Citadel, the thrilling spy drama, has captured the attention of audiences since its premiere in 2023. The show follows the story of Mason Kane and Nadia Sinh, two former top agents of the Citadel whose memories were wiped clean. As they are called back to action to combat sinister forces, they must rely on the help of spymaster Bernard Orlick to uncover the truth about their past and save the future. With two seasons available on Amazon, Citadel has become a fan favorite among viewers who can't get enough of the exciting plot and complex characters.
As with any television series, some episodes of Citadel have stood out above the rest. Fans have ranked the best episodes of the show, and the results are in. One of the top episodes is "Memory Lane," which delves deep into the past of Mason and Nadia, revealing crucial information about their past lives. Another standout episode is "Double Agent," which sees the team facing off against a deadly enemy who they believe to be a double agent. Finally, "The Reckoning" is another fan favorite, as it sees Mason and Nadia facing off against their greatest enemy yet, putting everything on the line to save the world.
Overall, Citadel has become a must-watch show for fans of the spy genre, with its intricate plot, complex characters, and standout episodes that keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Whether you're a longtime fan or just discovering the series, be sure to check out these top-ranked episodes to see the show at its best.
Written by Sophie and last updated on may 30, 2023.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!