10 Worst Episodes of ERASED

Satoru Fujinuma is a struggling manga artist who has the ability to turn back time and prevent deaths. When his mother is killed he turns back time to solve the mystery, but ends up back in elementary school, just before the disappearance of his classmate Kayo.

Written by Sophie and last updated on dec 26, 2022.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!


#10 - Spiral (Season 1 - Episode 8)

Instead of going home, Kayo has spent the last few days in a disused school bus while being supported by Satoru and the others. Only Sachiko and Yashiro begin to realize that something is going on when they observe changes in Satoru’s behavior.

The episode was rated 8.57 from 352 votes.


#9 - Joy (Season 1 - Episode 10)


Three people, including Hiromi, were murdered the first time around, but this time, the targets were moved out of the killer’s sights. However, Satoru is worried about whom the killer will go after next in place of his intended victims.

The episode was rated 8.50 from 342 votes.


#8 - Out of Control (Season 1 - Episode 7)

After getting caught by the police, Satoru has only one wish… to have one final Revival to make things right!

The episode was rated 8.43 from 352 votes.


#7 - Birthmark (Season 1 - Episode 3)


Satoru is determined to prevent Kayo from getting kidnapped before her birthday. He goes to her place to see her, but… is he too late?

The episode was rated 8.42 from 388 votes.


#6 - Flashing Before My Eyes (Season 1 - Episode 1)

Satoru Fujinuma is a struggling manga artist who works at a pizza parlor. Ever since he was a kid, he has been holding himself responsible for a kidnapping incident. Finally, the time has come for the truth from his past to be revealed…

The episode was rated 8.40 from 471 votes.


#5 - Grim Reaper (Season 1 - Episode 6)


After confirming that the fire at Airi’s home is related to his mother’s death, Satoru relies on a note she left behind to make contact with Sawada, a former reporter for TV Ishikari.

The episode was rated 8.35 from 359 votes.


#4 - Palm of the Hand (Season 1 - Episode 2)

The year is 1988… Satoru is back in elementary school. Now, he has a chance to change the future!

The episode was rated 8.31 from 413 votes.


#3 - Getaway (Season 1 - Episode 5)


It turns out that Kayo, absent from school, has disappeared after all. Satoru is tormenting himself with the thought that he should have been able to do something more. On top of that, Aya Nakanishi from the nearby elementary school has vanished too!

The episode was rated 8.26 from 369 votes.


#2 - Future (Season 1 - Episode 11)

After revealing who he really is, the kidnapper leaves Satoru to drown… Is it all over for Satoru?

The episode was rated 8.23 from 339 votes.


#1 - Closure (Season 1 - Episode 9)


After being "missing" for three days, Kayo returns home. Her mother, Akemi, sees Satoru and Sachiko standing a few paces behind... Will Kayo be safe at last?

The episode was rated 8.21 from 348 votes.

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