Married at First Sight (AU) is a popular reality TV show which first aired on the Nine Network in 2015. The show follows the journey of 8 Australian singles carefully matched into four couples, who meet each other for the first time at their wedding. With 11 seasons and hundreds of episodes, it can be difficult to pick out the best episodes. To help you decide, here are the top 3 ranked episodes from Married at First Sight (AU).
The first episode is from season 4 and is titled ‘The First Commitment Ceremony’. This episode introduces viewers to the four couples as they stand up in front of each other and make their commitment to each other. Along with a gripping storyline and heartfelt moments, this episode is sure to leave a lasting impression.
The second episode is from season 5 and is titled ‘The Big Decision’. This episode follows the couples as they make their final decisions about whether or not they want to stay together. It’s an emotional rollercoaster and viewers will be left on the edge of their seats wondering what the couples will decide.
The third episode is from season 6 and is titled ‘Love At First Sight’. This episode focuses on the couples’ first impressions of each other and how their feelings have changed over time. It’s a touching episode that delves into the relationships of the couples and will make viewers appreciate the power of love.
Written by Sophie and last updated on apr 08, 2024.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
A surprise day trip lands the brides and grooms in the middle of a MAFS first.
The episode was rated 7.50 from 32 votes.
The second Dinner Party. Two of the experiment's biggest personalities face off across the table while two others look elsewhere for love.
The episode was rated 7.55 from 38 votes.
The couples leave their apartments for a dramatic week away as a group.
The episode was rated 7.56 from 34 votes.
The final dinner party. The experts produce the Honesty Box for the final test of the couples' commitment before they take their final vows.
The episode was rated 7.56 from 32 votes.
Final vows part one: the first couples decide whether or not to continue their relationships outside of the experiment in some of the most emotional vows ceremonies ever.
The episode was rated 7.59 from 29 votes.
Everyone is back for Boys & Girls' night. Sam has unfinished business with Bryce.
The episode was rated 7.59 from 34 votes.
Bryce finds himself in the firing line again at the Dinner Party.
The episode was rated 7.59 from 37 votes.
A controversial incident shatters the final night of the group's week away.
The episode was rated 7.62 from 34 votes.
Alessandra's Intimacy Week continues with some couples nailing the challenges while others struggle.
The episode was rated 7.62 from 34 votes.
The final weddings deliver one of the experiment's most anticipated matches and a historic MAFS first.
The episode was rated 7.63 from 43 votes.
Reunion dinner party. All the couples return to catch up on life since the experiment ended and to sort out unfinished business.
The episode was rated 7.69 from 32 votes.
Married at First Sight (AU) Episode 19 begins with the fallout from the virtual "Meet the Parents" event. The couples are feeling the effects of the stressful event, and tensions are high. All of the couples had to face the difficult questions and scrutiny from the family members, and it was a challenging experience for everyone. The episode follows each couple as they navigate the aftermath of the event, and try to move forward in their relationships.
The episode begins with Mike and Stacey, who are still reeling from their heated argument from the night before. Both are still trying to make sense of the event, and Mike is determined to make things right with Stacey. He apologizes for his outburst, and the two discuss their feelings honestly and openly. They agree to move forward and try to rebuild their relationship.
The episode was rated 7.71 from 34 votes.
The couples are introduced to Intimacy Week – a series of challenges designed by new expert Alessandra to enhance intimacy & sexual compatibility.
The episode was rated 7.74 from 39 votes.
The fifteenth episode of Married at First Sight (AU) is an exciting one, as the experiment takes another unexpected twist. This episode is sure to keep viewers on the edge of their seats, as the couples face an uncertain future. It is clear that the experiment is not going as expected, and viewers are eager to see what will happen next.
The couples have been pushed to their emotional limits, as they struggle to make sense of the experiment. Many questions remain unanswered, and the couples must decide what is best for their future. The episode will delve into the emotions of the couples, as they grapple with the implications of the experiment. As always, viewers can expect an intense, emotional rollercoaster of a ride.
The episode was rated 7.78 from 41 votes.
In the highly anticipated Episode 32 of Married at First Sight (AU), viewers are in for a treat with the explosive reunion finale. This episode marks a significant moment in the program's history, promising drama, emotions, and unexpected twists as the couples reunite on the couch for the final time.
As tensions run high and unresolved issues come to the surface, fans can expect a rollercoaster of emotions as the couples confront each other one last time. From heartfelt revelations to fiery confrontations, this reunion finale is sure to keep viewers at the edge of their seats, eagerly awaiting how each couple's journey will conclude.
With relationships hanging in the balance and decisions needing to be made, Episode 32 of Married at First Sight (AU) is a must-watch for fans who have followed the couples' journeys from the very beginning. Get ready for a finale that will leave you gasping, cheering, and maybe even shedding a tear as the couples navigate the final moments of their experiment in this unforgettable episode.
The episode was rated 7.88 from 32 votes.
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