My 600-lb Life

10 Worst Episodes of My 600-lb Life

TLC's My 600-lb Life documents the journeys individuals undertake to escape obesity and regain control of their lives.

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 10, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

My 600-lb Life - S8E12

#10 - Coliesa's Story (Season 8 - Episode 12)

The four best reasons for Coliesa to live are her daughters, but after a heart attack and losing the love of her life in a car crash, she eats non-stop to escape from reality; unless she can stop that, the next heart attack will be fatal

The episode was rated 6.89 from 28 votes.

My 600-lb Life - S7E15

#9 - Angela's Story (Season 7 - Episode 15)


When Angela's family is unable to accompany her on her weight-loss journey to Texas she is unsure what to do. At the last minute, she reaches out to an old flame, Eric, who still has love for her and is willing to make the trip.

The episode was rated 6.84 from 25 votes.

My 600-lb Life - S9E8

#8 - Isaac's Journey (Season 9 - Episode 8)

Isaac helped raise his siblings after his mom suffered a debilitating stroke when he was 10. While learning to cook for his family, he began comfort-eating. Now to avoid eating himself to death, Isaac must learn to take care of himself for a change.

The episode was rated 6.82 from 17 votes.

My 600-lb Life - S9E6

#7 - Kenae's Journey (Season 9 - Episode 6)


Kenae's weight gain skyrocketed due to her grief after her mother's death.

The episode was rated 6.81 from 16 votes.

My 600-lb Life - S9E7

#6 - Krystal’s Journey (Season 9 - Episode 7)

Krystal began overeating to shield herself with a protective layer of obesity after suffering years of abuse. Once a means of protection, her pathological eating now threatens to destroy her life if she doesn't get help.

The episode was rated 6.75 from 16 votes.

My 600-lb Life - S9E3

#5 - Carrie's Story (Season 9 - Episode 3)


Carrie is on the brink of eating herself to death.

The episode was rated 6.73 from 22 votes.

My 600-lb Life - S9E9

#4 - Michael's Journey (Season 9 - Episode 9)

A lifetime of abuse and ridicule has left Michael anxious and afraid to leave the house. Now with the help of his devoted wife he must follow Dr. Now's program to keep from eating himself to death.

The episode was rated 6.56 from 18 votes.

My 600-lb Life - S9E4

#3 - Cindy's Story (Season 9 - Episode 4)


Cindy is resistant to change and has spent years creating a world that makes her feel safe. When her friend notices Cindy's health declining rapidly due to her size, she pushes Cindy to move to Houston and see Dr. Now. But Cindy isn't so easily persuaded.

The episode was rated 6.47 from 17 votes.

My 600-lb Life - S9E5

#2 - Melissa M's Story (Season 9 - Episode 5)

Melissa has isolated herself at home and lost many friends to avoid feeling the shame of what her food addiction has done to her body. Now, the only way to get her life back is to leave it behind to start a new one with Dr. Now's help in Houston.

The episode was rated 6.29 from 14 votes.

My 600-lb Life - S10E11

#1 - Ontreon's Journey (Season 10 - Episode 11)


At 700 pounds, Ontreon has managed to keep going thanks to his faith in God, and he's training to become a minister. But if he can't find a way to believe in himself, he'll never be able to stop eating.

The episode was rated 6.25 from 12 votes.

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