Mayor of Kingstown

10 Worst Episodes of Mayor of Kingstown

Paramount+'s hit series Mayor of Kingstown has been a massive success since its debut in 2021. This show follows the McClusky family, a powerful family in a small Michigan town where the prison industry is the main source of business. Fans of the show have been tuning in to watch the intense drama and political intrigue since the first season aired. But while some episodes of the show have been incredibly well-received, others have been ranked as some of the worst. In this article, we'll be exploring the worst episodes of the Mayor of Kingstown and ranking them from least to most offensive.

The show currently has two seasons, and fans have been eagerly awaiting the third season. While the show has had some great episodes, there have been some that have left viewers feeling less than impressed. Whether it be poor acting, lack of character development, or a lack of plot, these episodes were not up to the high standards that fans have come to expect from Mayor of Kingstown.

So what are the worst episodes of Mayor of Kingstown? We'll be exploring this question by ranking the show's worst episodes from least to most offensive. We'll also be discussing what made these episodes so bad and why viewers found them so off-putting. So if you're curious to find out which episodes from Mayor of Kingstown were the worst, read on to learn more.

Written by Sophie and last updated on jul 26, 2024.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Mayor of Kingstown - S3E1

#10 - Soldier's Heart (Season 3 - Episode 1)

In the intense episode "Soldier's Heart" of Mayor of Kingstown, tensions reach a boiling point as tragedy strikes the city of Kingstown. The gripping narrative keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as they witness the aftermath of this heartbreaking event unfold.

Adding to the already volatile situation, a new face of the Russian mob makes a bold entrance, setting up shop in the city and potentially escalating the existing conflicts to dangerous heights. The presence of this new player introduces a fresh layer of intrigue and danger to the intricate web of power dynamics in Kingstown.

As the plot thickens and the stakes get higher, viewers are taken on a rollercoaster ride of emotions and suspense. With standout performances and jaw-dropping moments, "Soldier's Heart" keeps audiences hooked and eagerly anticipating what will happen next in this riveting series. Mayor of Kingstown delivers once again with its compelling storytelling and dynamic characters, making Sunday nights a must-watch for fans of thrilling drama.

The episode was rated 7.71 from 546 votes.

Mayor of Kingstown - S1E3

#9 - Simply Murder (Season 1 - Episode 3)


The episode Simply Murder from the show Mayor of Kingstown starts off with a tragic accident that has deadly consequences. This leads to an all-out manhunt as the search for the culprit intensifies. Meanwhile, Mike reaches out to a former prison contact, remembering his wise words β€œthe enemy of my enemy is not my friend”.

The episode is intense and full of suspense. It takes on a unique twist when a well-done kid is thrown into the mix. This is definitely a first and adds to the mystery and mystery of the episode. It's definitely a must watch.

The episode was rated 7.68 from 1253 votes.

Mayor of Kingstown - S3E6

#8 - Ecotone (Season 3 - Episode 6)

In the latest episode of "Mayor of Kingstown" titled "Ecotone," tensions rise as an unexpected attack hits dangerously close to home. Mike finds himself at a crucial crossroads, faced with an ultimatum that has the potential to upend everything he thought he knew. The intensity of the situation reaches new heights, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats.

As the season unfolds, the intricate web of relationships and power dynamics established in earlier episodes begins to unravel with devastating consequences. The emotional stakes are higher than ever, pulling audiences deeper into the gritty world of Kingstown. With each twist and turn, the characters are forced to confront their darkest desires and deepest fears, making for a gripping and unforgettable viewing experience.

With "Ecotone," the narrative arc of the season starts to culminate, promising a thrilling ride ahead for fans of the show. The unresolved conflicts and mounting suspense set the stage for what's to come, leaving viewers eagerly anticipating the next four episodes. "Mayor of Kingstown" continues to deliver a potent blend of drama, suspense, and raw emotion, solidifying its place as a must-watch series for those craving a gritty, unflinching look at the complexities of power and survival in a town on the brink.

The episode was rated 7.68 from 406 votes.

Mayor of Kingstown - S2E7

#7 - Drones (Season 2 - Episode 7)


In the seventh episode of Mayor of Kingstown, "Drones", the internal affairs investigation looms as Robert, Kyle, and Ian look to get their story straight. Mike and Evelyn's relationship grows tense in the wake of Lockett's murder, and Mike takes care of a problem for Bunny. Tracy worries about Kyle, and the episode ends with the quote, β€˜If there is no bad guy, then how the fxck do we get to keep being the good guys, huh?’

The episode left many viewers feeling unsatisfied, as the season has failed to maintain a coherent storyline. With the lack of emphasis on Milo's character and an unsatisfying payoff, viewers are hoping for a satisfying resolution in the upcoming episodes. Despite the growing tension between the characters and the apprehension of the impending investigation, Bunny's constant bitching and the dwindling interest in Iris leaves much to be desired.

The episode was rated 7.66 from 897 votes.

Mayor of Kingstown - S3E2

#6 - Guts (Season 3 - Episode 2)

Anchor Bay gets a new inmate as Mike investigates recent deaths both inside and outside of prison walls.

The episode was rated 7.66 from 499 votes.

Mayor of Kingstown - S3E5

#5 - Iris (Season 3 - Episode 5)


In the intense episode "Iris" of Mayor of Kingstown, viewers are taken on a rollercoaster ride as Iris faces her past head-on, setting off a chain of dangerous events. As Iris navigates through her personal turmoil, the Mayor stumbles upon a new player in the town's intricate power dynamics, adding a fresh twist to the already complex political landscape.

Meanwhile, tensions escalate to unprecedented levels between Bunny and Konstantin, with their rivalry reaching a boiling point that threatens to shake the foundation of Kingstown. The dynamics between these two characters provide a gripping subplot that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, wondering how their clash will impact the town and its inhabitants.

While some viewers may find Iris' storyline repetitive, the episode delves deep into her character, shedding light on her motivations and struggles. As the plot thickens and secrets unravel, "Iris" promises to deliver a compelling narrative that keeps audiences engaged and eager to see how the characters' choices will shape the future of Kingstown.

The episode was rated 7.65 from 423 votes.

Mayor of Kingstown - S1E5

#4 - Orion (Season 1 - Episode 5)

In the episode "Orion" of the show Mayor of Kingstown, Kyle and Ian are questioned by internal affairs in the wake of a shootout. Meanwhile, Bunny asks Mike for help with a close family member. During the episode, Mike and a hockey player have a memorable exchange in which the player calls Mike "sir" and Mike responds with a firm "Don't call me that!"

The episode is full of tension as Kyle and Ian are interrogated, while Bunny seeks help from Mike. The exchange between Mike and the hockey player is a brief moment of levity in the midst of the drama. Mike's response provides an insight into his character, revealing his disdain for being addressed with formal titles. It also provides a bit of comic relief, reminding the audience that despite the serious themes of the show, humor is still present.

The episode was rated 7.65 from 1129 votes.

Mayor of Kingstown - S1E2

#3 - The End Begins (Season 1 - Episode 2)


In the episode "The End Begins" of the show Mayor of Kingstown, local gang leader Bunny is unhappy when one of his men is taken away. However, Mike is able to make a deal and is later visited by two FBI agents who worked with Mitch. Milo also gives instructions to Josef to get closer to Mike.

The episode builds tension as Bunny's men are taken away, and Mike works to broker a deal. The episode culminates in a tense scene as Mike is visited by the FBI agents, and Milo gives instructions to Josef. The episode ends with the quote, "Once you been in the jaws of the beast, someday you are gonna finish his meal," a powerful reminder of the stakes in the show. This episode is a solid example of why Mayor of Kingstown has become so popular.

The episode was rated 7.65 from 1333 votes.

Mayor of Kingstown - S1E1

#2 - The Mayor of Kingstown (Season 1 - Episode 1)

The Mayor of Kingstown is the pilot episode of the show Mayor of Kingstown. This episode follows brothers Mitch and Mike McLusky as they act as the middlemen between prisoners and the community. When a young guard, Sam, is caught up in a difficult situation, Mike works to help clear his name.

The first episode has been met with mixed reviews. Some find it an excellent start for the show, while others find it difficult to root for anyone due to the bleak setting. F-bombs are used too frequently for some viewers, leaving them feeling uncomfortable. Despite the mixed reviews, the show continues to move forward with the story of Mitch and Mike McLusky.

The episode was rated 7.63 from 1551 votes.

Mayor of Kingstown - S1E4

#1 - The Price (Season 1 - Episode 4)


In this episode of Mayor of Kingstown, Mike is put to the test as everyone wants something from him and he is reminded of who is in control. The episode starts off with Iris visiting Mike's office and then Mariam and Mike discussing Kyle's future. This episode takes a darker turn as Mike is put in a position to make a tough decision.

The scene in which Mike meets Iris is a great one. Mike is faced with a difficult choice and Iris makes a bold statement that she'll give Mike one year. It really paints a picture of the tense situation Mike is in and imagines what it would be like to live in Kingstown. The show keeps getting darker and darker as Mike is faced with increasingly difficult decisions.

The episode was rated 7.61 from 1183 votes.

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