Impractical Jokers

10 Worst Episodes of Impractical Jokers

Impractical Jokers has been a huge hit since it first aired on truTV in 2011. It follows four lifelong friends, Brian "Q" Quinn, James "Murr" Murray, Joe Gatto and Sal Vulcano, as they take dares and tasks to an outrageous level. With 12 seasons of hijinks, it can be hard to decide which episodes are the best and which ones are the worst. Here, we rank the worst episodes of Impractical Jokers, according to fans of the show.

The show's premise is simple - the four friends each take turns completing embarrassing and outrageous tasks in public. If a joker fails to complete a task, then they are subjected to an even more embarrassing and outrageous punishment. The losers are chosen based on the audience's reaction, making it a very unpredictable show.

We have scoured fan reviews and ratings to find the worst episodes of Impractical Jokers. From cringe-worthy punishments to outrageous dares, these episodes are sure to make you laugh, even if they're not the best. So, if you're looking for some hilarious yet cringe-worthy entertainment, these are the episodes for you.

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 13, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Impractical Jokers - S9E18

#10 - Eric André (Season 9 - Episode 18)

Sal, Q, and Murr clear the room as eccentric exterminators, and later they produce a controversial infomercial. Finally, Eric Andre drops by to give the losing Joker an awkward release.

The episode was rated 7.15 from 88 votes.

Impractical Jokers - S9E20

#9 - Colin Jost (Season 9 - Episode 20)


Murr, Sal, and Q learn a hard lesson about being kind to food service professionals, before heading off to give rock solid relationship advice. The losing joker is in for a shock, as his punishment (led by Colin Jost) spells T-R-O-U-B-L-E.

The episode was rated 7.15 from 75 votes.

Impractical Jokers - S9E9

#8 - OK Zoomer (Season 9 - Episode 9)

Q, Sal, Murr, and Joe help job seekers land their next big gig, and then meet with a focus group to pitch out their memoirs. Finally, the losing joker must deliver news heard 'round the world.

The episode was rated 7.12 from 83 votes.

Impractical Jokers - S10E18

#7 - Joey Fatone (Season 10 - Episode 18)


The Jokers are bad receptionists and must do and say what the other guys tell them. Then it's a Joker vs Joker challenge with Joey Fatone, followed by an epic punishment culminated by the Joker's previous punishments.

The episode was rated 7.11 from 18 votes.

Impractical Jokers - S11E10

#6 - Bad News Bares (Season 11 - Episode 10)

Watch out! Q, Murr and Sal are throwing and catching grocery items in this Joker vs. Joker challenge with our special celebrity guest, Jax! Later, they'll be getting on one knee and professing their love in an awkward proposal. And in tonight's exciting punishment, we're bringing the old phrase to calm the nerves by "picturing the audience naked" to life.

The episode was rated 7.08 from 26 votes.

Impractical Jokers - S10E14

#5 - Eric Andre Returns (Season 10 - Episode 14)


The Jokers ask random park goers to watch their grandma while they make a quick errand then are interviewed for a fake documentary. The losing Joker will be dressed as a clown and punished by the other Jokers and returning special guest, Eric Andrè.

The episode was rated 7.07 from 44 votes.

Impractical Jokers - S9E19

#4 - Jillian Bell (Season 9 - Episode 19)

Q, Murr, and Sal learn a tough lesson about the corporate chain of command, before later starting a white collar revolution. Finally, the losing joker must grow a pair in order to play husband to special guest Jillian Bell.

The episode was rated 7.00 from 67 votes.

Impractical Jokers - S10E7

#3 - Paul Scheer (Season 10 - Episode 7)


Unable to pull off this week's pickleball and coffee shop challenges, the losing Jokers are forced to participate in an overseas game show hosted by special guest Paul Scheer!

The episode was rated 6.77 from 64 votes.

Impractical Jokers - S8E27

#2 - Slam Dunks (Season 8 - Episode 27)

The episode was rated 6.55 from 11 votes.

Impractical Jokers - S10E6

#1 - Sideline Smack Talk (Season 10 - Episode 6)


A special episode hosted by Casey Jost and former NFL player Eddie Jackson as they spend time reviewing nail-biting clips of never-before-seen moments from Season 10.

The episode was rated 6.29 from 52 votes.

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