Central Park

10 Worst Episodes of Central Park

An animated musical comedy about the Tillermans, a family that lives in a castle in Central Park. Owen, the park manager, and Paige, his journalist wife, raise their kids Molly and Cole in the world’s most famous park, while fending off a hotel heiress, Bitsy Brandenham, who would love nothing more than to turn the park into condos.

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 06, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Central Park - S3E12

#10 - A Hot Dog to Remember (Season 3 - Episode 12)

When a beloved hot dog vendor has to take a rare morning off, Owen and Cole volunteer to help set up his cart so he can break a park record.

The episode was rated 6.77 from 30 votes.

Central Park - S3E4

#9 - A Triptych Down Memory Lane (Season 3 - Episode 4)


Elwood forgets the password he created for the Tillermans’ hard drive, so the family must help him remember it or their memories will be erased.

The episode was rated 6.73 from 30 votes.

Central Park - S2E12

#8 - Castle Sweet Castle (Season 2 - Episode 12)

Owen and Paige set out to make the castle everything they dreamed it would be—if they can get the approval.

The episode was rated 6.72 from 36 votes.

Central Park - S3E3

#7 - Ice Ice Not Baby (Season 3 - Episode 3)


Molly and Brendan get into their first big fight, while Abby gets her first big commercial audition for a local deli.

The episode was rated 6.67 from 33 votes.

Central Park - S2E11

#6 - The PAIGE-riarchy! (Season 2 - Episode 11)

Paige tries to convince Molly that her period is a blessing. Bitsy is desperate to get back on a prestigious list of rich women over 50.

The episode was rated 6.66 from 38 votes.

Central Park - S3E9

#5 - A Killer Deadline (Season 3 - Episode 9)


Paige checks into a hotel to focus on two writing deadlines. Owen volunteers for a school kickball tournament that Molly is trying to avoid.

The episode was rated 6.64 from 28 votes.

Central Park - S3E6

#4 - A Matter of Life and Boeuf (Season 3 - Episode 6)

When the Tillermans visit Abby at her new job as waitress, a precious item goes missing—and everyone in the restaurant is a suspect.

The episode was rated 6.64 from 33 votes.

Central Park - S2E15

#3 - Where There’s Smoke (Season 2 - Episode 15)


In search of evidence for a story, Paige brings the family to a wake. Bitsy and Helen try to convince a big investor to join them in buying Central Park.

The episode was rated 6.59 from 37 votes.

Central Park - S3E2

#2 - Paige’s Next Chapter (Season 3 - Episode 2)

As Paige prepares for a big meeting with a book publisher, she welcomes her sister Abby to New York City.

The episode was rated 6.56 from 32 votes.

Central Park - S3E5

#1 - Golden Owen: Manager Damager (Season 3 - Episode 5)


In order to get his “I Heart the Park” campaign proposal approved, Owen has to repair old friendships at the Park Managers’ Conference.

The episode was rated 6.50 from 30 votes.

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