Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion

10 Best Episodes of Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion - Season 1

Japan has been invaded and conquered by the Britannian Empire. Japan is now known as Area 11 and its citizens known as Elevens. The Britannian Empire takes away Japan's autonomous power and imposes its rule through the use of Knightmares. The Empire's rule has never faltered, but cracks have begun to show...

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 04, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion - S1E10

#15 - Guren Dances (Season 1 - Episode 10)

Cornelia and the Britannian Army heads to Narita, hoping to destroy the remnants of the Japan Liberation Front. Lelouch has his Knights follow her in the hope of capturing her alive so he can question her about his mother's death. As the Britannian forces close in on the Front's headquarters, Kallen utilizes her new Knightmare Frame, the Guren Mk-II, to cause a massive landslide that takes out much of the Britannian forces.

The episode was rated 7.88 from 171 votes.

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion - S1E8

#14 - The Order of the Black Knights (Season 1 - Episode 8)


A group from the Japan Liberation Front takes a hotel and its occupants hostage, including most of the Ashford Student council and a disguised Princess Euphemia. As such, Princess Cornelia cannot make a move against the hostage takers, which Lelouch realizes and takes advantage of. He mounts a rescue with Ohgi's resistance, using his knowledge of Euphemia to barter his way past Cornelia's blockade. As Lelouch speaks with the hostage takers, Suzaku sinks the floating hotel using the Lancelot. Using explosives set up by the resistance fighters, Lelouch derails any rescue efforts by the army so he can take credit for their rescue. Broadcasting publicly to the nation, he announces the creation and purpose of his Order of the Black Knights, "allies of justice" who will judge the world and protect the weak from "those with power".

The episode was rated 7.89 from 190 votes.

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion - S1E20

#13 - Battle for Kyushu (Season 1 - Episode 20)

The Britannian Army fights back against the Kyūshū invaders with the Lancelot. Meanwhile, Nina meets Princess Euphemia and inadvertently gives Euphemia peace of mind about her feelings for Suzaku. As Suzaku becomes cornered when his Lancelot's battery runs out, Euphemia encourages Suzaku to fight on and live. Zero and C.C. fly into the battlefield in the Gawain to recharge the Lancelot, and the two Knightmares end the Kyūshū campaign together.

The episode was rated 7.89 from 145 votes.

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion - S1E16

#12 - Nunnally Held Hostage (Season 1 - Episode 16)


C.C. departs as a messenger to the Chinese Federation and Milly has a marriage interview with Lloyd Asplund, creator of the Lancelot. Mao returns to kidnap Lelouch's sister, Nunnally, and holds her hostage in the Ashford Academy sewers. Lelouch and Suzaku work together to rescue her, with Suzaku's physical adeptness and the clever use of Lelouch's Geass proving to be beyond Mao's planning. Before he can be arrested, Mao reveals that Suzaku killed his own father, and in return Lelouch silences him with his power. C.C. returns to the campus and finally ends Mao's life as Suzaku crumbles to the ground, confronted with his actions after years of secrecy.

The episode was rated 7.91 from 151 votes.

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion - S1E21

#11 - The School Festival Declaration (Season 1 - Episode 21)

The Ashford Academy holds their annual school festival. Ohgi, Villeta, Euphemia, and Kallen all make their separate ways to the event. A series of close encounters risks the revealing of hidden identities, but all those involved escape. Suzaku pilots the Ganymede for the festival's main event: making a giant pizza, slated to be the world's largest. When Euphemia's presence is revealed, mass panic ensues. On live television, she declares the Mount Fuji area to be the "Specially Administrated Zone of Japan", where Elevens can be referred to as "Japanese" again. She believes this will bring back the happy days with Lelouch and Nunnally, but Lelouch thinks otherwise, knowing she is being naive.

The episode was rated 7.92 from 142 votes.

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion - S1E17

#10 - Knight (Season 1 - Episode 17)


An inauguration ceremony of Clovis' memorial art museum is being held, with Euphemia judging the art works. Lelouch agrees to help Kyoshiro Tohdoh's comrades rescue their leader and Shirley finds an old crumpled letter detailing her previous knowledge of Zero's identity. During the rescue mission, Lelouch convinces Tohdoh to join the Black Knights. The Lancelot appears and attempts to stop them, but Lelouch is able to predict its movements and plan a counterattack. When Tohdoh slices open the cockpit, revealing Suzaku within, Lelouch is shocked, having originally planned for Suzaku to become Nunnally's knight. He orders an immediate retreat as reinforcements arrive. Seeing Suzaku's bravery and creed, Euphemia announces to the media that he will be her knight.

The episode was rated 8.01 from 144 votes.

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion - S1E13

#9 - Shirley at Gunpoint (Season 1 - Episode 13)

Kallen and Lelouch separately reflect upon the deaths of innocents in the Narita campaign. Shirley secretly follows Lelouch and witnesses the battle between the Japan Liberation Front and the Britannian Army, which Lelouch ends by detonating the Japan Liberation Front freighter as the Britannian Knightmares begin to board it, killing all personnel on board and giving the Black Knights the element of surprise. Suzaku attacks Lelouch, easily overpowering his weaker Burai with the Lancelot, forcing him to eject. He crash-lands near Shirley and is knocked unconscious. Shirley prepares to kill him to avenge her father, but hesitates when his mask falls off, revealing to her that Zero is Lelouch.

The episode was rated 8.03 from 158 votes.

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion - S1E14

#8 - Geass vs. Geass (Season 1 - Episode 14)


Lelouch believes Shirley may have discovered his identity as Zero, so he and C.C. pursue her to Narita. Ohgi explores the battlefield of the previous night, discovering the wounded Villetta Nu left for dead out of sight. Lelouch encounters Mao, a young man who also has the power of Geass. Mao uses his mind-reading power to play on Shirley's insecurities, manipulating her into shooting Lelouch, but she falters at the last moment and C.C. sends Mao away temporarily. Since Shirley is being torn apart by grief and guilt, Lelouch uses his Geass to erase her memories of him.

The episode was rated 8.04 from 162 votes.

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion - S1E11

#7 - Battle for Narita (Season 1 - Episode 11)

The Black Knights' assault on the Britannian Army in Narita proves successful, and Cornelia is cornered by Kallen and Lelouch. The army is pinned down by the Japan Liberation Front when they attempt to assist her. At Euphemia's request, Suzaku rushes onto the battlefield in the Lancelot to rescue Cornelia. He saves Cornelia and manages to corner Lelouch. C.C. comes to Lelouch's rescue by mentally traumatizing Suzaku, but is injured when Suzaku begins firing wildly. As he takes care of her, Lelouch inadvertently learns her real name. The Black Knights retreat from the conflict in victory, leaving the Japan Liberation Front and the Britannian Army to fight amongst themselves.

The episode was rated 8.06 from 161 votes.

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion - S1E19

#6 - Island of the Gods (Season 1 - Episode 19)


The aftermath of the Avalon's arrival inexplicably leaves Lelouch, Euphemia, Kallen, and Suzaku on the island of Kaminejima. Suzaku encounters Kallen while Euphemia is found by Zero. Suzaku learns Kallen is a Black Knight and pilot of the Guren Mk-II, and in turn tells her about how he killed his father. Euphemia confirms her suspicions that Lelouch is Zero. Schneizel, Lloyd, and Cécile Croomy survey the island's ancient ruins. When Lelouch, Kallen, Suzaku, and Euphemia suddenly fall into the ruins, Lelouch and Kallen steal the prototype Knightmare Frame Gawain to escape. Elsewhere, the exiled Japanese government from seven years ago launches a full-scale assault on Kyūshū with the help of the Chinese Federation.

The episode was rated 8.06 from 142 votes.

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion - S1E18

#5 - I Order You, Suzaku Kururugi (Season 1 - Episode 18)

As Euphemia knights Suzaku, Lelouch establishes the hierarchy of the Black Knights. Diethard Reid suggests assassinating Suzaku, but Lelouch has other plans for him. He launches a plan to disable and capture Suzaku and the Lancelot at a Britannia military base on Shikinejima. The plan almost succeeds, but Second Prince Schneizel el Britannia appears and orders his floating battleship, the Avalon, to bombard the island.

The episode was rated 8.16 from 143 votes.

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion - S1E23

#4 - At Least with Sorrow (Season 1 - Episode 23)


Left with no choice, Lelouch shoots and mortally wounds Euphemia in front of Suzaku. Suzaku returns to the Avalon with her battered body as the Black Knights continue to contain the violence. She succumbs to her injuries as Lelouch announces his plan for the creation of the United State of Japan. Alone, Lelouch grieves over his actions as C.C. comforts him, reminding him that she will stay alongside him, as per their contract. Soon, the entirety of Area 11 revolts against the Britannian Empire. Advancing with his massive army, Lelouch ignites the conflict by initiating the collapse of the Tokyo Settlement.

The episode was rated 8.28 from 148 votes.

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion - S1E24

#3 - The Collapsing Stage (Season 1 - Episode 24)

Lelouch's strategies give the Black Knights and their allies the upper hand in their battle against the Britannian Army. As riots break out through the country, the Black Knights take over the Ashford Academy as their headquarters, and the students are spared on Lelouch's orders. An enraged Suzaku, now informed of Zero's identity by a mysterious young boy named V.V., pursues Lelouch for revenge, which Cornelia also covets.

The episode was rated 8.29 from 143 votes.

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion - S1E25

#2 - Zero (Season 1 - Episode 25)


After managing to capture Cornelia, Lelouch forces her to reveal what little information she knows of Marianne's murder, but the answers do not please him one bit. V.V. takes Nunnally to Kaminejima, and Lelouch abandons the Black Knights to rescue his sister. Without Lelouch, the Black Knights begin to lose ground to the Britannian Army. Suzaku follows Lelouch, leading to a final confrontation between the former friends.

The episode was rated 8.48 from 154 votes.

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion - S1E22

#1 - Bloodstained Euphy (Season 1 - Episode 22)

During the commemoration ceremony for the Specially Administrated Zone, Lelouch and Euphemia privately discuss Japan's future. She convinces him, and Lelouch summarily halts his rebellion, until he suddenly loses control of his Geass while jokingly telling her to kill all the Japanese. The Geass-influenced Euphemia orders a bloody massacre of the people attending the ceremony. Blaming himself, a resolute Lelouch decides to salvage the situation by declaring Euphemia's Specially Administrated Zone a trap to lure out the Black Knights, and commands his troops to defeat the Britannian forces, protect the Japanese, and stop Euphemia.

The episode was rated 8.72 from 159 votes.

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