Breaking Bad is an AMC original series that first aired in 2008 and ran for six seasons. The show follows Walter White, a New Mexico chemistry teacher diagnosed with Stage III cancer who enters the dangerous world of drugs and crime in order to secure his family's financial future. Breaking Bad was critically acclaimed and is still considered to be one of the greatest TV shows of all time. However, it is not without its flaws. This article will take a look at the worst episodes of Breaking Bad, ranked from least to worst.
The episodes in this list are not necessarily bad, but they just don't measure up to the quality of the rest of the show. While some of these episodes may have featured great performances and interesting story development, they just weren't as good as the other episodes in the series.
Despite the few that didn't quite hit the mark, Breaking Bad remains an incredible show. It's a testament to the show's quality that these episodes are considered to be the worst in the entire series. So, without further ado, let's take a look at the worst episodes of Breaking Bad.
Written by Sophie and last updated on nov 24, 2024.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!