
10 Worst Episodes of Futurama

Futurama is a science fiction comedy animated series that originally aired on Comedy Central from 1999 to 2003 and was revived by Comedy Central in 2008. It follows the adventures of a pizza delivery boy, Philip J. Fry, who is cryogenically frozen for 1,000 years and wakes up in the future. It has become a beloved show among science fiction fans and has had 8 seasons with 140 episodes in total.

Since the show is so popular, it is interesting to know which episodes have been the worst ranked. Below is a list of Futurama’s worst episodes, ranked from least to most disliked.

The list includes some of the most notorious episodes of the show, such as “The Route of All Evil”, “The Problem With Popplers”, and “Bender Gets Made”. Read on to learn more about the worst Futurama episodes!

Written by Sophie and last updated on jan 14, 2025.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Futurama - S8E4

#10 - Parasites Regained (Season 8 - Episode 4)

After Nibbler falls ill, the crew shrinks down for a dangerous mission into a desert world contained within his litter box.

The episode was rated 6.90 from 720 votes.

Futurama - S9E7

#9 - Planet Espresso (Season 9 - Episode 7)


Hermes inherits a Jamaican coffee farm that holds the ruins of an ancient spaceship.

The episode was rated 6.89 from 367 votes.

Futurama - S9E5

#8 - One Is Silicon and the Other Gold (Season 9 - Episode 5)

Leela becomes friends with a jealous chatbot.

The episode was rated 6.82 from 399 votes.

Futurama - S9E8

#7 - Cuteness Overload (Season 9 - Episode 8)


Amy sets out to collect the cutest toys in the universe – but they are not as harmless as they appear.

The episode was rated 6.81 from 357 votes.

Futurama - S8E7

#6 - Rage Against the Vaccine (Season 8 - Episode 7)

A pandemic ravages future Earth.

The episode was rated 6.73 from 676 votes.

Futurama - S9E2

#5 - Quids Game (Season 9 - Episode 2)


Bizarre aliens force the crew to reenact all the classic children's games Fry played at his 8th birthday party... except this time, they are played TO THE DEATH!

The episode was rated 6.64 from 494 votes.

Futurama - S9E4

#4 - Beauty and the Bug (Season 9 - Episode 4)

Bender becomes a matador in the sport of "Bug Fighting."

The episode was rated 6.60 from 401 votes.

Futurama - S9E1

#3 - The One Amigo (Season 9 - Episode 1)


After Bender sells an NFT representing the "Concept of Bender", he feels lost and returns to his ancestral village in Mexico to rediscover himself.

The episode was rated 6.60 from 527 votes.

Futurama - S9E9

#2 - The Futurama Mystery Liberry (Season 9 - Episode 9)

Futurama is reimagined in the form of classic children's mystery books.

The episode was rated 6.11 from 372 votes.

Futurama - S8E9

#1 - The Prince and the Product (Season 8 - Episode 9)


The crew members are reborn as toys.

The episode was rated 5.43 from 689 votes.

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