Melrose Place

10 Worst Episodes of Melrose Place

Follow the lives of a group of young adults living in a brownstone apartment complex on Melrose Place, in Los Angeles, California.

Written by Sophie and last updated on may 04, 2022.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Melrose Place - S1E15

#10 - House of God (Season 1 - Episode 15)

A mysterious aspiring photographer named Jo Reynolds moves into the building. She responds coldly to the other residents' attempts to make nice, although she develops an instant attraction to Jake. She strikes up a friendship with Alison when they take out their romantic frustration on a washing machine. Jo explains that she left New York to escape from her marriage. The women continue to bond, and hustle some guys in a pool game at Shooters. Jo flirts shamelessly with Jake after he comes up to her apartment in a towel to remind her about the hot water shortage. Michael and Jane begin spending time with a respected pediatrician and his wife. Jane suspects that the woman is being abused, but Michael doesn't believe it because her husband is so good with his patients. Jane is certain that something is wrong, and pleads with Liz to seek help. Liz goes to the Mancinis after being beaten, and decides to leave Scott. Michael plans to report Scott to their boss, but convinces him to do

The episode was rated 6.82 from 11 votes.

Melrose Place - S1E12

#9 - Polluted Affairs (Season 1 - Episode 12)


After a chance meeting in the street, Alison becomes romantically involved with environmentalist Keith Gray. She is stunned to learn that he is married, but finds it difficult to break off the relationship after he vows to leave his wife for her. Billy is saddled with bad credit because he has yet to pay off a college loan that he didn't even need. Jane is determined to work off the weight from her pregnancy. She realizes that she is trying too hard to forget the miscarriage.

The episode was rated 6.82 from 11 votes.

Melrose Place - S2E31

#8 - Till Death Do Us Part (1) (Season 2 - Episode 31)

Jo is certain that Amanda will not gracefully bow out of her relationship with Jake. Hillary refuses to believe that Chas tried to seduce Amanda. Chas files a $10 million sexual harassment suit against Amanda, and the agency does not support her. She turns to Jake for consolation. Sydney is assaulted by three hookers when she invades their turf. Kimberly comforts her and pays her rent. She convinces Syd to participate in her plot to kill Michael, and they plan the crime over ice cream. Michael stands in the way of Jane's plans to expand her business. Billy's college friend Rob comes to town to serve as his best man, and gets along well with Matt. Billy is stunned to see them kissing in the courtyard.

The episode was rated 6.80 from 10 votes.

Melrose Place - S1E1

#7 - Pilot (Season 1 - Episode 1)


Alison's roommate leaves in the middle of the night and sticks her with the rent. The goofy Billy Campbell approaches her and asks about the vacancy, but she turns him down. Faced with eviction, she finally takes him up on his offer. Alison accidentally dents the car door of a vice president at the ad agency that employs her, D&D. She accepts a date with him, but Billy has to come to the rescue when the man tries to force his way into the apartment. Jake attempts a relationship with Kelly Taylor, a teenager whose house he had helped remodel. They are constantly faced with obstacles due to their age difference. Rhonda is pursued by one of her aerobics students, but learns that his interest is anything but romantic.

The episode was rated 6.70 from 40 votes.

Melrose Place - S1E11

#6 - A Promise Broken (Season 1 - Episode 11)

During a routine appointment, Jane learns that her baby has died. Michael is reluctant to express his emotions about the loss, and quarrels with colleague Kimberly Shaw when she tries to convince him to show his feelings. He later apologizes, and the two flirt rather obviously. The Mancinis' friends give them a dog to help take their mind off of losing the baby, but Jane loses the dog at the beach. Michael lashes out at her and admits that he fears she may have lost the baby because she initially considered an abortion. He later apologizes for not being more supportive throughout the pregnancy. They find the dog, but let a lonely old woman keep it. Meanwhile, Alison is enraged after finding Billy fooling around with one of her bras while doing the laundry. She claims their friendship is over, but later explains the reason for her anger.

The episode was rated 6.67 from 12 votes.

Melrose Place - S1E8

#5 - Lonely Hearts (Season 1 - Episode 8)


While Sandy is hat-shopping with Rhonda, a cute guy named Paul sees her through the store window. He quickly asks her out, and she accepts. However, she soon realizes that there is no spark between them and tries to let him down gently. Paul can't seem to take the hint, and keeps showing up and trying to win her heart. Sandy becomes very uncomfortable, but her friends feel that Paul is a nice guy who deserves a chance. However, he soon begins calling her in the middle of the night. Jake promises to protect Sandy, and they discuss their dysfunctional relationship as they spend time together. Paul breaks into Sandy's apartment and covers her bedroom with flowers. Jake tracks him down and roughs him up, and winds up behind bars. Sandy angrily confronts Paul and convinces him to drop the charges and leave her alone. Meanwhile, Alison looks to replace her clunker car, ""Betsy."" However, she has a hard time letting go of her first car because of all the memories it holds.

The episode was rated 6.67 from 12 votes.

Melrose Place - S4E11

#4 - Free Kimmy (Season 4 - Episode 11)

Alison and Hayley honeymoon at a luxurious hotel/resort in Cancun, which he owns. Alison overhears Hayley arguing with the hotel manager over finances. She is further distressed when Hayley tells Brooke that he and Alison will not have children. Amanda pushes Peter away. Jack's father orders his other son, Bobby, to ""take care of"" Amanda. Michael is pleased when Sydney throws him a surprise birthday party, but threatens to cut her loose when he learns she is blackmailing Peter. Jane decks Jo after she overhears her making a catty remark to Richard. Jane decides to begin dating Michael to make Richard jealous. A lonely Kimberly has a fling with the pool boy. Matt and Jake discover that bookkeeper Shelly hasn't given Jake the password to Shooters' computer records. Meanwhile, Shelly fills a safe deposit box with cash.

The episode was rated 6.58 from 12 votes.

Melrose Place - S1E9

#3 - Responsibly Yours (Season 1 - Episode 9)


Billy helps a woman whose car has broken down along the side of her road. He gives her a ride to a gas station. When she doesn't have the money to pay him, she gives him some passes to a club where she is performing stand-up comedy for an Open Mic night. They get along very well, but Billy soon learns that she has an eight-year-old son. The boy initially rejects Billy, but they soon begin to bond. Billy loses Alison's trust by lying to her so that she will loan him the money Dawn needs for car repairs to make it to her first professional stand-up gig. The relationship falls apart when Billy gets into a confrontation with Dawn's useless ex-husband. Jake and Sandy try to rebuild their relationship, agreeing to go on a ""platonic"" date. Things quickly get out of hand, leaving Sandy enraged and the two not on speaking terms.

The episode was rated 6.58 from 12 votes.

Melrose Place - S1E27

#2 - The Test (Season 1 - Episode 27)

Jake and Jo are forced to submit to AIDS tests after his ex-girlfriend Peri reveals that she is HIV positive. Unable to cope with their anxiety, Jake and Jo take off on his bike and spend the night in the desert. He apologizes for the situation, and they confess their love. They declare that they will appreciate their lives more, regardless of the test results. Their tests come back negative, and Jake offers his support to Peri. Billy uses an embellished résumé to win a job at Escapade Magazine. His boss, Nancy, develops a crush on him. Alison returns to D&D and begs for her old job. Unfortunately, Amanda is in charge of hiring for the position. She lets Alison work as a receptionist, until Lucy forces her to re-hire Alison. Amanda continues to treat Alison badly, but denies that it has anything to do with Billy.

The episode was rated 6.55 from 11 votes.

Melrose Place - S1E4

#1 - For Love or Money (Season 1 - Episode 4)


Alison is befriended by a guy from the mail room, who quickly asks her out. He reveals that his father is the vice president of a sunscreen company with which D&D is doing business. She makes a suggestion for the campaign, and is enraged when Rick steals the idea and pitches it to Lucy, her boss. Alison tells Lucy what happened, but she is afraid to do anything because of possible repercussions from Rick's father. Lucy gives Alison the chance to work on the campaign, and Alison develops a new ruthless attitude that she later comes to regret. After failing miserably in his new job at a coffee shop, Jake agrees to help his ex-girlfriend Peri with the sale of a fraudulent painting. He backs out of the deal after catching Peri using drugs, and later lands a job as a mechanic. Matt questions Rhonda's character after she reneges on a promise to help with a dinner at the halfway house.

The episode was rated 6.27 from 15 votes.

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