Bob's Burgers

10 Worst Episodes of Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers is an animated sitcom that has been on FOX since 2011. It follows Bob, the owner of a burger joint and his quirky family that works with him. Despite its popularity, there are some episodes that are considered the worst of the series. Here, we will rank the worst episodes of Bob's Burgers after 16 seasons on FOX.

The episodes are ranked by a combination of factors such as writing, character development, and plot. We will look at the worst episodes to see why they didn't quite hit the mark while analyzing what makes them so bad.

So, let's dive into the worst episodes of Bob's Burgers and see what makes them so bad. We will rank them from least to worst and see why they ended up on this list.

Written by Sophie and last updated on jan 16, 2025.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Bob's Burgers - S13E11

#10 - Cheaty Cheaty Bang Bang (Season 13 - Episode 11)

After a student accuses her of cheating on a test, Tina needs to get back to school to clear her name, but a snowstorm traps her and her family at home.

The episode was rated 7.27 from 268 votes.

Bob's Burgers - S10E21

#9 - Local She-ro (Season 10 - Episode 21)


While trying to show Tina what's great about their town, Linda ends up on the trail of a legendary local singer. Meanwhile, Teddy turns to Bob for help in arguing with a sports radio host.

The episode was rated 7.27 from 396 votes.

Bob's Burgers - S10E18

#8 - Tappy Tappy Tappy Tap Tap Tap (Season 10 - Episode 18)

Tina goes to see Josh perform in a tap show, and suspects sabotage when he's injured on stage.

The episode was rated 7.24 from 381 votes.

Bob's Burgers - S13E7

#7 - Ready Player Gene (Season 13 - Episode 7)


A VR arcade opens next door and Gene spends all his money. Meanwhile, Louise and Tina try to build a menu tower taller than they ever have before.

The episode was rated 7.23 from 283 votes.

Bob's Burgers - S14E1

#6 - Fight at the Not Okay Chore-ral (Season 14 - Episode 1)

When Linda and Bob suggest the kids do chores, the family ends up in a showdown.

The episode was rated 7.21 from 267 votes.

Bob's Burgers - S10E15

#5 - Yurty Rotten Scoundrels (Season 10 - Episode 15)


When Gayle decides to host an artists' workshop in a yurt with only one attendee, Linda feels compelled to go to support her sister. Meanwhile, Louise and Gene lead a covert operation to find a lost cat for a cash reward.

The episode was rated 7.20 from 402 votes.

Bob's Burgers - S10E9

#4 - All That Gene (Season 10 - Episode 9)

Gene auditions for a small role in a local theater production, but things backfire when he discovers that Linda actually bargained with the director to get Gene the part.

The episode was rated 7.20 from 431 votes.

Bob's Burgers - S13E17

#3 - Crows Encounters of the Bird Kind (Season 13 - Episode 17)


Tina drags Bob along on a desperate quest to earn her bird-watching badge for ThunderGirls. Meanwhile, Louise and Gene try to keep their new restaurant game a secret from Linda.

The episode was rated 7.19 from 230 votes.

Bob's Burgers - S11E18

#2 - Some Kind of Fender Benderful (Season 11 - Episode 18)

When Bob gets into a four-car fender bender right outside the restaurant, he realizes finding out who is at fault will not be as simple as he thought.

The episode was rated 7.17 from 337 votes.

Bob's Burgers - S13E21

#1 - Mother Author Laser Pointer (Season 13 - Episode 21)


Linda almost totally accidentally kidnaps a children’s book author. Meanwhile, the kids help Mr. Frond try to get his cat out of a tree in front of the school.

The episode was rated 7.10 from 239 votes.

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