Last Week Tonight with John Oliver is a popular half-hour satirical show broadcasted on HBO since 2014. It takes a humorous look at the week's news, politics and current events. After 11 seasons, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver has amassed countless episodes, leaving viewers wondering which ones are the best. We've compiled a list of the top-ranked episodes of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, according to viewers. From the Emmy-winning monologue on the greed of pharmaceutical companies to the hilarious segment on the FCC's net neutrality repeal, these are the best episodes of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver rated by viewers.
Written by Sophie and last updated on nov 18, 2024.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
The Republican health care bill could leave many Americans without affordable coverage. Last Week Tonight's catheter cowboy returns to morning cable news to explain that to Donald Trump.
The episode was rated 8.04 from 1443 votes.
Big businesses are getting even bigger thanks to a rise in corporate mergers. John Oliver explains why that could make you want to physically destroy your cable box.
The episode was rated 8.04 from 1174 votes.
We’ve heard a lot of talk about coal miners in the last year, but what are the real issues surrounding coal? John Oliver and a giant squirrel look into it.
The episode was rated 8.07 from 1297 votes.
The benefits of vaccines far outweigh the minuscule risks, but some parents still question their safety. John Oliver discusses why some people may still feel uncertainty about childhood vaccinations.
The episode was rated 8.07 from 1266 votes.
Sinclair Broadcast Group is the largest owner of local TV stations in the country. That's alarming considering that they often inject political views into local news.
The episode was rated 8.07 from 1351 votes.
Donald Trump's federal budget plan proposes large funding cuts with largely negative consequences. John Oliver examines the troubling priorities of the new administration.
The episode was rated 8.08 from 1535 votes.
The presidential election in France could determine the political future of Europe. John Oliver visits an excessively French bistro to deliver an urgent message to voters.
The episode was rated 8.10 from 1424 votes.
Confederate symbols are still celebrated despite the ugly history they symbolize. John Oliver suggests some representations of southern pride that involve less racism and more Stephen Colbert.
The episode was rated 8.11 from 1166 votes.
Vladimir Putin is known as a ruthless leader and master manipulator. John Oliver enlists a group of singing dancers to explain that to Donald Trump.
The episode was rated 8.13 from 1512 votes.
In the wake of a divisive election, the UK will begin the process of leaving the European Union. John Oliver and an intergalactic space lord propose a plan.
The episode was rated 8.14 from 1310 votes.
Tibetan Buddhists have suffered deep persecution by the Chinese government. John Oliver sits down with the Dalai Lama to discuss China, the conditions in Tibet, and horse milk.
The episode was rated 8.14 from 1476 votes.
Alex Jones is known for pushing conspiracy theories, but he also spends a lot of time promoting his own products. John Oliver and a “doctor” “from” M.I.T. test out his marketing strategy.
The episode was rated 8.17 from 1286 votes.
One year after the presidential election, John Oliver discusses what we've learned so far and enlists our catheter cowboy to teach Donald Trump what he hasn't.
The episode was rated 8.18 from 1017 votes.
Equal access to online information is once again under serious threat. John Oliver encourages internet commenters to voice their displeasure to the FCC by visiting
The episode was rated 8.24 from 1418 votes.
John Oliver is back with a new episode of Last Week Tonight and this time he's taking on the Trump vs. Truth battle. As always, Oliver takes a thoughtful approach to the topic by exploring where the president gets his information and what he does with it. Oliver maintains that bashing Trump is easy, but what he did with fervor and intelligence was to delve into how Trump does not think. His approach has viewers cheering him on, as it's a much needed voice of reason in these trying times.
The episode was rated 8.39 from 1644 votes.
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