Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders is a drama series created by CBS and first aired in 2016. It follows the International Division of the FBI that is tasked with solving crimes and rescuing Americans in danger abroad. With two successful seasons behind it, the show has become a favorite of many viewers. However, not every episode is a hit, and some are ranked as the worst episodes of the show. We will take a look at the worst episodes of Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders and rank them from the best to the worst.
When it comes to deciding which episodes are the worst of the show, there are many factors to consider. The plot, the characters, and the pacing of the episode all come into play. Some episodes may have great plots, but the character development may be lacking, or the pacing may be too slow. Other episodes may have a great set-up, but the execution may be lacking.
In this article, we will look at the worst episodes of Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders, ranked from the best to the worst. We will consider all factors, including plot, character development, and pacing. In the end, you will be able to decide which episodes were the worst of the show, and which episodes were the best.
Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 13, 2023.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
The International Response Team travels to Morocco to search for a retired couple from Idaho who were kidnapped during a cruise to the country. While the team works to track down the couple, they also face a personal challenge when they learn that the couple's son is a member of a local tribe and may be involved.
The team is able to find the couple and rescue them, but the son remains a suspect. However, with further investigation, the team discovers that he was not involved and that the real perpetrator was a criminal who had been preying on cruise ships. In the end, the team is able to free the couple and their son, allowing them to go back to their tribe. The episode closes with a beautiful song that brings a sense of peace and hope after a tense and difficult case.
The episode was rated 7.55 from 744 votes.
In the episode "Iqiniso" of Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders, an American college student working in Johannesburg is killed and his brother goes missing. The International Response Team suspect a gang is behind both and Jack works the case with Lieutenant Ananda Doshi, a profiler he’s worked with before. In the end, justice is served in a late manner and Monty is the one to cuff and voice the order of prison to the culprit.
The viewers enjoy the storyline development and appreciate Monty’s role in the episode. However, some viewers found Jack's actions to be out of character as he refuses to show any sort of respect for the way Ananda Doshi dealt with her beliefs and method of profiling. Additionally, viewers find it a shame that Jack, a person whose position should require him to show extra sensitivity to local belief, showed such disdain for it. In contrast, viewers appreciate the integration of local belief in the episode.
The episode was rated 7.54 from 689 votes.
In the episode of Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders, Whispering Death, the team travels to Japan to help local law enforcement investigate homicides disguised as suicides. The episode focuses on the friendship between Mae and Clara, as Mae encourages Clara to get out and enjoy herself.
Overall, the episode was okay. Viewers enjoyed the focus on relationship between Mae and Clara and found it to be "cute". However, there were some criticisms of the way the Japanese police lady was depicted. Given the Japanese culture, many viewers wondered if a woman would hold the position and if she would be portrayed as "clueless" as she was in the episode. All in all, viewers found this episode to be satisfactory overall, but not the best.
The episode was rated 7.52 from 856 votes.
The IRT of Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders heads to Pamplona, Spain, in the episode El Toro Bravo, in response to the discovery of the ears of a missing American tourist during the running of the bulls.
Although some viewers found this episode to be quite weak, the struggle of the father with his vow was the only interesting part of the episode. The theme of bullfighting is one that is met with controversy and emotions, especially in a country like Spain, where bullfighting is still a popular tradition. The dialogue and themes of El Toro Bravo put some viewers on edge, making them uncomfortable with the content.
The episode was rated 7.51 from 692 votes.
The episode De Los Inocentes from the show Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders starts with a woman and her family on vacation in Mexico, but their trip turns tragic when she is the victim of foul play. The International Response Team is called in to investigate, and the prime suspect is her husband who has fled.
This episode was a great one, with some really interesting twists in the story. It kept viewers guessing until the very end, who the killer was and why they were doing that. Another highlight was the friendship between Jack and Clara, which was really enjoyable to watch. This episode was the first of the season and true to the name "Criminal Minds" worthy of the series.
The episode was rated 7.48 from 706 votes.
In the episode "Love Interrupted" of Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders, the International Response Team is sent to Belize to search for a couple who has mysteriously disappeared while on their honeymoon. What begins as a routine investigation quickly develops into a targeted abduction.
This episode offers a unique insight into the personal lives of the agents and the couple. Gil McKinney and Autumn Reeser played the couple and brought a beautiful dynamic to the story. The tension that builds as the team attempts to locate the couple and the mystery that surrounds their disappearance kept viewers at the edge of their seats.
The episode was rated 7.47 from 775 votes.
The episode was rated 7.47 from 927 votes.
The episode's portrayal of French culture has been met with mixed reactions. On one hand, some viewers found it to be fairly decent. On the other hand, others commented on the Google Translate French, the bad imitation of French accents, and the other clichés that exist in the media. They argue that the episode is nothing more than offensive and should be taken with a grain of salt.
Furthermore, the episode ends with the team having dinner together, which is the only part of the episode that some viewers deem to be worth watching. Even though the episode was meant to be a representation of the French culture, it failed to really capture the nuances of the culture. As a result, it's likely that this episode will not resonate with non-American viewers.
The episode was rated 7.43 from 777 votes.
The episode follows the team as they investigate the crime. The twist of the episode is that the UnSub is not just trading organs on the black market, which gives the story some unexpected suspense. While some viewers found the episode to be just okay, others appreciated the way the show is depicting other countries and cultures with respect, while still exploring the crime.
However, some viewers felt the episode could have been more exciting if instead of the UnSub, a real organ stealing crime ring had been portrayed. Additionally, some viewers who just started watching this show wished they hadn't bothered as they didn't find the episode to be as exciting as they had hoped.
The episode was rated 7.39 from 959 votes.
In the first episode of the show Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders, the team travels to Thailand in order to investigate the disappearance of three American volunteers. Garrett's former colleague Clara Seger, a cultural anthropologist, joins them in the search for the UnSub before a storm threatens to wash away any evidence.
Although some viewers felt that the overall episode was more entertaining than any episode of "Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior", they noticed a few inconsistencies in the casting choices, since none of the actors were native Thai speakers. The only detail that was accurate was the use of a real 20 baht bank note at the end. Additionally, some viewers felt that one of the characters, Mae, had zero charisma and her acting was amateurish.
The episode was rated 7.25 from 1155 votes.
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