DCI Banks

10 Best Episodes of DCI Banks - Season 5

A thrilling drama based on the novels by Peter Robinson. Stephen Tompkinson and Andrea Lowe star as the tenacious and stubborn Chief Inspector Alan Banks and the feisty and headstrong Detective Sergeant Annie Cabbot.

Written by Sophie and last updated on nov 24, 2022.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

DCI Banks - S5E1

#6 - To Burn in Every Drop of Blood (1) (Season 5 - Episode 1)

The crime drama series returns with the first episode of a two-part story. When a victim of a frenzied attack is found in the woods with his head caved in, initially the team wonders if it is a random attack or related to the location - where a local girl recently committed suicide. Banks, however, has a theory of his own. When the victim is identified as small time drug dealer Damon Horsley and Banks uncovers a link to local crime boss Steve Richards, he is convinced the hitherto untouchable Richards had a part in the murder.

The episode was rated 7.56 from 248 votes.

DCI Banks - S5E3

#5 - A Little Bit of Heart (1) (Season 5 - Episode 3)


When a devoted husband and father goes missing, a ransom demand takes Banks and his team on a journey into the Chinese community.

The episode was rated 7.69 from 227 votes.

DCI Banks - S5E2

#4 - To Burn in Every Drop of Blood (2) (Season 5 - Episode 2)

The post mortem into the daughter of crime boss Steve Richards reveals that her death isn't a simple suicide – could someone else have been involved? And if so, who? While the violent Richards conducts his own unique brand of investigation, the focus shifts once again when the team discover that despite Kat's confession, she can't have murdered Damon Horsley. The break comes when evidence is uncovered that puts Kyle Finn, who found Horsley's body, in the spotlight, and under questioning he confesses to something truly shocking ‐ but Banks already knows he's lying, the real murderer has been hiding in plain sight all along.

The episode was rated 7.70 from 231 votes.

DCI Banks - S5E4

#3 - A Little Bit of Heart (2) (Season 5 - Episode 4)


Following the murder of a recently rescued hostage, Banks and his team must untangle secrets and lies from the closed world of the Chinese community.

The episode was rated 7.80 from 211 votes.

DCI Banks - S5E5

#2 - Undertow (1) (Season 5 - Episode 5)

Banks and the team begin the painful job of finding out exactly who was responsible for Annie's death, an incident that has affected all their lives.

The episode was rated 7.84 from 232 votes.

DCI Banks - S5E6

#1 - Undertow (2) (Season 5 - Episode 6)


Banks' mission to solve Annie's murder is made all the harder by the fact he has been taken off the case and sent on gardening leave - but that won't stop him.

The episode was rated 7.90 from 218 votes.

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