Naruto Shippuden

10 Best Episodes of Naruto Shippuden - Season 13

Naruto Shippuuden is the continuation of the original animated TV series Naruto.The story revolves around an older and slightly more matured Uzumaki Naruto and his quest to save his friend Uchiha Sasuke from the grips of the snake-like Shinobi, Orochimaru. After 2 and a half years Naruto finally returns to his village of Konoha, and sets about putting his ambitions to work, though it will not be easy, as He has amassed a few (more dangerous) enemies, in the likes of the shinobi organization; Akatsuki.

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 02, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Naruto Shippuden - S13E32

#15 - Power - Episode 3 (Season 13 - Episode 32)

Miina wakes up in the middle of a night after having a nightmare where Naruto is consumed by numerous snakes inside his subconscious while the Nine-Tails looks on and goes to Dokku for consolation. The next morning Naruto wakes up feeling ill but despite this, decides to train the children after being prompted by them. Meanwhile in the wasteland outside of The Hole, the reanimated Deidara and Hidan begin a heated debate after slaughtering some of the village guards. Miina then has another strange dream where the village is attacked by a multiple-eyed creature, however she is saved by Naruto, covered in the golden chakra reminiscent of the Nine-Tails Fox Mode. Back in the wasteland, Deidara and Hidan continue to argue about the flaws of their abilities but are attacked by Yamato and Sai who are accompanied by a squad of village guards. Upon returning to Shiseru's home with Naruto still feeling unwell, Miina has another strange dream where she sees the snakes envelop Naruto's body while being coaxed by an unknown voice. She then rushes to Naruto and begins pounding his stomach. Shiseru then involuntarily hits Miina leaving everyone in shock. Later the village Chief, along with some guards come to the house. He tries to get the location of the the remaining pieces of the village treasure entrusted to Dokku, however Miina is able to discern his true nature, revealing him to be a reanimated corpse. Kabuto then reveals himself and summons more reanimated corpses who Naruto and Sakura engage in battle. Although, Naruto is pushed back by the reanimated Hayate Gekou which causes Miina to again run to Naruto and revealed to be shouting at the snakes within him which he regurgitates. The snakes, now enfused with the Nine-Tails' chakra solidfy into a miniaturized four-tailed demon fox form. Kabuto then places a talisman into the creature but finds it difficult to control. The creature then goes on a rampage.

The episode was rated 8.18 from 79 votes.

Naruto Shippuden - S13E4

#14 - Secrets of the Reanimation Jutsu (Season 13 - Episode 4)


Eight Tails tells Naruto about the limits of Tailed Beast chakra mode and Bee wants to train Naruto in how to use the Tailed Beast Bomb. At the outskirts of Mountain Graveyard, Kabuto demonstrates the Reanimation Jutsu and Tobi releases Fu and Torune as demonstration subjects. Tobi kills Torune and Kabuto extracts Torune's blood which serves as a personal identification and soul retrieval. Kabuto links the jutsu on the incapacitated Fu and transforms into an undead Torune. Kabuto also explains that he cannot summon the previous Hokages because their souls were now sealed by the Reaper Death Seal. Meanwhile, Ao detects a large number of White Zetsus moving underground. Kitsuchi and Kurotsuchi use the Erupt jutsu to spit the White Zetsus out from the ground.

The episode was rated 8.20 from 127 votes.

Naruto Shippuden - S13E1

#13 - For My Friend (Season 13 - Episode 1)

Kabuto mobilizes his undead army and Tobi mobilizes his 100,000 White Zetsus underground. Anko Mitarashi tells her teammates to leave her and relay the intel to the Allied Shinobi Forces. However, she is attacked by Kabuto who manages to incapacitate her. Meanwhile at the Hidden Cloud Village, ninjas from different villages started arguing each other. Gaara starts his speech, telling that despite the pain and hatred he had it was Naruto who changed him and accepted him as a friend. He also states that they will stand as one shinobi, protecting Naruto from Akatsuki. The argument stops, ninjas start forgiving each other and everyone praise Gaara. After the speech, the Allied Shinobi Forces now mobilize towards the enemy.

The episode was rated 8.21 from 143 votes.

Naruto Shippuden - S13E33

#12 - Power - Episode 4 (Season 13 - Episode 33)


The Nine-Tailed Naruto clone tries to attack Dokku and the orphans, when Might Guy and Rock Lee arrive to repel it. While they fight the beast, Kabuto tries to control it, but to no avail. The rest of Konoha 11 arrive. Team Asuma helps Sakura and Kakashi and Team Kurenai helps Naruto. Tenten and Neji arrive, but are cornered by the reincarnated puppets. Kakashi chases Kabuto. The beast grabs Naruto to absorb chakra, which the Nine-Tails gladly shares. Hinata tries to defend Naruto, but is sent flying. After the beast absorbs Naruto's chakra, it grows in size and starts to devastate the Hachō Village, even firing a Tailed Beast Ball in far away, missing Yamato, Sai, Deidara and Hidan who are fighting outside the village. Dokku tries to save Naruto, who is still unconscious. Moments before the beast tramples them, Kabuto summons a snake to swallow both of them alive and retreats. While inside the underground hall in the Tonika Village, Naruto, unconscious and strangled by snakes, meets the Nine-Tails again in his subconscious. The Konoha-nin investigates Kabuto's intention in the meanwhile. Shiseru remembers an earlier conversation between her and Dokku about the pros and cons of them adopting the kids. While the Nine-Tails tries to control Naruto, Dokku calls him, but gets shouted instead. Dokku asks Naruto what burden a powerful person carries and made Naruto choose the reason why he desires to be powerful, seeing flashbacks of his comrades of Konoha and also Sasuke, leading to the seal inside Naruto to gain strength again. Dokku gives Naruto his forehead protector, stating that he believes in him. Meanwhile, Leo decides to save their teacher by giving the mysterious iron bars which were mentioned earlier by the Tonika Village Head. While inside the hall, Kabuto, along with two reincarnated puppets, approaches with Disonasu, revealing the village leader's betrayal. Disonasu pulls out a scroll, revealing Saezuri, a mysterious light much to Naruto and Dokku's shock.

The episode was rated 8.21 from 75 votes.

Naruto Shippuden - S13E10

#11 - Golden Bonds (Season 13 - Episode 10)

Having transformed into a pseudo-Nine-Tails in response to his brother being sealed, Kinhaku starts his rampage with Darui's division unable to content with the stronger foe despite their attempts. At the headquarters, Mabui, A's handpicked secretary, uses her object teleportation jutsu to transfer the sealing pot known as the Kohaku no Johei to Darui. Still at the coastline, the Kohaku no Johei arrives and so is the half of the Fourth Division to assist Darui's division. Darui manages to seal Kinkaku with the help of Ino-Shika-Cho. But Kakuzu arrives to face Ino-Shika-Cho while telling them that they also had their gold and silver pieces, their revived mentor Asuma and Tsunade's reanimated lover Dan Kato, on their side.

The episode was rated 8.28 from 124 votes.

Naruto Shippuden - S13E6

#10 - The First and Last Opponent (Season 13 - Episode 6)


Kakashi and his division continue their fight against the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist. Suigetsu reveals to Jugo that he wants to reform his own Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist and describes its former members including his brother Mangetsu with their corresponding blades they wield. As the mist gets thicker, Kakashi strategizes with a plan to bind Zabuza. Kakashi makes his attack against Zabuza but Haku blocks the attack. Kakashi recalls Naruto on their first mission as Naruto liked Haku and Zabuza because of their unique bond. Zabuza attacks Kakashi with his Executioner's blade and Kakashi evades even with Haku on his arm and having a sliced wound in his belly. Kakashi retaliates and successfully binds Zabuza. Meanwhile, the second division faces the white Zetsus and at the desert, the second Tsuchikage Mu appears and Gaara on a top of a rock anticipates the arrival of the enemy.

The episode was rated 8.29 from 138 votes.

Naruto Shippuden - S13E16

#9 - Attack of the Gedo Statue (Season 13 - Episode 16)

Black Zetsu finally locates the Feudal Lords' mansion and commences his attack. However, he is stopped by the Fifth Mizukage Mei Terumi and her squad. During the scuffle, Black Zetsu senses Naruto and Bee which he quickly conveys to Madara. At the coastline, Madara appears and summons the Gedo Statue to hold off his enemies while he goes after the Kohaku no Johei and the Benihisago to obtain Kinkaku and Ginkaku's Nine Tails chakra. As the Gedo Statue overwhlems the shinobi forces as their attempts to attack it are unsuccessful, Madara successfully obtains the relics and leaves the coastline. As night falls with Kabuto calling back his reanimated ninja army, the shinobi forces recuperate from the first day of the conflict while evaluating their counterattck.

The episode was rated 8.32 from 135 votes.

Naruto Shippuden - S13E14

#8 - The Complete Ino-Shika-Cho Formation (Season 13 - Episode 14)


The reunion of Ino-Shika-Cho to their sensei Asuma continues as Choji somewhat loses his will to fight. Ino manages to enter Choji's mind and tells that the meaning of their earrings that Asuma gave to them years ago. After Shikamaru recalling Asuma's last words, he scolded Choji and telling that they're not the ones to be protected but to stand up and protect others. Choji continues to recollect his past, about his kindness and the oath of being the next head of the Akamichi clan, and the butterfly who started as a simple yet kind caterpillar. Filled by his resolve, Choji becomes slim and a blue wing-like aura appears on his back. the trio start their attack to Asuma and they were successful. As Asuma is about to be sealed, he tells the trio that their formation is successful and complete.

The episode was rated 8.32 from 118 votes.

Naruto Shippuden - S13E9

#7 - Forbidden Words (Season 13 - Episode 9)

The Raikage talks to Tsunade about the brothers, and tells her how they were two of the most feared criminals in the Hidden Cloud and how they left the Second Hokage on the verge of death. He tells her that Kinkaku and Ginkaku use the weapons used by Sage of the Six Paths and that they are filled with the Nine tailed Fox's Chakra. Meanwhile on the coastline, Samui and the Atsui come to Darui to help him fight the brothers. Kinkaku and Ginkaku use their ninja tools: the Kokinjo (which draws the spirit word out), the Shichiseiken (which curses the spirit word), the Benihisago (which records the spirit word and seals the speaker within), and the Bashosen (which conjures chakra of all 5 natures). They succeed in capturing and sealing Atsui and Samui within the Benihisago. Darui then is almost drawn into the Benihisago, but before he is his spirit word changes. Then he takes the ninja tools from them and uses the tools to trap Ginkaku inside the Benihisago. Kinkaku gets angry and lets the chakra of the Nine tails out, turning him into the Nine-Tails.

The episode was rated 8.33 from 129 votes.

Naruto Shippuden - S13E15

#6 - A Message from the Heart (Season 13 - Episode 15)


Naruto leaves his training hall but being blocked by shinobi guards. Aburame Shibi insists Naruto to go back but Iruka arrives and attempts to fool Naruto. However, Naruto didn't believe on Iruka and using his Sage Mode he manages to leave the cave. Naruto was restrained via a shadow jutsu and Iruka continues to convince Naruto. Iruka gives Naruto's headband which he is about to restrain Naruto, but Naruto overpowers the group and leaves. On his headband, Naruto reads the letter from Iruka telling that he should come back alive. Iruka asks Bee a favor to protect him. Bee follows Naruto and they destroy the invisible blockade created by the Barrier Corps.

The episode was rated 8.34 from 128 votes.

Naruto Shippuden - S13E34

#5 - Power - Episode 5 (Season 13 - Episode 34)

While the Saezuri is revealed, learning that Disonasu employed Kabuto Yakushi to wipe out the residents of Tonika Village, Dokku tried to attack Disonasu, but stopped by a reincarnated puppet and restrained by a resurrected Takigakure shinobi. Disonasu also praised Naruto about defeating Pain, the one who scarred him and left him powerless, before kicking the boy repeatedly. Miina and the orphans came to The Hole to give the iron bars, but Kabuto's clone intercepted them. Meanwhile, the rest of Konoha 11, along with Kakashi, Shiseru, Yamato and Sai moved out to the area. Disonasu prepares the summoning of the "power" by putting the remaining iron bars while Naruto enters Sage Mode. Miina hums to the sound as the Saezuri is activated, causing the area Naruto is on, the Ama no Hoko, to rise above ground. Kakashi arrived on the scene, revealing Disonasu's past as a bloodthirsty murderer and former Akatsuki subordinate whose specialty is the field of Summoning Technique, having researched Impure World Reincarnation with Orochimaru. Kabuto summons his puppets, the Nine-Tailed Naruto Clone, Hidan, and Deidara. Naruto faces off with the clone, while Deidara uses Explosive Clay to create a diversion and chase Naruto. Disonasu escapes and Hidan faces Shikamaru. Deidara activates the Explosive Clay on the bodies of the resurrected individuals, as Hidan uses his ritual against Team Asuma, and Sakura got restrained by Hayate and the others. While Naruto relentlessly attacked the clone, he learned there is more than power. As Yamato restrained Disonasu, he activated the Saezuri, opening the area where Naruto faces the clone, draining the lake as an obelisk rises and creates a storm. After Hidan's clone body breaks down due to the shorten life spans of the snakes composing his body, Deidara is controlled by Kabuto to escape Kakashi. A lightning hit the area where the orphans are running, Miina pointing to the obelisk. When the storm expands towards Konoha, Tsunade goes out as the

The episode was rated 8.35 from 82 votes.

Naruto Shippuden - S13E22

#4 - The Secret Origin of the Ultimate Tag Team! (Season 13 - Episode 22)


Tsunade and the Raikage arrive to prevent Naruto and Killer Bee from joining the battle. But the two Kage fail to convince the Jinchuriki to turn back, forcing the Raikage to use extreme force.

The episode was rated 8.40 from 131 votes.

Naruto Shippuden - S13E2

#3 - War Begins (Season 13 - Episode 2)

The Allied Shinobi Forces' Commando Unit, led by Kankuro, enters the enemy territory. The Undead Commando Unit captures Tokuma, Ranka and Muta. Kankuro and his men deploy a small trenched outpost to survey the environment until Muta appears in front of them, who happens to be attached to Sasori's chakra strings and planted with Deidara's bomb. Taji attempts to save Muta but Deidara detonates Muta and in a split second Ittan sinks their outpost with his Earth style jutsu to avoid the explosion. Tokuma and Ranka descend to attack Kankuro's unit but Omoi manages to cut Sasori's chakra strings, saving Tokuma and Ranka. Kankuro tugs Sasori down and Ittan raises their outpost. Kankuro tells Sasori that it is the first time he see Sasori's real form and recalls their previous clash which he was poisoned. Kankuro summons his puppet Sasori to prepare their grudge match.

The episode was rated 8.42 from 138 votes.

Naruto Shippuden - S13E23

#2 - Two Suns (Season 13 - Episode 23)


Fourth Raikage Ay attacks Naruto in an attempt to prevent the Jinchuriki from falling into Madara’s hands. Ay is unwilling to listen to either Tsunade or Killer Bee’s pleas to change his mind.

The episode was rated 8.55 from 143 votes.

Naruto Shippuden - S13E35

#1 - Power - Episode 6 (Season 13 - Episode 35)

Naruto is overcome by the Ama no Hoko's power and lies unconscious, when the real Nine Tails offers to lend him strength.

The episode was rated 8.74 from 89 votes.

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