Interview with the Vampire

10 Worst Episodes of Interview with the Vampire

Louis de Pointe's epic story of love, blood, and the perils of immortality, as told to the journalist Daniel Molloy. Chafing at the limitations of life as a black man in 1900s New Orleans, Louis finds it impossible to resist the rakish Lestat De Lioncourt's offer of the ultimate escape: joining him as his vampire companion.

Written by Sophie and last updated on jul 02, 2024.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Interview with the Vampire - S2E6

#10 - "Like the light by which God made the world before he made light" (Season 2 - Episode 6)

In the episode "Like the light by which God made the world before he made light" of Interview with the Vampire, Claudia approaches Louis with a request that could alter the course of their immortal lives. The tension and emotion in this moment are palpable, setting the stage for a life-changing decision that will impact their intricate vampire dynamic.

Viewers have praised this episode as a return to form for the show, with many expressing how it brought them to tears. The profound love between Claudia and Madeline is a central focus, described as pure and complete. As their relationship unfolds, the complexities of their bond and the challenges they face resonate deeply with the audience, leaving them eagerly anticipating the outcome in the episodes to come.

Amidst the backdrop of this captivating narrative, viewers celebrate the representation and celebration of pride through Claudia and Madeline's story. The depth and beauty of their companionship have captivated fans, who express both admiration for their connection and apprehension for the challenges that lie ahead. As the series continues to unfold, the intricate storytelling and compelling characters continue to captivate audiences, making Interview with the Vampire a truly magnificent journey.

The episode was rated 8.01 from 199 votes.

Interview with the Vampire - S1E5

#9 - "A vile hunger for your hammering heart" (Season 1 - Episode 5)


In this intense episode of "Interview with the Vampire," titled "A vile hunger for your hammering heart," we see Claudia embarking on a college journey to delve deeper into the world of vampires, leaving behind a trail of uncertainty and tension within the family. As Louis and Lestat navigate the hardships of the Depression era, a surprising revelation from Louis' sister adds a new layer of complexity to their already strained relationship.

The boiling point is reached when Claudia returns home, sparking heated confrontations and deep-seated resentments among the characters. The explosive fight at the end leaves viewers shaken and craving answers to the unresolved conflicts brewing within the vampire family. Meanwhile, the mystery of Lestat's sudden departure from Europe looms large, leaving us wondering about the secrets he may be hiding and the impact it will have on the already fragile dynamics.

As viewers are drawn deeper into the twisted world of "Interview with the Vampire," the complexities of the characters' relationships and the dark undertones of their interactions keep us on the edge of our seats. With each episode unveiling new layers of intrigue and drama, the show continues to captivate audiences, promising a thrilling and unpredictable journey ahead.

The episode was rated 7.98 from 578 votes.

Interview with the Vampire - S2E2

#8 - "Do you know what it means to be loved by death" (Season 2 - Episode 2)

In this captivating episode of "Interview with the Vampire," titled "Do you know what it means to be loved by death," Armand makes a memorable entrance into the interview, adding a new layer of intrigue to the conversation. As Louis and Armand recount how they first crossed paths, viewers are taken on a journey through their complex relationship, filled with twists and surprises.

The dialogue in this episode is sharp and unforgettable, with moments that will have you both gasping and laughing out loud. One standout line that had fans buzzing was the hilarious revelation, "You both fucked Lestat?" - a moment that added a playful dynamic to the intense storytelling. The script keeps you on the edge of your seat, eager to see what revelations will come to light next.

One of the most visually striking scenes in this episode is the near-ending moment where Louis and Armand find themselves flirting amidst a backdrop of chaotic carnage. The juxtaposition of their intimate exchange against the backdrop of violence is beautifully captured, leaving a lasting impression on viewers. Delaney Hayles' performance in this episode is particularly noteworthy, showcasing a depth of talent that resonates with both world-weary maturity and childlike innocence, adding a layer of complexity to the narrative that is truly remarkable.

The episode was rated 7.83 from 246 votes.

Interview with the Vampire - S1E4

#7 - " ... the ruthless pursuit of blood with all a child's demanding" (Season 1 - Episode 4)


In this gripping episode of "Interview with the Vampire," titled "... the ruthless pursuit of blood with all a child's demanding," the audience witnesses Claudia's dramatic transformation into a vampire teen. This pivotal moment not only alters Claudia's life but also profoundly impacts the dynamics between Louis and Lestat. As Claudia delves deeper into her newfound existence, she begins to question the dark truths and complexities of being a vampire.

The evolving relationship between Louis, Lestat, and Claudia takes center stage as they navigate the challenges of raising a vampire teen. The episode skillfully explores the moral dilemmas and emotional turmoil that arise when immortal beings are faced with the innocence and curiosity of a child trapped in a vampire's body. Viewers are taken on a rollercoaster of emotions as Louis and Lestat grapple with the consequences of their decisions and the harsh realities of Claudia's immortal fate.

With each passing moment, Claudia's character shines as a force to be reckoned with, captivating viewers with her unpredictability and charm. The episode not only showcases Claudia's journey of self-discovery but also delves into the complexities of familial bonds and the sacrifices made in the name of love and survival. As the narrative unfolds, viewers are left on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating the next twist in this mesmerizing tale of vampires, love, and sacrifice.

The episode was rated 7.83 from 601 votes.

Interview with the Vampire - S2E4

#6 - "I want you more than anything in the world" (Season 2 - Episode 4)

In the episode "I want you more than anything in the world" of Interview with the Vampire, tensions rise as the coven delves into the complex dynamics between Louis and Armand's special relationship. Claudia, always a central figure in the group, finds herself in the midst of this emotional storm, grappling with feelings of betrayal and longing.

Claudia's character truly shines in this episode, as her raw emotions and fierce determination take center stage. The line, "You picked another one over me!" echoes with a deep sense of hurt and jealousy, showcasing Claudia's vulnerability and depth. Her evolution into a more complex and nuanced character is evident, drawing viewers further into her captivating journey.

As the episode unfolds, viewers are treated to a rollercoaster of emotions and revelations. Claudia's newfound friendship adds another layer of intrigue to the narrative, hinting at unforeseen twists and turns in the relationships within the coven. With each episode, Interview with the Vampire continues to captivate audiences, offering a blend of drama, mystery, and profound character development that leaves fans eagerly anticipating what comes next.

The episode was rated 7.76 from 235 votes.

Interview with the Vampire - S1E1

#5 - "In throes of increasing wonder ... " (Season 1 - Episode 1)


"In the throes of increasing wonder..." dives deep into the intricate unraveling of Louis de Pointe du Lac's life in 1910 New Orleans. As the executor of his family's fortune, Louis encounters the enigmatic vampire Lestat, setting off a chain of otherworldly events that captivate viewers from the very first scene. The compelling narrative follows Louis 110 years later as he recounts his mesmerizing tale to journalist Daniel Molloy, weaving a tapestry of mystery and intrigue that leaves audiences craving more.

The pilot episode of "Interview with the Vampire" has defied expectations, with viewers raving about the outstanding performances that bring these iconic characters back to life. The show has already been renewed for a second season, a testament to the dedication and talent of everyone involved in this project. From the masterful interpretation to the impeccable casting, every detail of this series has been meticulously crafted to perfection, leaving fans eagerly anticipating each new episode.

With a blend of supernatural allure and rich storytelling, "Interview with the Vampire" has struck a chord with audiences, drawing praise for its ability to breathe new life into the vampire genre. The seamless incorporation of LGBTQ+ representation has also garnered acclaim, further enriching the show's narrative and resonating with viewers on a deeper level. From the stellar performances of the cast to the faithful adaptation of the source material, this series has already left an indelible mark on fans, solidifying its place as a must-watch for any enthusiast of the supernatural genre.

The episode was rated 7.75 from 929 votes.

Interview with the Vampire - S1E3

#4 - "Is my very nature that of the devil" (Season 1 - Episode 3)

In this gripping episode of "Interview with the Vampire," titled "Is my very nature that of the devil," we see Louis navigating his dual identities as a businessman in Storyville and a vampire entangled in the complexities of his relationships. When an old friend reemerges in New Orleans, tensions rise between Louis and Lestat, testing the very foundation of their bond.

Viewers are taken on an emotional rollercoaster as Louis grapples with his humanity and vampiric nature, while facing the harsh realities of racism and personal vendettas in the backdrop of a changing New Orleans. The episode delves deep into the core of Louis and Lestat's relationship, exposing their conflicting beliefs and moral compasses, ultimately leading to a poignant exploration of their intertwined fates.

Through expertly crafted writing and nuanced performances, this episode showcases the intricate dynamics between Louis and Lestat, laying bare their vulnerabilities, hypocrisies, and shared sense of isolation. Jacob Anderson's portrayal of Louis shines as he navigates a range of emotions, from rage and self-loathing to moments of profound guilt and cruelty, challenging the stereotypical brooding vampire archetype with depth and complexity. As the narrative unfolds, viewers are treated to a masterful exploration of memory, morality, and the enduring themes of selfishness and loneliness that bind these compelling characters together.

The episode was rated 7.75 from 667 votes.

Interview with the Vampire - S2E3

#3 - "No pain" (Season 2 - Episode 3)


In the episode "No pain" of Interview with the Vampire, viewers are taken on a captivating journey as Armand delves into the rich history of the Theatre des Vampires. The allure of the ancient theater and its dark secrets begin to unfold, adding a layer of mystery and intrigue to the narrative. As Armand unravels the tales of the past, the audience is left on the edge of their seats, eager to discover more about the enigmatic world of vampires.

Meanwhile, Louis opens up about his inner turmoil and reluctance to join the ranks of the undead. His internal struggle adds a poignant depth to the storyline, showcasing the emotional complexities faced by immortal beings. Through Louis' introspection, viewers are invited to explore themes of identity, mortality, and the eternal quest for purpose in a world that constantly changes.

As the episode unfolds, the complex dynamics between the characters, particularly Lestat, bring forth a mix of emotions among the audience. Whether it's love, hate, or a conflicted blend of both, the portrayal of Lestat continues to evoke strong reactions from viewers. The intricate web of relationships and the characters' individual journeys create a captivating narrative that keeps viewers emotionally invested in the unfolding drama of Interview with the Vampire.

The episode was rated 7.75 from 230 votes.

Interview with the Vampire - S1E2

#2 - " ... after the phantoms of your former self" (Season 1 - Episode 2)

In the episode "…after the phantoms of your former self" of Interview with the Vampire, we delve deeper into Louis' transformation into a vampire, guided by his enigmatic maker, Lestat. As Louis navigates the intricacies of vampirism, he begins to notice the stark differences between himself and Lestat, setting the stage for a captivating power dynamic between the two characters.

The narrative takes an intriguing turn as Louis opens up about his contemporary vampire existence to Molloy in Dubai, shedding light on his modern-day struggles and secrets. The episode's fast-paced storytelling keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating the unfolding of Louis' journey as a vampire and the complexities of his relationship with Lestat.

Fans of the show have expressed their enthusiasm for the evolving storyline, with comments highlighting the undeniable chemistry between Louis and Lestat. The seamless dialogue and captivating performances by the actors have captivated audiences, drawing them deeper into the alluring world of Interview with the Vampire. As the plot thickens and mysteries unravel, viewers find themselves drawn to the show's unique blend of drama, romance, and supernatural elements, making it a must-watch for those craving a fresh take on vampire lore.

The episode was rated 7.73 from 737 votes.

Interview with the Vampire - S2E1

#1 - "What can the damned really say to the damned" (Season 2 - Episode 1)


In the captivating episode "What can the damned really say to the damned" of Interview with the Vampire, Louis narrates Claudia's relentless pursuit to locate Old World Vampires against the tumultuous backdrop of WWII Europe. The show's exquisite atmosphere draws viewers back into its mesmerizing world, creating a nostalgic embrace for long-time fans.

The transition in actors, with Delainey Hayles stepping into the role of Claudia, is seamlessly executed, allowing the character to evolve into a darker and more contemplative phase. Fans of Bailey Bass may find solace in Hayles' portrayal, as she skillfully makes the character her own, maintaining the essence of Claudia while adding a fresh perspective to the narrative.

Jacob Anderson delivers standout performances in this episode, showcasing his acting prowess in poignant moments such as Louis' emotional retelling of Claudia's haunting nightmare during an interview, and his deeply moving monologue towards the conclusion. The return of beloved characters evokes intense emotions from fans, with some expressing sheer excitement and refusal to contain their joy, making this episode a memorable and highly anticipated moment for viewers of the show.

The episode was rated 7.69 from 283 votes.

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