Crossing Jordan

10 Worst Episodes of Crossing Jordan

Crossing Jordan is an American television crime/drama series that stars Jill Hennessy as Jordan Cavanaugh, M.D., a crime-solving forensic pathologist employed in the Massachusetts Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.

Written by Sophie and last updated on jan 10, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Crossing Jordan - S4E16

#10 - Skin and Bone (Season 4 - Episode 16)

When a mass grave for the mob is found, the killer assaults Bug. Not long after the discovery Woody’s brother shows up sparking some suspicion. Lily and Nigel stay at Bug’s side waiting for him to wake up.

The episode was rated 7.41 from 34 votes.

Crossing Jordan - S6E13

#9 - Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc (Season 6 - Episode 13)


Jordan is recovering from her brain surgery but suffering hallucinations she tries to hide. Her friends take turns caring for her. When Bug does not show up for his turn anger quickly turns to fear when they discover he is in the custody of Homeland Security. The team fight to clear Bug but are met with hostility and resistance. Meanwhile, a persistent detective is trying to get an autopsy performed but everyone is focused on Jordan & Bug.

The episode was rated 7.38 from 24 votes.

Crossing Jordan - S2E17

#8 - Cruel and Unusual (Season 2 - Episode 17)

A local woman dies and forces Jordan to come face to face with an ex-lover. Dr. Macy and D.A. Walcott make a trip to investigate if an execution was cruel and unusual. Lily makes a decision about her body.

The episode was rated 7.37 from 38 votes.

Crossing Jordan - S3E10

#7 - Revealed (Season 3 - Episode 10)


The body of a writer is found with bite marks in the neck and drained of all blood. Meanwhile a decomposing body is found in the woods and a camera in the hand of the victim is the only clue.

The episode was rated 7.34 from 32 votes.

Crossing Jordan - S5E6

#6 - Total Recall (Season 5 - Episode 6)

When a suspect confesses to a murder, Woody thinks the hard work is done. The only problem is that this suspect has no recollection of committing the crime. With the help of the new psychologist Woody will learn all is not what it seems.

The episode was rated 7.33 from 24 votes.

Crossing Jordan - S6E14

#5 - In Sickness & In Health (Season 6 - Episode 14)


Jordan’s recovery has gone well and she is ready to return to work, Dr. Macy agrees to allow her return if she does not over do it. Bug is struggling with his experience with Homeland Security and refuses to talk about it. The murder of a groom on his wedding day has Nigel, Woody and Dr. Switzer occupied.

The episode was rated 7.30 from 23 votes.

Crossing Jordan - S6E10

#4 - Fall from Grace (Season 6 - Episode 10)

Woody and Jordan team up in this heart wrenching case of a murdered pregnant woman. With the fetus missing from her womb time is of the essence. Woody catches a mistake Jordan made that could affect the case. Meanwhile, Dr. Macy gives a tour of the morgue to some juveniles that need to be scared straight.

The episode was rated 7.29 from 24 votes.

Crossing Jordan - S3E11

#3 - He Said, She Said (Season 3 - Episode 11)


A woman shots and kills her attacker, but Woody and Devan are convinced there is more to the story. Elsewhere a woman tries to convince Bug that an invasive autopsy is not needed for her husband… which sparks Bug’s suspicions.

The episode was rated 7.28 from 36 votes.

Crossing Jordan - S1E18

#2 - With Honor (Season 1 - Episode 18)

One of America’s finest abandons her post in Afghanistan and is later found dead in Boston. Jordan is paired with an investigator from the Marines, to investigate the case. Elsewhere Dr. Macy is in the middle of a turn war…between pimps.

The episode was rated 7.24 from 37 votes.

Crossing Jordan - S3E9

#1 - All the News Fit to Print (Season 3 - Episode 9)


Dr. Macy attempts to help a hit and run victim who later dies at a local hospital. He is then thrown into a wrongful death suit and must solve the case to protect his reputation. Elsewhere Woody and Bug are following their own case of a reporter found dead.

The episode was rated 7.00 from 27 votes.

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