Best Episodes
The story follows Issei Hyōdō, a dim-witted, lecherous second-year high school student who is killed by a girl on his first date ever. Issei is reincarnated as a devil, and from that day forward, he serves as an underling of Riasu, a high-level devil who is also the prettiest girl on Issei's campus.
Written by Sophie and last updated on jan 28, 2023.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
The other Bishop of the House of Gremory is released, and Akeno takes Issei to meet a new acquaintance.
The episode was rated 7.81 from 107 votes.
Issei gets another warning about the white dragon, and church followers bearing Holy Swords pay a visit to the devils.
The episode was rated 7.82 from 130 votes.
Issei and the others team up with the church to fight Freed, but an even greater enemy appears.
The episode was rated 7.83 from 123 votes.
Issei and Kiba fight the Xenovia and Irina, and Issei tries to deal with the consequences of their fight.
The episode was rated 7.84 from 128 votes.
Issei learns more about the feud between the Twin Sky Dragons and Rias and Sona have to deal with troublesome family members at Open House.
The episode was rated 7.86 from 111 votes.
Issei meets Michael, the Chief of the Angels, and continues training Gasper in the days leading up to the Leaders' Summit.
The episode was rated 7.95 from 117 votes.
The Kuoh Academy students fight Kokabiel and his minions to defend their school and their town.
The episode was rated 7.97 from 122 votes.
The Occult Research Club takes over cleaning the pool to thank the student council for their help with Kokabiel, and Issei runs into a lot of trouble.
The episode was rated 8.07 from 117 votes.
Issei is back with Rias and Asia living in his house, and Kiba starts acting weird when he sees a picture of a holy sword at Issei's house.
The episode was rated 8.07 from 145 votes.
Time stops during the Leaders' Summit, and Issei and the others meet a new enemy.
The episode was rated 8.14 from 111 votes.
The Occult Research Club fights Kokabiel and learns some shocking truths about the power struggle between the angels, fallen angels, and devils.
The episode was rated 8.18 from 108 votes.
Issei battles Vali and discovers hidden depths to his power as the Twin Sky Dragons face off.
The episode was rated 8.43 from 122 votes.
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