A demented serial killer taunts a retired police detective with a series of lurid letters and emails, forcing the ex-cop to undertake a private, and potentially felonious, crusade to bring the killer to justice before he can strike again. Based on the bestselling novel by Stephen King.
Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 04, 2023.
PS: The following content contains spoilers!
PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!
Ida is hurt as Hodges and Janey's relationship intensifies. Lou is disturbed by an interaction with a customer. Deborah takes Brady to the cemetery and the two reflect on their difficult past.
The episode was rated 7.61 from 1868 votes.
Hodges is rattled by the death of a hospital staff member. Jerome offers help in Hodges's quest to uncover the truth. Brady works to master the limitations of his newfound ability. Already struggling to cope, Lou suffers additional setbacks.
The episode was rated 7.58 from 737 votes.
Alma and Morris zero in on a suspect. Jerome continues to make strides in the Rothstein case. Hodges shares his guilt over Lou's current situation with Ida. Lou's trial officially begins, and she has some suggestions for Finkelstein.
The episode was rated 7.58 from 482 votes.
Two years after retiring, former homicide detective Bill Hodges is still haunted by his last case. When the demented culprit begins to torment Hodges, he embarks on a crusade to bring the killer to justice.
The episode was rated 7.57 from 2520 votes.
As she is evaluated for mental competency, Lou continues to be haunted by Brady. Morris and Alma hatch a plan to recover their spoils.
The episode was rated 7.56 from 534 votes.
Hodges and Janey dig deeper into the circumstances surrounding Olivia's death. Hodges uses Debbie's Blue Umbrella to turns the tables on Brady. Jerome's father intervenes in his relationship with Hodges.
The episode was rated 7.54 from 1946 votes.
Brady welcomes a visitor from his past. Sensing Holly's growing frustration, Hodges includes her in his unofficial investigation. Cora continues to apply pressure to Babineau.
The episode was rated 7.51 from 752 votes.
Hodges struggles with the past as it concerns his daughter, Allie. As Deb attempts to make a change for the better, Brady interferes. Robi continues pressuring Brady to impress their bosses. Hodges connects with Janey's niece, Holly.
The episode was rated 7.50 from 1649 votes.
With Brady hospitalized, Hodges and Holly rebuild, opening private investigative agency Finders Keepers. Brady's care falls to Dr. Babineau, an ambitious neurosurgeon, with input from his brilliant wife, Cora.
The episode was rated 7.44 from 877 votes.
Hodges struggles with his cases at Finders Keepers, putting him at odds with a concerned Holly. Sadie senses a shift in Brady's medical state and informs Dr. Babineau. Jerome arrives home from Harvard for the summer.
The episode was rated 7.42 from 833 votes.
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