My Cat From Hell

10 Best Episodes of My Cat From Hell

From spastic cats that break up relationships to violent felines that put their owners in the hospital, cat behaviorist Jackson Galaxy has seen it all. Follow Jackson as he brings his unique understanding of cats to desperate families on the verge of giving up on their furry companions.

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 06, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

My Cat From Hell - S4E4

#15 - Feral Scottish Fold (Season 4 - Episode 4)

Bob and Stephanie have a stray cat who they've named Buddy. Buddy is a Scottish Fold who has managed to both pull on Stephanie's heartstrings and rip her to shreds. Angela and Gloria's cat Kali goes into full out-to-kill attack mode on their other cats.

The episode was rated 8.29 from 24 votes.

My Cat From Hell - S9E5

#14 - Kitten Impossible: Roadtrip Rescue (Season 9 - Episode 5)


In a first-of-its-kind episode, Jackson takes the show on the road, literally. To save the lives of 50 kittens from LA shelters, the Cat Daddy high-tails 50 orphan kittens in need of a home all the way to his old stomping grounds of Boulder, CO.

The episode was rated 8.30 from 44 votes.

My Cat From Hell - S4E8

#13 - Chubs (Season 4 - Episode 8)

Sara and John are now expecting their first child. The only glitch in their happily ever after story, is Sara's aggressive cat, Lucy. Keri wants to become an animal behaviorist. Will the daily fights between her two cats make her change her career path?

The episode was rated 8.30 from 27 votes.

My Cat From Hell - S2E3

#12 - On the War Path (Season 2 - Episode 3)


A vicious cat named Kleo attacks Tim’s cats, keeping him from proposing to his girlfriend, Brooklyn. War veteran Bobby and his girlfriend In-Hae deal with Marco, a cat that reacts violently towards their tiny dog, Yuki.

The episode was rated 8.31 from 39 votes.

My Cat From Hell - S4E11

#11 - My Cat Ruined My Wedding (Season 4 - Episode 11)

Aimee and Katy love each other and are ready to take the next step and move in together. However, Katy's cat pink is putting a wrench in their plans. Jon and Michelle never thought their marriage would be riddled with stress over their demonic cat Zooey.

The episode was rated 8.32 from 22 votes.

My Cat From Hell - S8E10

#10 - A Brave New Cat World (Season 8 - Episode 10)


Jackson goes to a shelter in Los Angeles to help an overaggressive cat, and ultimately gets involved in a new concept for the facility.

The episode was rated 8.35 from 37 votes.

My Cat From Hell - S4E14

#9 - Evil Kashmir (Season 4 - Episode 14)

Dean thought Brenda and her cat, Kashmir would be the perfect fit to his home. Unfortunately for them, Kashmir has turned into "resident evil". Arman is frustrated that Theresa's cat's Turbo and Riyo have turned their new space into a giant litter box.

The episode was rated 8.39 from 23 votes.

My Cat From Hell - S10E8

#8 - Baby the Bully (Season 10 - Episode 8)



The episode was rated 8.40 from 20 votes.

My Cat From Hell - S4E17

#7 - Where Are They Meow? (Season 4 - Episode 17)

After 4 seasons, Jackson Galaxy checks in with previous seasons cat owners, to recap on their story, and find out how they and their cats are doing since filming wrapped.

The episode was rated 8.42 from 19 votes.

My Cat From Hell - S8E4

#6 - Scary Tails (Season 8 - Episode 4)


Skylar is afraid of its tail, while another is always knocking things over, climbing window screens and capable of attacking at any moment. Also: people are inspired by a disabled cat.

The episode was rated 8.43 from 54 votes.

My Cat From Hell - S3E5

#5 - Roscoe The Menace (Season 3 - Episode 5)

Terror cat, Mufasa, is threatening the planning of engaged couples', Rudy and Andrea's perfect wedding. Ruben and Danielle's cat Roscoe is a menace knocking things off shelves, destroying furniture and climbing window screens trying to escape.

The episode was rated 8.43 from 30 votes.

My Cat From Hell - S3E10

#4 - Bitten (Season 3 - Episode 10)


A couple is at odds with their fueding cats, Bitten and Chompy. With Jackson's help, can these aptly named cats and their family live together in peace? Mike recently moved in with Amy but is having second thoughts because of her vicious cat Achilles.

The episode was rated 8.48 from 23 votes.

My Cat From Hell - S6E6

#3 - Appetite for Destruction (Season 6 - Episode 6)

Marco and Aimee recently got married, but Marco's cat, Monty, is tearing them apart with his appetite for destruction. Marco will eat everything and everything in sight from shoes, to towels, to their bedspread, nothing is safe.

The episode was rated 8.58 from 12 votes.

My Cat From Hell - S4E1

#2 - Deaf, Blind, and Biting (Season 4 - Episode 1)


Burberry is mostly deaf and blind, has stopped using her litter box and has become violent towards them and their new kitten Purrodox. David and Rebecca's plans of starting a family are on hold due to the violence between their cat Leo and dog Nala.

The episode was rated 8.64 from 28 votes.

My Cat From Hell - S10E12

#1 - Philly's Forgotten Cats (Season 10 - Episode 12)

Jackson faces one of his greatest challenges when an old friend enlists his help; he is asked to put on a mass trapping event and recruit a new generation of volunteers to save community cats in Philadelphia.

The episode was rated 8.69 from 16 votes.

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