demon becomes his butler and calls himself by name of Sebastian Michaelis, to protect and serve Ciel until the deal has been completed. One month after the fire Ciel returns from being missing, with his new butler Sebastian. Ceil is now the head of the Phantomhive corporation, handling all business affairs as well as the work as the Queen of England’s guard dog and looking for his parents murders.

Written by Sophie and last updated on nov 14, 2022.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Black Butler - S2E5

#10 - Beacon Butler (Season 2 - Episode 5)

The episode begins with Sebastian warning Prince Soma, Agni, and the rest of Ciel's friends that Ciel has lost his memory, and in order not to cause him any trouble, they must pretend nothing is wrong. However, Soma bursts into tears around Ciel when he arrives at the Trancy estate for the ball, but thanks to the efforts of Agni and Sebastian, Ciel has no real suspicions concerning his memory. Ciel warns Sebastian to be on his guard, because he feels uneasy in the mansion. During the ball, a passing maid spills red wine all over Ciel's costume, so she takes Ciel to a private location to clean the mess before it stains. After Ciel notices the spill hasn't been thoroughly cleaned, the maid begins acting strangely; she comments on Ciel's eye and licks his ear before ultimately running off his the eye patch. Ciel runs after her, eventually reaching the cellar, where Ciel begins seeing and hearing things that occurred during the first episode of this season. The visions cause Ciel to become frantic, so much that he vomits before fleeing to the woods outside. The maid is waiting for him to continue their "game", but Ciel has already figured out she was really Alois all along. Claude and the triplet servants join Alois as Sebastian returns to Ciel's side. Confident his butler is superior to Ciel's, Alois threatens to slaughter everyone attending the ball if Ciel does not willingly give himself up. To Alois's surprise, Ciel refuses. Alois then orders Claude to capture Ciel, while Ciel commands Sebastian to protect him, no matter the cost.

The episode was rated 7.98 from 44 votes.

Black Butler - S1E16

#9 - His Butler, in an Isolated Castle (Season 1 - Episode 16)


Ciel is informed that the abandoned Ludlow Castle that his estate owns is haunted by ghosts and the workers are too spooked to continue remodeling it into a hotel, so he and Sebastian head to the castle to investigate. There they encounter the ghosts of two princes who were assassinated four centuries ago, Edward V and his brother, Richard. Ciel plays a game of chess against Edward V to pass the night, but he loses and Edward claims Sebastian as his winnings. Alone, Ciel solves the mystery behind the princes. The ghosts of Edward V and Richard thank Ciel and Sebastian before departing for the afterlife, and the remodeling of Ludlow Castle resumes.

The episode was rated 7.95 from 59 votes.

Black Butler - S1E2

#8 - His Butler, Strongest (Season 1 - Episode 2)

Ciel is kidnapped for ransom, but Sebastian easily defeats a mob of underlings, with various kitchen supplies, and retrieves his master.

The episode was rated 7.94 from 99 votes.

Black Butler - S1E22

#7 - His Butler, Dissolution (Season 1 - Episode 22)


Ciel and Sebastian head off to the Exposition Universelle in Paris to meet Queen Victoria and become wrapped up in the festivities of the Expo. A taxidermy monkey suddenly springs to life and destroys the lighting equipment, so Sebastian makes Ciel escape ahead to an elevator in the Eiffel Tower. Inside he finds Queen Victoria waiting for him. The two arrive at the top of the tower, where the Queen reveals that Ash granted her youth. Sebastian and Ash engage in a duel, raining debris down onto people below, so Ciel calls Sebastian off to prevent hurting them, which angers Sebastian. The next morning Ciel realizes that Sebastian has left him alone at the hotel and is non-responsive to his summoning, so Ciel attempts to make his way back to London on his own. He barely makes it to the port, where he spends the night sleeping cold and hungry on the docks. Meanwhile at the Phantomhive Estate, Ash takes control of Pluto and sets the property around the mansion on fire.

The episode was rated 7.94 from 48 votes.

Black Butler - S3E4

#6 - His Butler, Colleague (Season 3 - Episode 4)

Sebastian and Ciel have done undercover work before, but this particular job presents some unique challenges.

The episode was rated 7.90 from 42 votes.

Black Butler - S1E1

#5 - His Butler, Able (Season 1 - Episode 1)


Ciel Phantomhive is awakened by his butler, Sebastian Michaelis, who informs Ciel that Damian, the head of one of his factories, is coming for a visit. Sebastian orders the household staff, Baldroy, the cook, Finnian, the gardener, and Mey-Rin, the maid, to prepare for Damian's arrival. However, their attempts result in disaster, as Baldo overcooks the food, Finnian kills the garden by spraying herbicides on it, and Mey-Rin breaks all of the china. To resolve the situation, Sebastian orders them to rearrange the yard into a stone Japanese garden and has Bard make beef tataki. Damian, impressed with the staff's preparations, plays a board game with Ciel in which his character loses his legs and is ultimately incinerated. Following the dinner, Damian calls his associate, commenting that the factory he owns has been sold and he is attempting to fraudulently acquire more money from Ciel. When Damian attempts to return to the lounge, the scenario in the game occurs in real life, as he breaks one of his legs, and Sebastian locks him in the oven, to be burned with the dessert. He later runs away from the mansion.

The episode was rated 7.81 from 133 votes.

Black Butler - S2E3

#4 - Wench Butler (Season 2 - Episode 3)

The episode begins with Grell Sutcliffe poetically commenting on a young couple who've just taken pictures. The female suddenly bursts into flames and despite the best efforts of her husband, who takes off his coat to douse the flames, his young bride is burned to ashes. Ciel is asked to investigate the cases, so he approaches Sir Randall and a man who seems to be Abberline. According to Randall, spontaneous human combustion seems to be occurring throughout the city. Randall denies Ciel any information concerning the cases, as it is classified. So, Ciel goes to the one person who might have ready information: The Undertaker. After making the Undertaker laugh, he shows Ciel the recent corpse: ashes in a tiny vial. The young bride is nothing more than ashes now as she was burned in frightfully high temperatures. Ciel then notices the ashes are glittering. At the funereal, the photographer and his overweight wife present the groom with the last photograph the couple took together moments before her death. The man tries to take it, but his bandaged hands cause him to drop the photo frame, causing it to break. The photographer's wife, Margaret Turner, makes a odd expression and Ciel notices a glittering substance akin to the ashes following her. Upon further investigation, they find out that all the victims had two things in common: they were newlywed women and they all went to the Turner Photographers to take their photos. Lau also informs them that he sold his largest shipment of magnesium to them. When they arrive at the photo studio, they see Turner's wife has destroyed the building because her life is miserable without passionate love. She proceeds to go completely insane, sprinkling everything with magnesium and igniting it with her camera's flash. Grell then appears to collect her soul. Surprisingly, Ciel does not remember him, but is vaguely reminded of Madam Red through Grell's overcoat. Turner takes refuge on Big Ben and starts attacking Ciel, who has followed

The episode was rated 7.78 from 45 votes.

Black Butler - S2E4

#3 - Terrorist Butler (Season 2 - Episode 4)


Ciel and Sebastian begin the episode in a train station as Finny, Bard, and Mey-Rin send them off. Finny becomes so excited, he bumps into a luggage carrier heaving a large crate onto the train, causing the man to drop the box onto his hand. Ciel briefly observes the scratches on the man's hand as the three servants apologize profusely. The owner of the crate then explains its contents, a mummy in a sarcophagus, are extremely valuable. On the train, it is revealed Ciel was sent by the queen to settle a kidnapping case, and during their investigation, they meet a number of suspicious people, ranging from a tattooed priest to a hot-headed Japanese man. The policeman resembling Abberline arrives on the scene, but causes mass hysteria when he reveals there is a murderer held by police on the train. In the dining car, the policeman reveals himself to be Abberline's twin brother, though Ciel has no recollection of the Abberline he once knew. Afterword, Ciel encounters the luggage carrier from the station, recognizing him by the scratches on his hand, and concludes he's the kidnapper. The man flees to the last car while Ciel and Sebastian give chase, but the kidnapper disconnects the car to escape. Inside the isolated car, the kidnapper demands the ransom from the noble whose son is held hostage, but Sebastian stops him. After the kidnapper explains he put a bomb on the train that will detonate once the train stops, Sebastian kicks him out of the car and pursues the rest of the train. Meanwhile, Abberline begins to suffer from a terrible stomach ache that is assumed to be cholera, and Ciel finds the kidnapped boy in the luggage car where the mummy should be. Before the boy can be released, Ciel is taken hostage by the aforementioned murderer, Jack-Knife Hayward, who demands the train be stopped. However, not only is it revealed to all that the train cannot be stopped due to the bomb, but the train is headed for a broken bridge, and there may be an outbreak of cholera. Many

The episode was rated 7.62 from 45 votes.

Black Butler - S2E2

#2 - Solo Butler (Season 2 - Episode 2)

Ciel Phantomhive makes remarks about the sound of water and the warmth of the sunlight, but feels uneasy about opening his eyes. After hearing Sebastian's voice, he opens them to find Elizabeth sitting across from him on a boat. Bard, Maylene, and Finny are nearby in a boat as well. They arrive at a newly built bridge, where Ciel makes an announcement concerning its opening. Ciel then runs into Elizabeth, who wishes to seek a rare white stag that lives in the forest. Ciel promptly refuses but eventually agrees once Elizabeth starts crying. In the meantime, Lau and Ranmao hold bets on whether or not they will find the stag. When a storm comes, Ciel wants to stop the search and promises to come back another day. He also says he can just hire people to find the stag for him, which upsets Elizabeth a great deal. She runs away, saying through her tears that Ciel doesn't understand her feelings. After a short while, Finny appears and informs Ciel that Elizabeth is in trouble. Ciel rushes over to find that Elizabeth is trapped on a boat in the fast river currents. Lau points out that the old dam is about to burst. Ciel orders Sebastian to stop the flood and vows to save Elizabeth by himself. Surprisingly, Sebastian breaks the dam upriver, causing a huge amount of water to rush in. The boat is flipped over but Ciel manages to grab hold of Elizabeth. Ciel wakes up in Sebastian's arms and Elizabeth hugs him, apologizing in tears. Ciel yells at Sebastian for not stopping the flood, which prompts Sebastian to say that he changed the shape of the river to prevent future floods. Elizabeth is still upset that they were unable to find the white stag, but Sebastian replies that the white stag is just over the hill. The group runs over to look and discover that the white stag is a hill figure. While Ciel and Elizabeth hold hands, Elizabeth explains that if they finds the white stag, their life will be filled with happiness.

The episode was rated 7.57 from 47 votes.

Black Butler - S1E3

#1 - His Butler, Omnipotent (Season 1 - Episode 3)


Elizabeth, Ciel's fiancee, arrives at the Phantomhive Estate for a visit. While Ciel does not wish to dance with her, Sebastian convinces him to learn to dance for the sake of preserving his social reputation, and teaches him a simple waltz. Later, Elizabeth is unhappy with Ciel wearing his own ring in favour of the one she has brought him, and she breaks Ciel's ring by throwing it on the floor. Ciel comes close to hitting Elizabeth but is stopped by Sebastian, who explains to Elizabeth that Ciel's ring is the Phantomhive family's ring. Elizabeth is upset, but Ciel throws the ring out of the window and declares that he is the head of the Phantomhive family, with or without it. Ciel then wipes Elizabeth's tears away and dances with her. That night, Sebastian finds Ciel depressed in bed and produces Ciel's ring, undamaged. Ciel wonders how many Phantomhives have died wearing the ring. He tells Sebastian to stay by his side until he falls asleep, amusing Sebastian and causing him to comment on Ciel showing his weaknesses to him.

The episode was rated 7.53 from 91 votes.

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