After years away from the CIA, Elizabeth McCord is pulled back into the political arena. The newly appointed Secretary of State is tough, fair and smart driving international diplomacy, wrangling office politics and circumventing protocol as she negotiates global and domestic issues, both at the White House and at home.
Written by Sophie and last updated on jan 20, 2023.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
Elizabeth finds herself pushed out of the President's inner circle after she disagrees with his response to the growing tension with Russia. Also, when incriminating photos of Stevie and Harrison surface, Elizabeth and Henry must deal with the aftermath and try to protect their daughter from the media.
The episode was rated 7.60 from 706 votes.
After Elizabeth delivers her first speech to the United Nations General Assembly formally condemning the terrorist group Hizb-al Shahid, she discusses forming a coalition against them with the Russian Foreign Minister. However, the talks create a conflict of interest between Elizabeth and Henry, who is searching for a way to save Dmitri’s ill sister, Talia Petrov, from the Russian government.
The episode was rated 7.59 from 899 votes.
Elizabeth and President Dalton’s administration are met with hostility while trying to deal with the Russian government. Also, Dmitri is kidnapped and interrogated about being a Russian spy.
The episode was rated 7.58 from 713 votes.
While Elizabeth is away on a retreat thinking about her presidential campaign, her staff tries to secure an international agreement to protect citizens who have been displaced due to global warming. Also, the staff works to contain a measles outbreak that threatens the life of Daisy’s daughter, Joanna.
The episode was rated 7.58 from 485 votes.
As Elizabeth prepares for the arrival of Iranian President Shiraz to sign a nuclear treaty, she uncovers a top secret plot to assassinate him on United States soil. At the same time, she must deal with a massive protest by the Human Rights Campaign in response to Iran’s plans to stone a gay citizen to death. Also, Elizabeth sees a therapist (Marsha Mason) to deal with her PTSD.
The episode was rated 7.57 from 607 votes.
When a Texas state trooper is killed by a Mexican cartel smuggler, Elizabeth arranges an extradition deal before going on vacation to celebrate her 25th wedding anniversary in New York City. However, when political issues arise around the case, she is forced to cut their trip short. Also, Elizabeth’s son injures himself while Blake is watching him.
The episode was rated 7.55 from 500 votes.
After his father’s death, Henry’s family uncovers shocking secrets that open old wounds for them, including his grieving sister Maureen, who blames Henry for not spending enough time at home. Also, Russell keeps important information from Elizabeth’s team at the State department.
The episode was rated 7.54 from 743 votes.
Jay and Kat devise a way to help persecuted foreign LGBTQ citizens escape their country while their U.S. homeland security applications are processed. However, when the country closes its borders, Jay and Kat are forced to change that plan quickly, as it could now threaten their relationship with neighboring allies.
The episode was rated 7.53 from 685 votes.
While Elizabeth seeks a diplomatic solution to a doomsday cult in Bolivia, a congressman attempting to negotiate with its leader is taken hostage. Meanwhile, Elizabeth and Henry meet Stevie’s much older boyfriend.
The episode was rated 7.52 from 605 votes.
Elizabeth and President Dalton work together to solve the Greek debt crisis, but not everyone at home is happy with the agreement. Meanwhile, Henry mulls over a new job offer, and Stevie reconnects with her childhood friend, the President’s son.
The episode was rated 7.47 from 592 votes.
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