This contemporary version of the classic drama series delves into the “what if” questions that keep us awake at night. Each episode tells emotional, provocative stories about people who walk in with a desire, but end up reborn to themselves through the magical realism of Fantasy Island.
The Top 10 Actors and Characters of Fantasy Island
(Ranked Cast in 2025)
- Roselyn Sánchez (Elena Roarke)
Roselyn Sánchez (born April 2, 1973) is a Puerto Rican singer-songwriter, model, actress, producer and writer. She is best known for her roles on Without a Trace and Devious Maids. In film, Sánchez has appeared in Rush Hour 2, Boat Trip, The Game Plan, and Act of Valor.
Roselyn Sánchez plays as
Elena Roarke in Fantasy Island.
Roselyn Sánchez is the top #1 member of the cast
and appears in 15 episodes.
- Kiara Barnes (Ruby Akuda)
Kiara Barnes plays as
Ruby Akuda in Fantasy Island.
Kiara Barnes is the top #2 member of the cast
and appears in 15 episodes.
- John Gabriel Rodriquez (Javier)
John Gabriel Rodriquez plays as
Javier in Fantasy Island.
John Gabriel Rodriquez is the top #3 member of the cast
and appears in 5 episodes.
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