
10 Best Episodes of Daria - Season 3

After moving to a new town with her stressed-out parents and relentlessly popular little sister, Daria uses her acerbic wit and keen powers of observation to contend with the mind-numbingly ridiculous world of Lawndale High.

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 04, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Daria - S3E4

#13 - Depth Takes a Holiday (Season 3 - Episode 4)

A quasi-fantasy episode in which 2 guys approach Daria dressed as a leprechaun and Cupid. They claim to be the spirits of St. Patrick's and Valentine's Days, and they ask her to help them find Halloween, Christmas and Guy Fawkes Day (a British holiday), who have escaped from Holiday Island. Daria at first doubts them (who wouldn't?) but then becomes convinced after Cupid puts a love spell on Helen and Jake. The 3 runaway holidays, as it turns out, have formed a band with Trent.

The episode was rated 7.03 from 71 votes.

Daria - S3E1

#12 - Daria! (Season 3 - Episode 1)


A musical episode in which seven song-and-dance numbers frame a story about an impending hurricane.

The episode was rated 7.23 from 80 votes.

Daria - S3E6

#11 - The Lost Girls (Season 3 - Episode 6)

Val, the editor of a self-titled teen magazine along the lines of "seventeen", comes to Lawndale High to hang out with Daria, after reading Daria's paper that Mr. O'Neill submitted. Val turns out to be an egomaniacal thirty something airhead who's trying way too hard to look and act like a teenager. How long before Daria tells her off?

The episode was rated 7.54 from 67 votes.

Daria - S3E10

#10 - Speedtrapped (Season 3 - Episode 10)


Daria finally gets her driver's license, and soon thereafter has to drive to a nearby town to bail Jane and Mystik Spiral (Trent's band) out of a traffic violation. Unfortunately, she makes the mistake of taking along Quinn, who gives their money to a handsome hitchhiker. Daria and Quinn end up having to work together to get that money back.

The episode was rated 7.70 from 66 votes.

Daria - S3E3

#9 - The Old and the Beautiful (Season 3 - Episode 3)

Ms. Li asks (read: orders) everyone to volunteer during Volunteer Week. Daria, Brittany and Kevin volunteer to read for senior citizens, but the seniors only like the perky Brittany and Kevin and are put off by Daria's unenthusiastic voice. The Fashion Club, meanwhile, volunteer to donate clothes for the homeless, but accomplishes nothing by being too picky about what to donate.

The episode was rated 7.71 from 72 votes.

Daria - S3E11

#8 - The Lawndale File (Season 3 - Episode 11)


A series of strange events--government agents visiting the school looking for anyone who's "different"; Mr. DeMartino getting arrested; Trent writing cheerful music--lead Daria and Jane to suspect alien presence at Lawndale. Meanwhile, a misunderstanding of something Mr. O'Neill says leads people to believe Daria and Jane are "atomic communists".

The episode was rated 7.78 from 68 votes.

Daria - S3E5

#7 - Daria Dance Party (Season 3 - Episode 5)

The Fashion Club president, Sandi, talks Quinn into organizing the school dance, but Quinn doesn't do a very good job at it, since Sandi turns the entire Fashion Club against her. Quinn unloads the job on Jane, who turns the dance into a tribute to Jackson Pollock that becomes a huge success. At the dance, Quinn gets most of the credit for what Jane did, and Daria and Jane meet 2 guys whom they hit it off with--until the subject of who they're related to comes up.

The episode was rated 7.90 from 72 votes.

Daria - S3E13

#6 - Jane's Addition (Season 3 - Episode 13)


Daria and Jane are assigned a multimedia computer project, which is hindered by Trent's procrastination in coming up with music for it. Meanwhile, Jane starts dating a guy, Tom, whom Daria immediately sees as a threat to her friendship with Jane--until she and Tom have a talk about it.

The episode was rated 8.02 from 66 votes.

Daria - S3E8

#5 - Lane Miserables (Season 3 - Episode 8)

The Lane house gets a little too crowded when Jane and Trent's siblings and dad all move back home, at the same time. Unable to handle it, Jane and Trent stay with Daria's house--which puts Daria at a quandary, as she has to deal with her crush.

The episode was rated 8.13 from 79 votes.

Daria - S3E2

#4 - Through a Lens Darkly (Season 3 - Episode 2)


Helen suggests that Daria get contact lenses after a bad driving lesson, which Daria eventually agrees upon. However, Daria finds the contact lenses extremely uncomfortable and doesn't want to wear them anymore. But, not wanting to go back to the glasses, she winds up spending a day wearing neither one and bumping into people. Eventually, Brittany gives her some helpful advice about being herself.

The episode was rated 8.20 from 71 votes.

Daria - S3E9

#3 - Jake of Hearts (Season 3 - Episode 9)

Jake suffers a mild heart attack, which makes Daria aware of his mortality for the first time. She then has to deal with his judgmental mom coming to stay with them while he recuperates, and Jake confronts his mom about the way she views his military-freak father. Meanwhile, a pair of obnoxious radio DJs broadcast from Lawndale High for the entire week, and Daria finds that the only way to make them go away is to shame them into leaving.

The episode was rated 8.21 from 73 votes.

Daria - S3E7

#2 - It Happened One Nut (Season 3 - Episode 7)


Daria and Quinn get jobs at the mall, neither of which goes over well for them. Daria works at a nut stand, where she gets salary deducted because she doesn't smile; what's worse, her co-worker, Kevin, is completely incompetent. Quinn works at the pet store, where she finds she has to work with "un-cute" animals as well as cute ones, and ends up causing havoc.

The episode was rated 8.30 from 61 votes.

Daria - S3E12

#1 - Just Add Water (Season 3 - Episode 12)

Principal Li forces the entire school to raise funds by going on a casino cruise, on a run-down toilet of a ship. There, Quinn gets stood up by her date; Mr. DeMartino deals with his gambling addiction; and Daria and Jane try in vain to get some sleep. Eventually the ship crashes into a garbage scow; many jabs at Titanic ensue.

The episode was rated 8.31 from 62 votes.

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