Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee

10 Best Episodes of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee - Season 6

Jerry takes his comedy pals out for coffee in a selection of his classic automobiles. Larry David sums it up best when he says, 'You've finally made a show about nothing.'

Written by Sophie and last updated on jan 14, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee - S6E4

#6 - Bill Maher: The Comedy Team of Smug and Arrogant (Season 6 - Episode 4)

Jerry chooses a 1979 VW Bug police car for good buddy Bill Maher because, as he says, Maher seems to have authority but actually has none. Case in point: when Maher talks politics, Jerry asks, “Boxers or briefs?”

The episode was rated 7.31 from 178 votes.

Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee - S6E3

#5 - Jim Carrey: We Love Breathing What You're Burning, Baby (Season 6 - Episode 3)


Jerry’s full of testosterone as he steps into a ‘76 Lamborghini Countach with Jim Carrey, who’s between a three-week cleanse and a five-day silent retreat. After coffee, it’s off to Carrey’s studio to study a portrait of a gorilla with a machine gun. Wow.

The episode was rated 7.65 from 257 votes.

Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee - S6E6

#4 - Stephen Colbert: Cut Up And Bloody But Looking Good (Season 6 - Episode 6)

Jerry rides shotgun with Stephen Colbert in a 1964 Morgan Plus 4, a British import that says you just don’t care what people think. He’s a late-night madman, according to Jerry, who’s impressed with Colbert’s beard and the manly way he pretends to smoke a pipe.

The episode was rated 7.71 from 194 votes.

Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee - S6E2

#3 - Steve Harvey: Always Do the Banana Joke First (Season 6 - Episode 2)


Jerry and Steve Harvey prowl Chicago in a ‘57 Chevy Bel Air convertible, enjoy some fine cigars and muse about offensive jokes and the futility of comedy class.

The episode was rated 7.71 from 174 votes.

Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee - S6E5

#2 - Trevor Noah: That's the Whole Point of Apartheid, Jerry (Season 6 - Episode 5)

Jerry takes incoming Daily Show host Trevor Noah on a tour down under the Brooklyn Bridge, where they riff on football (aka, soccer), apartheid’s stupidity, and Noah’s insane daily routine.

The episode was rated 7.74 from 186 votes.

Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee - S6E1

#1 - Julia Louis-Dreyfus: I'll Go If I Don't Have To Talk (Season 6 - Episode 1)


Jerry and the “James Bond of comedy” Julia Louis-Dreyfus reminisce as they share a cappuccino after cruising the Pacific Palisades in a 1964 Aston Martin DB5.

The episode was rated 8.02 from 231 votes.

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