Our Cartoon President

10 Worst Episodes of Our Cartoon President

The true-ish adventures of Trump's confidants and bon vivants — family, top associates, heads of government, golf pros and anyone else straying into his orbit — intrepidly exploring their histories and their psyches, revealing insights into what makes them so definitively Trumpian. It's a workplace comedy where the office happens to be oval; it's a character study in search of character, as seen through the eyes of an imaginary documentary crew.

Written by Sophie and last updated on feb 06, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Our Cartoon President - S1E17

#10 - Militarization (Season 1 - Episode 17)

Our Cartoon President militarizes the government and launches a military parade with National Security Advisor John Bolton's help while Sean Hannity reshapes FOX cable news network in his aggressive image.

The episode was rated 6.84 from 73 votes.

Our Cartoon President - S3E6

#9 - The Endorsement (Season 3 - Episode 6)


At the urging of Cartoons Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer, Cartoon Joe Biden pursues Cartoon Barack Obama’s prized endorsement in hopes of clinching the nomination. Meanwhile, Cartoon Kellyanne Conway must convince Cartoon Trump that his fabled and impossibly positive “internal polls” actually do exist.

The episode was rated 6.82 from 49 votes.

Our Cartoon President - S3E2

#8 - The Economy (Season 3 - Episode 2)

After Cartoon Trump discovers that an impending economic downturn threatens his re-election chances, he and his sons Cartoon Don Jr. and Cartoon Eric must con the country into believing the economy has never been stronger. Meanwhile, a gaffe-prone Cartoon Joe Biden solicits help from Cartoon Ocasio-Cortez to help him appear “with it.”

The episode was rated 6.78 from 59 votes.

Our Cartoon President - S1E18

#7 - Election Special 2018 (Season 1 - Episode 18)


Fearing a Democratic blue wave and the threat of impeachment, Our Cartoon President teams with his son Don Jr. to help Republicans win the midterm elections and save America from the grips of democracy. Joining the fight are Cartoons Mike Pence, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and Vladimir Putin.

The episode was rated 6.77 from 30 votes.

Our Cartoon President - S3E16

#6 - Senate Control (Season 3 - Episode 16)

With the Democrats likely to win control of Congress, Cartoon Chuck Schumer and Cartoon Nancy Pelosi try to avoid the responsibilities of governing by sabotaging their own party's electoral chances. Meanwhile, bombarded by reporters asking whether she supports the President, Cartoon Susan Collins flees to her home state of Maine to lead a life of zero accountability – until Cartoon Brett Kavanaugh foils her plan.

The episode was rated 6.74 from 31 votes.

Our Cartoon President - S3E7

#5 - Warren vs. Facebook (Season 3 - Episode 7)


After a fake news story spreads on Facebook that threatens Cartoon Elizabeth Warren's campaign, she vows to hold cartoon tech giant Mark Zuckerberg accountable. Meanwhile, Cartoon Eric grows insecure about his position in the Trump family hierarchy and, with the help of his wife Lara, sets out to become the Trump campaign's media darling.

The episode was rated 6.73 from 49 votes.

Our Cartoon President - S3E8

#4 - G-7 (Season 3 - Episode 8)

After the G-7 nations make Cartoon Trump feel like a loser, he decides to start his own international alliance for cool dictators including Cartoons Putin, Turkey's Erdogan, and Saudi Arabia's Mohammad bin Salman. Meanwhile, Cartoons Ivanka and Don Jr. fight to see who will inherit the Trump dynasty.

The episode was rated 6.66 from 50 votes.

Our Cartoon President - S3E9

#3 - Secret Money (Season 3 - Episode 9)


After Cartoon Trump learns he doesn't have enough money to pay his lawyers, he realizes he must fundraise from dreaded cartoon Silicon Valley tech moguls Zuckerberg, Musk and Bezos. Meanwhile, Cartoon Elizabeth Warren, also strapped for cash, swallows her pride and seeks help from Wall Street and Cartoon Michael Bloomberg.

The episode was rated 6.65 from 52 votes.

Our Cartoon President - S3E15

#2 - Wartime President (Season 3 - Episode 15)

With a restless nation turning against him, Cartoon Trump declares war on the invisible enemy COVID-19 and exploits the benefits of a wartime Presidency. Meanwhile, Cartoon CNN’s Chris Cuomo asks his respected colleague Cartoon Jake Tapper to teach him how to be a serious newsman, much to the dismay of Cuomo's fun-loving brother, Cartoon Governor Andrew Cuomo.

The episode was rated 6.62 from 29 votes.

Our Cartoon President - S3E10

#1 - Coronavirus (Season 3 - Episode 10)


With the pandemic ravaging the country and his reelection in jeopardy, Cartoon Trump launches a propaganda campaign to convince America he's got the crisis under control. Meanwhile, after social distancing guidelines force Cartoon Joe Biden out of the spotlight and into his basement, he enlists Cartoon Barack Obama to help him recapture his former glory.

The episode was rated 6.58 from 43 votes.

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