Dexter's Laboratory

10 Best Episodes of Dexter's Laboratory

Dexter's Laboratory is the story of a young boy prodigy. Born with an extraordinary mind, Dexter has built his very own extremely high tech and expansive laboratory in his room that NASA could only dream of. But Dexter has to keep his lab a secret for fear others will exploit it. Through out the years, Dexter has had to hide his lab from his parents and others but it is no easy task. All Dexter wants is to spend all the time he can inventing new things in his lab, but between his stupid and annoying older sister Dee Dee constantly barging into his lab and tearing up the place and his arch enemy and rival genius Mandark constantly tiring to take over his lab, Dexter's life is anything but easy. Dexter's Laboratory was originally premiered on Cartoon Network as part of the inaugural, Space Ghost hosted, "World Premiere Toons" before becoming a feature with two full shorts on the regular series, a.k.a. the What a Cartoon Show, it eventually became a series itself. Character

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 12, 2022.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Dexter's Laboratory - S2E23

#15 - Snowdown (Season 2 - Episode 23)

Dad encourages Dexter to become the king of snow, as he was in his early days, until someone beat him.

The episode was rated 8.58 from 19 votes.

Dexter's Laboratory - S2E32

#14 - The Bus Boy (Season 2 - Episode 32)


Dexter must go to the back of the school bus to retrieve his pencil, where another kid got lost years ago.

The episode was rated 8.58 from 12 votes.

Dexter's Laboratory - S2E31

#13 - Ocean Commotion (Season 2 - Episode 31)

While at the beach, Dee Dee (who's wearing a mermaid swimsuit) gets captured by a maniac sailor so Dexter must rescue her.

The episode was rated 8.62 from 13 votes.

Dexter's Laboratory - S2E21

#12 - Filet of Soul (Season 2 - Episode 21)


When Dee Dee refuses to flush their gold fish down the toilet, the ghost of the fish haunts them.

The episode was rated 8.68 from 19 votes.

Dexter's Laboratory - S2E25

#11 - Mock 5 (Season 2 - Episode 25)

In a whole parody of "Speed Racer", Dexter and Mandark compete on a race.

The episode was rated 8.76 from 17 votes.

Dexter's Laboratory - S2E33

#10 - The Justice Friends: Things That Go Bonk in the Night (Season 2 - Episode 33)


Krunk stays awake all night watching The Puppet Pals Show Marathon, so his brain starts playing him tricks.

The episode was rated 8.77 from 13 votes.

Dexter's Laboratory - S2E27

#9 - Nuclear Confusion (Season 2 - Episode 27)

Dee Dee steals the nuclear atom that Dexter needs to make his invention work, but she doesn't know that it will explode if Dexter doesn't find it on time.

The episode was rated 8.77 from 13 votes.

Dexter's Laboratory - S2E38

#8 - Dexter is Dirty (Season 2 - Episode 38)


To avoid the bath, Dexter decides to laminate himself.

The episode was rated 8.82 from 11 votes.

Dexter's Laboratory - S1E39

#7 - Monstory (Season 1 - Episode 39)

Dexter accidentally turns Dee Dee into a monster, so he has to turn into one himself to stop her.

The episode was rated 8.83 from 12 votes.

Dexter's Laboratory - S2E30

#6 - Road Rash (Season 2 - Episode 30)


Mom makes Dexter go outside and ride a bike, thing that turns into a Dexter-Dee Dee chase.

The episode was rated 8.85 from 13 votes.

Dexter's Laboratory - S2E65

#5 - Dexter's Lab: A Story (Season 2 - Episode 65)

On his way home, Dexter gets followed by a labrador, when he teaches him to speak, the dog becomes even more annoying.

The episode was rated 8.90 from 10 votes.

Dexter's Laboratory - S2E28

#4 - Germ Warfare (Season 2 - Episode 28)


Everybody except Dexter gets sick, so he makes himself a plastic bubble to get germ protection.

The episode was rated 8.90 from 10 votes.

Dexter's Laboratory - S2E29

#3 - A Hard Day's Day (Season 2 - Episode 29)

It's not a great day for science when Dexter has bad luck due to the position of the stars.

The episode was rated 9.00 from 15 votes.

Dexter's Laboratory - S2E22

#2 - Golden Diskette (Season 2 - Episode 22)


Dee Dee and Dexter win a free pass to Professor Hawk's magic factory after finding the golden diskette.

The episode was rated 9.00 from 19 votes.

Dexter's Laboratory - S2E108

#1 - Last But Not Beast (Season 2 - Episode 108)

Dexter must save Japan from being destroyed by a monster, but his robot must be controlled by four people to function correctly, so Dexter must tell Dee Dee... and his parents.

The episode was rated 9.09 from 11 votes.

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